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296 lines (248 loc) · 13.8 KB

File metadata and controls

296 lines (248 loc) · 13.8 KB


2.2 (2024-06-07)

  • Azure PG SQL server support

2.1.3 (2023-08-01)

  • AWS RDS support

2.1.2 (2023-05-10)

  • Fixed bugs with expression resolution in cloud deployment annotations

2.1.1 (2023-05-23)

  • Per suite annotations are compared also with parameters
  • App Service plan support
  • Transitive annotation fix

2.1.0 (2023-05-05)

  • Breaking change!
  • Architecture change: move WildFly dependencies into WildFly specific modules
  • WildFly domain support
  • Support for custom annotations (annotation annotated by Sunstone annotations)
  • Minor API changes
  • Support injecting sunstone properties

2.0.1 (2023-03-13)

  • JDK8 compatibility
  • SR Config downgrade

2.0.0 (2023-03-06)

  • Breaking change!
  • removed JClouds
  • support for Azure ARM templates & AWS CloudFormation templates
  • support injection for various Azure and AWS resources
  • support WildFly deployment to various cloud resources

1.2.3 (2021-10-20)

  • updated JClouds to 2.4.0
  • added azure-arm.planPublisher, azure-arm.planName, azure-arm.planProduct properties which allow you to create BYOS VM
  • fixed issues with image URLs
  • migrate to okhttp3

1.2.2 (2020-01-23)

  • switched experimental Azure ARM provider to non-experimental
  • added azure-arm.location which allows to specify Azure region
  • added azure-arm.resourceGroup which allows to specify the resource group where a node should be created
  • fixed recent issues with Travis CI builds

1.2.1 (2019-03-15)

  • added openstack.socketFinderAllowedInterfaces to the configurable options for OpenStack provider
  • fixed OpenStack support for installations with routable private addresses (i.e. where no floating IPs are assigned)

1.2.0 (2019-03-05)

  • added openstack.projectName, openstack.projectDomainId and openstack.userDomainName to the configurable options for OpenStack provider, in order to authenticate when using Keystone v3 API
  • added openstack.autoAssignFloatingIp to the configurable options for OpenStack provider

1.1.0 (2019-01-09)

  • added ExecBuilder#exec method with configurable timeout
  • added ExecBuilderFactory that allows to create preconfigured ExecBuilder
  • added templateTo property on nodes to allow inverted creation of copies of nodes
  • added openstack.networks to the configurable options for OpenStack provider
  • fixed issues with the testsuite on JDK 9+
  • fixed two property names starting with clouds and not sunstone

1.0.0 (2017-01-06)

  • removed properties and methods which were marked as deprecated
  • updated to reflect Sonatype deployments

0.10.0 (2016-12-05)

  • added sudo.command Node property which allows to redefine sudo command used in ExecBuilder
  • removed automatic fixing /etc/sudoers file when an SSH client instance is requested from Node
    • added ssh.fixSudoers Node property which enables the logic
  • removed support for deprecated Azure Node properties azure.userData and azure.userData.file; use the bootScript and bootScript.file instead
  • unified waitForPorts and waitForPorts.timeoutSec properties across providers
  • extended bootScript.* configuration
    • added possibility to wait for ports before a boot script is executed; it's configured by bootScript.waitForPorts and bootScript.waitForPorts.timeoutSec properties
    • added bootScript.withSudo property which allows to disable sudo for the bootScript
    • remote script path on Node made configurable through bootScript.remotePath property
  • added docker.ssh.privateKeyFile which allows to specify path to the private key file which is used to connect to the instance via ssh.
  • use public JClouds release 2.0.0

0.9.0 (2016-09-06)

  • added new properties shared across cloud providers; These properties can be overriden by provider specific variants prefixed with [providerType]. (e.g. docker.bootScript):
    • bootScript and bootScript.file
    • stop.timeoutSec and start.timeoutSec
  • added support for Docker volume bindings; It's configured through a new DockerNode property docker.volumeBindings which accepts comma separated list of bindings
  • added new configuration entries to Bare Metal provider:
    • baremetal.ssh.port - port number of SSH server in the Node
    • baremetal.privateAddress - configurable value for getPrivateAddress() method
  • added configurable boot timeout for WildFly - property
  • added support for subnets on EC2, switched on by providing ec2.subnetId and ec2.securityGroupIds; note that security group IDs have to be provided, not names
  • added more restrictive permissions to the temporary files created for path resources with classpath: prefix (if the underlying OS supports configuring the permissions)
  • CloudProperties now throw ResourceLoadingException when loading properties from a source that does not exist; the thrown excepion wraps its cause
  • fixed preliminary closing of SSH client when using asDaemon method of the ExecBuilder
  • WildFly 10.1.0 BOM replaces JBoss EAP 6.4 BOM in dependencyManagement
  • removed transitive dependency on JBoss Controller client; users have to define it manually in the same way as when using standalone Creaper library
  • fixed issues reported by Coverity static analysis tool
  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.12 - with Azure VM disk delete fix included

0.8.0 (2016-08-03)

  • added support for non blocking creation of nodes in CloudProvider via newly introduced methods createNodeAsync(...) and createNodes(...); the createNodes method returns instance of new interface CreatedNodes which extends AutoCloseable and therefore can be used in try-with-resource blocks
  • the Arquillian extension starts and stops nodes asynchronously
  • added azure.virtualNetwork and azure.subnet to allow multiple nodes to join a single common virtual network
  • introduced new facory method fromShellScript in ExecBuilder
  • added ExecBuilder support for configuring environment by environmentVariable(...) and environmentVariables(...) methods
  • added ConfigProperties and Node.config()/CloudProvider.config(); the Node.getProperty() and CloudProvider.getProperty() methods are now deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • added Azure ARM cloud provider, as a technical preview
  • fixed closing nodes created by Arquillian extension when @WithWildFlyContainer is used
  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.10 - with snakeyaml version update

0.7.0 (2016-07-21)

  • Clouds renamed to Sunstone: Maven groupId is now org.wildfly.extras.sunstone, Maven artifactIds are now sunstone-*, package names are now org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.*, logger names are now sunstone.* (these changes are breaking), default configuration file is now / (the older / and /org/wildfly/extras/clouds/ are still recognized, but their support is deprecated and scheduled for removal)
  • improved performance of the Azure cloud provider
  • fixed resource leak in SshClient
  • added option leaveNodesRunning to all cloud providers except of bare metal (where it doesn't make sense)
  • added support for "user-data" to Azure cloud provider, mimics EC2 user-data functionality
  • added configurable timeouts for management interface in WildFlyNode (properties,
  • added optional Azure node configuration which allows to set VM Agent provisioning (property azure.provisionGuestAgent)
  • removed project dependency on jclouds-log4j
  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.9 - improved Azure performance
  • use Creaper 1.4.0

0.6.1 (2016-07-01)

  • fixes wrong parent version in clouds library modules

0.6.0 (2016-07-01)

  • instead of the /org/wildfly/extras/clouds/ classpath resource, / is expected now (the old path still works, but is deprecated and scheduled for removal)
  • all file-related properties now accept the classpath: prefix
  • added RedirectMode support to ExecBuilder.redirect* methods, it newly allows to append output to existing file
  • value delimiter in cloud properties system property value expressions changed from ":-" to ":"; It can be newly configured by setting clouds.sysprop.value.delimiter system property
  • added CloudProvider.getProperty, similarly to Node.getProperty
  • added ExecResult.assert* assertion methods
  • Azure now accepts properties azure.ssh.user and azure.ssh.password (the old and azure.login.password are still recognized, but deprecated and scheduled for removal)
  • fixed an issue where too long computer name was generated on Azure
  • Azure no longer adds 22 to the list of inbound ports if it's missing
  • fixed node name creation for Docker
  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.7 - handles EC2 VPC issues

0.5.1 (2016-06-01)

  • added Azure Node property azure.image.isWindows (true/false), it allows to set username/password for Windows VM

0.5.0 (2016-06-01)

  • added a Bare Metal cloud provider (not really cloud...)
  • added Node.ssh for advanced usecases - it returns SSH client for the Node
  • reworked Arquillian extension
    • added declarative way to specify suite-level Nodes
    • introduced object type arquillian.suite, it allows to define Nodes to be started for the suite and providers to be destroyed when the suite finishes
    • annotations were changed: @WildFlyContainer was removed, @WithNode and @WithWildFlyContainer were added. The new annotations are designed only for controlling of class level nodes and containers.
    • the injection of Node or CloudProvider by using @ArquillianResource annotation doesn't create the instance if it doesn't exist already
  • improved Docker provider
    • added docker.tls.* configuration options to DockerCloudProvider, they allow to configure access to TLS protected Docker endpoints
    • added docker.privileged and docker.capAdd configuration into DockerNode, it allows for instance to use iptables in containers
    • added docker.apiVersion to DockerCloudProvider configuration, it allows to control version in REST calls URL
  • added NodeWrapper class into the core module, the WildFlyNode newly inherits from the NodeWrapper
  • improved logging; all loggers now begin with clouds.
  • Node.exec, Node.copyFileFromNode, Node.copyFileToNode and ExecBuilder.exec now throw more checked exceptions
  • fixed copying files on Azure
  • info about the Arquillian extension moved to
  • info about WildFlyNode moved to
  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.6 - handles Docker configuration issues

0.4.0 (2016-04-29)

  • split project into 3 Maven modules core, wildfly and arquillian; you have to replace the dependency on org.wildfly.extras.clouds:clouds by dependencies on clouds-core, clouds-wildfly and clouds-arquillian
  • added properties for configuring server operating mode for WildFlyNode (standalone or domain)
  • added advanced support for command execution on Nodes: ExecBuilder class allows to configure the commands to run on background (nohup) and/or with root privileges (sudo)
  • CloudProvider.Factory.createCloudProvider methods are now deprecated, suggested replacement being CloudProvider.create
  • image lookup for EC2 changed: ec2.image containing a readable name should be preferred to, but must still be used when ec2.image is ambiguous (or missing)
  • image lookup for OpenStack changed: openstack.image containing a readable name should be preferred to, but must still be used when openstack.image is ambiguous (or missing)
  • improved the default JClouds node group and made it configurable on a per-cloud-provider basis ( and per-node basis (
  • improved selection of default floating IP pools in the OpenStack provider and made it configurable for each node (openstack.floatingIpPools)
  • added openstack.ssh.privateKey Node property in the openstack provider PEM encoded PKCS#8 private key can be used as a value for this property
  • added CloudProperties.load(Class) method to simplify loading property files
  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.5 - handles problem in Azure Nodes lifecycle
  • switched the SSH client library from SSHJ to JSCH


  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.4
  • add OpenStack provider
  • improve all the READMEs
  • Node.waitForPorts now signalizes that port is unreachable by throwing PortOpeningTimeoutException
  • introduce a common implementation of file copying
  • introduce a common "TCK" for cloud providers (AbstractCloudProviderTest)
  • refactoring of all cloud provider implementations to reduce code duplication and simplify implementing a new provider


  • bug fixes and improvements in the EC2 provider
  • bug fixes in the Arquillian extension
  • remove deprecated properties from the Docker provider


  • use JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.2
  • add Amazon EC2 provider
  • add Microsoft Azure provider
  • Node.exec now takes String... instead of List<String>
  • restructure the READMEs


  • fix the Arquillian extension so that @WildFlyContainer can be repeated
  • use Checkstyle with the WildFly configuration to maintain code style


  • add Node.getPrivateAddress
  • workaround for server-still-booting failures in WildFlyNode


  • add Node.waitForPorts
  • add WildFlyNode.waitUntilRunning


  • bug fixes in the Docker provider


  • initial release based on JClouds internal fork 2.0.0-eapqe.1
  • basic CloudProvider and Node API
  • add WildFlyNode, a WildFly wrapper for Node
  • Arquillian extension
  • Docker provider