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wil committed Dec 24, 2009
0 parents commit bdb5d3c
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Showing 5 changed files with 269 additions and 0 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
gtornado = Tornado + gevent

:Author: Wil Tan
:Version: $Revision:


Tornado_ is a high performance web server and framework. It operates in a non-blocking fashion,
utilizing Linux's epoll_ facility when available. It also comes bundled with several niceties
such as authentication via OpenID, OAuth, secure cookies, templates, CSRF protection and UI modules.

Unfortunately, some of its features ties the developer into its own asynchronous API implementation.

This module is an experiment to monkey patch it just enough to make it run under gevent.
One advantage of doing so is that one can use a coroutine-style and code in a blocking fashion
while being able to use the tornado framework.

.. _Tornado:
.. _epoll:
Empty file added src/gt/
Empty file.
Binary file added src/gt/__init__.pyc
Binary file not shown.
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions src/gt/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
import time
import cgi
import gevent
import gevent.hub
import gevent.http

def patch_tornado_ioloop():
_tornado_iol = __import__('tornado.ioloop', fromlist=['fromlist_has_to_be_non_empty'])
_IOLoop = _tornado_iol.IOLoop

class IOLoop:
def __init__(self):
self._handlers = {} # by fd
self._events = {} # by fd

def start(self):

def remove_handler(self, fd):
self._handlers.pop(fd, None)
ev = self._events.pop(fd, None)

def update_handler(self, fd, events):
handler = self._handlers.pop(fd, None)
ev = self._events[fd]
self.add_handler(fd, handler, events)

def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events):
type = 0
if events & _IOLoop.READ:
type = type | gevent.core.EV_READ
if events & _IOLoop.WRITE:
type = type | gevent.core.EV_WRITE
if events & _IOLoop.ERROR:
type = type | gevent.core.EV_SIGNAL

def callback(ev, type):
tornado_events = 0
if type & gevent.core.EV_READ:
tornado_events |= _IOLoop.READ
if type & gevent.core.EV_WRITE:
tornado_events |= _IOLoop.WRITE
if type & gevent.core.EV_SIGNAL:
tornado_events |= _IOLoop.ERROR
return handler(ev.fd, tornado_events)

self._events[fd] = gevent.core.event(type, fd, callback)
self._handlers[fd] = handler

def add_callback(self, callback):
print "adding callback"

def add_timeout(self, deadline, callback):
print "adding callback"
gevent.spawn_later(int(deadline - time.time()), callback)

def instance(cls):
print "new instance?"
if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
cls._instance = cls()
return cls._instance

#print "orig ioloop = ", dir(_tornado_iol)
_tornado_iol.IOLoop = IOLoop
#print "iol = ", id(_tornado_iol.IOLoop)

def patch_tornado_httpserver():
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPRequest

def parse_t_http_output(buf):
headers, body = buf.split("\r\n\r\n", 1)
headers = headers.split("\r\n")
ver, code, msg = headers[0].split(" ", 2)
code = int(code)
chunked = False

headers_out = []
for h in headers[1:]:
k, v = h.split(":", 1)
if k == "Transfer-Encoding" and v == "chunked":
chunked = True
headers_out.append((k, v.lstrip()))

return code, msg, headers_out, body, chunked

def parse_post_body(req, body):
content_type = req.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
if req.method == "POST":
if content_type.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):
arguments = cgi.parse_qs(req.body)
for name, values in arguments.iteritems():
values = [v for v in values if v]
if values:
req.arguments.setdefault(name, []).extend(values)
elif content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
boundary = content_type[30:]
if boundary:
self._parse_mime_body(boundary, data)
# from HTTPConnection._parse_mime_body
if data.endswith("\r\n"):
footer_length = len(boundary) + 6
footer_length = len(boundary) + 4
parts = data[:-footer_length].split("--" + boundary + "\r\n")
for part in parts:
if not part: continue
eoh = part.find("\r\n\r\n")
if eoh == -1:
logging.warning("multipart/form-data missing headers")
headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(part[:eoh])
name_header = headers.get("Content-Disposition", "")
if not name_header.startswith("form-data;") or \
not part.endswith("\r\n"):
logging.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
value = part[eoh + 4:-2]

name_values = {}
for name_part in name_header[10:].split(";"):
name, name_value = name_part.strip().split("=", 1)
name_values[name] = name_value.strip('"').decode("utf-8")
if not name_values.get("name"):
logging.warning("multipart/form-data value missing name")
name = name_values["name"]
if name_values.get("filename"):
ctype = headers.get("Content-Type", "application/unknown")
req.files.setdefault(name, []).append(dict(
filename=name_values["filename"], body=value,
req.arguments.setdefault(name, []).append(value)

class FakeStream():
def __init__(self):
self._closed = False

def closed(self):
print "stream closed = ", self._closed
return self._closed

class FakeConnection():
def __init__(self, r):
self._r = r
self.xheaders = False
self.reply_started = False = FakeStream()

def _cb_connection_close(self, conn):
print "connection %r closed!!!!" % (conn,)
print "stream = %r" % = True
print "flagged stream as closed"

def write(self, chunk):
if not self.reply_started:
#print "starting reply..."
# need to parse the first line as RequestHandler actually writes the response line
code, msg, headers, body, chunked = parse_t_http_output(chunk)

for k, v in headers:
#print "header[%s] = %s" % (k, v)
self._r.add_output_header(k, v)

if chunked:
self._r.send_reply_start(code, msg)
self._r.send_reply(code, msg, body)
self.reply_started = True
print "writing %s" % chunk

def finish(self):
print "finishing..."
print "finished"

class GHttpServer:
def __init__(self, t_app):
def debug_http_cb(r):
print "http request = ", r
for m in dir(r):
o = eval("r." + m)
if type(o) in (str, list, int, tuple):
print "r.%s = %r" % (m, o)
r.add_output_header("X-Awesomeness", "100%")
r.send_reply(200, "OK", '<b>hello</b>')

def http_cb(r):
body =
treq = HTTPRequest(
r.typestr, # method
r.uri, # uri
headers=dict(r.get_input_headers()), # need to transform from list of tuples to dict
protocol="http", # or https
host=None, #
files=None, # ??

parse_post_body(treq, body)

print "http request = ", r
for m in dir(r):
o = eval("r." + m)
if type(o) in (str, list, int, tuple):
print "r.%s = %r" % (m, o)

self._httpserver = gevent.http.HTTPServer(http_cb)

def listen(self, port):
self._httpserver.serve_forever(('', port), backlog=128)

def instance(cls):
print "new instance?"
if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
cls._instance = cls()
return cls._instance

_httpserver = __import__('tornado.httpserver', fromlist=['fromlist_has_to_be_non_empty'])
_httpserver.HTTPServer = GHttpServer

def patch_tornado():
Binary file added src/gt/monkey.pyc
Binary file not shown.

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