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⚠️ numberconverter is currently pre-release. The API is unstable and some methods may not be correct.

Go Reference

numberconverter provides two simple methods for converting between English and Integers in Go.

numberconverter.Etoi("One hundred thousand, three hundred and fifty two") // 100_352
numberconverter.Itoe(100352) // one hundred thousand three hundred fifty-two

Style agnostic

It doesn't matter how you write your English numbers, they should parse in most cases. There is no prescribed style.

numberconverter.Etoi("Three hundred and forty two million") // 342_000_000
numberconverter.Etoi("nineteen thirty six") // 1936
numberconverter.Etoi("one hundred two hundred") // 100200
numberconverter.Etoi("three hundred, fourty two million") // 342_000_000

Batteries included

Methods for finding and replacing English numbers in your strings are provided.

numberconverter.FindAllEnglishNumber("Fifty five dogs. Three hundred and twenty three geese.") // {"Fifty five", "Three hundred and twenty three"}
numberconverter.EtoiReplaceAll("If we talk about dogs, I have three. Two of them live in a kennel") // "If we talk about dogs, I have 3. 2 of them live in a kennel"


Want to parse int8? No problem!

numberconverter.EtoiGeneric[int8]("Fifty five") // 55

Numbers above the given integer's maximum will produce unexpected results—be careful!

numberconverter.EtoiGeneric[int8]("Fifty hundred and fifty two million") // 0

Zero configuration

No need to pass around an instance of a struct to use the converter. The package provides two simple methods that may be used globally.

Zero dependency

Nourish your codebase with pure Go goodness.


Convert between English numbers and Integers in Go!







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