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Wildfire Modeling Response Model

Problem description

  • States: whether each cell of the grid is burning, the probability of burning at each cell, and the amount of fuel level left in each cell.

  • Actions: any of the cells to apply suppression effort to, maximum of one action at a time assumed.

  • Transition model: when a suppression action is taken, with probability tprob the action is successful, in which case the cell that the action is applied to is no longer burning. All previous cells that were burning incur one level of fuel decrement. Then, the fire spreads by one time step and the probability burning of at each cell updates. Any cell with fuel left is subjected to burning, including the cell that a successful action has been applied to.

  • Observation model: the agent observes whether a cell is on fire or not after taking a suppression action and the fire spreads. The cell that the agent applies an action to has full observability whereas the other cells are approximated through the burning probabilities and the burning thresholds.

  • Reward model: the agent receives the sum of the negative reward (negative number) of all cells that are burning. Each cell may have a different reward or cost to burn.


using POMDPs
using POMDPModelTools
using POMDPPolicies
using POMDPSimulators
using ParticleFilters
using Random
using LinearAlgebra
using StatsBase
using Combinatorics
using FirePOMDP


pomdp = FireWorld(grid_size = GRID_SIZE) 

a_default = sortperm(pomdp.costs)[1:MAX_ACT]
solver = POMCPOWSolver(rng=MersenneTwister(264), default_action = a_default, tree_queries = 1000, max_time = 60);

planner = solve(solver, pomdp);
up = HistoryUpdater();

s0 = rand(MersenneTwister(264), initialstate(pomdp))
b0 = initialize_belief(up, initialstate(pomdp))

for (s,a,r,sp,o) in stepthrough(pomdp, planner, up, b0, s0, "s, a, r, sp, o")
    println("in state $s")
    println("took action $a")
    println("received observation $o and reward $r")

FirePOMDP Parameters:

  • constructor: FireWorld(kwargs...)
  • keyword arguments:
    • grid_size the size of the fire grid, default 4
    • state::FireState , the initial state of the fire world
    • map_size the 2D size of the fire grid and can be used when non-square is used, default (grid_size, grid_size)
    • costs the negative utility of each cell being on fire
    • bprob_fn::Float64, probability of an observation of no burning when it actually is, e.g. burning but sensor does not detect, default 0.2
    • bprob_fp::Float64, probability of an observation of burning when it isn't, false positive; due to lag cells are likely to be burning, default 0.1
    • tprob::Float64 probability of successfully putting out a fires, default 0.8
    • discount::Float64 default 0.95
    • wind, the environment factors characterized by wind; shown as a vector of strength, acceleration, and direction, default [1, 1, 5] indicating lowest wind with south direction

Internal types:

FireState : represents the state of the fire world with whether each cell is on fire, its probability of being on fire, and fuel level left. FireObs: represents the observation of the fire world with whether each cell is on fire.


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