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implement Diffusion Map for custom kernel and for precomputed Gram matrix #28

merged 9 commits into from
Feb 14, 2022
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/ManifoldLearning.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ module ManifoldLearning
import Base: show, summary
import SparseArrays: AbstractSparseArray, SparseMatrixCSC, spzeros, spdiagm, findnz
import Statistics: mean, std
import StatsBase: StatsBase, fit, standardize
import StatsBase: StatsBase, fit, standardize, pairwise
import MultivariateStats: outdim, projection, KernelPCA, transform, transform!,
principalvars, dmat2gram, gram2dmat, pairwise
import LinearAlgebra: eigvals, mul!, svd, qr, Symmetric, eigen, eigen!, tr, rmul!, I, norm, Diagonal
principalvars, dmat2gram, gram2dmat
import LinearAlgebra: eigvals, mul!, svd, qr, Symmetric, eigen, eigen!, tr, rmul!, I, norm, Diagonal, issymmetric
import LightGraphs: neighbors, nv, add_edge!, connected_components, vertices,
dijkstra_shortest_paths, induced_subgraph, weights
import SimpleWeightedGraphs: SimpleWeightedGraph
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60 changes: 44 additions & 16 deletions src/diffmaps.jl
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Fit a isometric mapping model to `data`.

# Arguments
* `data`: a matrix of observations. Each column of `data` is an observation.
* `data::Matrix`: a (n_features, n_observations) matrix of observations. Each column of `data` is an observation.
if `isnothing(kernel)`, `data` is instead the (n_observations, n_observations) precomputed Gram matrix.

# Keyword arguments
* `maxoutdim`: a dimension of the reduced space.
* `t`: a number of transitions
* `α`: a normalization parameter
* `ɛ`: a Gaussian kernel variance (the scale parameter)
* `kernel::Union{Nothing, Function}=(x, y) -> exp(-sum((x .- y) .^ 2) / ɛ)`: the kernel function.
maps two input vectors (observations) to a scalar (a metric of their similarity).
by default, a Gaussian kernel. if `isnothing(kernel)`, we assume `data` is instead
the (n_observations, n_observations) precomputed Gram matrix.
* `ɛ::Real=1.0`: the Gaussian kernel variance (the scale parameter). ignored if custom `kernel` passed.
* `maxoutdim::Int=2`: the dimension of the reduced space.
* `t::Int=1`: the number of transitions
* `α::Real=0.0`: a normalization parameter

# Examples
M = fit(DiffMap, rand(3,100)) # construct diffusion map model
R = transform(M) # perform dimensionality reduction
X = rand(3, 100) # toy data matrix, 100 observations

# default kernel
M = fit(DiffMap, X) # construct diffusion map model
R = transform(M) # perform dimensionality reduction

# custom kernel
kernel = (x, y) -> x' * y # linear kernel
M = fit(DiffMap, X, kernel=kernel)

# precomputed Gram matrix
kernel = (x, y) -> x' * y # linear kernel
K = StatsBase.pairwise(kernel, eachcol(X), symmetric=true) # custom Gram matrix
M = fit(DiffMap, K, kernel=nothing)
function fit(::Type{DiffMap}, X::AbstractMatrix{T}; maxoutdim::Int=2, t::Int=1, α::Real=0.0, ɛ::Real=1.0) where {T<:Real}
# compute kernel matrix
sumX = sum(X.^ 2, dims=1)
L = exp.(-( transpose(sumX) .+ sumX .- 2*transpose(X) * X ) ./ convert(T, ɛ))
# L = pairwise((x,y)-> exp(-norm(x-y,2)^2/ε), Xtr)
function fit(::Type{DiffMap}, X::AbstractMatrix{T};
kernel::Union{Nothing, Function}=(x, y) -> exp(-sum((x .- y) .^ 2) / convert(T, ɛ)),
) where {T<:Real}
if isa(kernel, Function)
# compute Gram matrix
L = pairwise(kernel, eachcol(X), symmetric=true)
# X is the pre-computed Gram matrix
L = deepcopy(X) # deep copy needed b/c of procedure for α > 0
@assert issymmetric(L)

# Calculate Laplacian & normalize it
if α > 0
D = transpose(sum(L, dims=1))
L ./= (D * transpose(D)) .^ convert(T, α)
D = Diagonal(vec(sum(L, dims=1)))
M = inv(D)*L
M = inv(D) * L # normalize rows to interpret as transition probabilities

# D = Diagonal(vec(sum(L, dims=1)))
# D⁻ᵅ = inv(D^α)
Expand All @@ -82,11 +109,12 @@ function fit(::Type{DiffMap}, X::AbstractMatrix{T}; maxoutdim::Int=2, t::Int=1,

# Eigendecomposition & reduction
F = eigen(M, permute=false, scale=false)
λ = real.(F.values)
# for symmetric matrix, eigenvalues should be real but owing to numerical imprecision, could have nonzero-imaginary parts.
λ = real.(F.values)
idx = sortperm(λ, rev=true)[2:maxoutdim+1]
λ = λ[idx]
V = real.(F.vectors[:,idx])
Y = (λ.^t) .* V'
V = real.(F.vectors[:, idx])
Y = (λ .^ t) .* V'

return DiffMap{T}(t, α, ɛ, λ, L, Y)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/nearestneighbors.jl
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function knn(NN::BruteForce{T}, X::AbstractVecOrMat{T}; self=false) where T<:Rea
k = NN.k
@assert n > k "Number of observations must be more then $(k)"

D = pairwise((x,y)->norm(x-y), NN.fitted, X)
D = pairwise((x,y)->norm(x-y), eachcol(NN.fitted), eachcol(X))

d = Array{T}(undef, k, n)
e = Array{Int}(undef, k, n)
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19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
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X, L = swiss_roll()

# test algorithms
@testset for algorithm in [Isomap, LEM, LLE, HLLE, LTSA, DiffMap]
#@testset for algorithm in [Isomap, LEM, LLE, HLLE, LTSA, DiffMap]
@testset for algorithm in [DiffMap]
for (k, T) in zip([5, 12], [Float32, Float64])
# construct KW parameters
kwargs = [:maxoutdim=>d]
Expand All @@ -61,9 +62,23 @@ end
@test neighbors(Y) == k
@test length(vertices(Y)) > 1

# test if we provide pre-computed Gram matrix
if algorithm == DiffMap
kernel = (x, y) -> exp(-sum((x .- y) .^ 2)) # default kernel
n_obs = size(X)[2]
custom_K = zeros(T, n_obs, n_obs)
for i = 1:n_obs
for j = i:n_obs
custom_K[i, j] = kernel(convert(Array{T}, X[:, i]), convert(Array{T}, X[:, j]))
custom_K[j, i] = custom_K[i, j]
Y_custom_K = fit(algorithm, custom_K; kwargs..., kernel=nothing)
@test Y_custom_K.proj ≈ Y.proj


@testset "OOS" begin
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