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C BSON with AFL Fuzzing Demo

A toy implementation of BSON in C. Intended mainly as a programming/design exercise, as well as to demonstrate a simple usage of AFL (American Fuzzy Lop). Roughly based on the MongoDB C Driver. Provides an interface to decode & encode BSON objects and a simple way to retrieve values from a BSON object by element name/key. At this point, only the following basic BSON element types are supported for key value retrieval and BSON->JSON conversion: {double, string, document, int32, int64, boolean, UTC, null}. Strings are treated as ASCII. UTF-8 decoding is not supported yet.

To compile the AFL fuzzing harness, simply run

make fuzz

And to spin up the AFL fuzzer, do

make fuzzrun

Note, you will need to have AFL installed in order to run the above targets. You can get it here There is a single testcase located in testcases/ that can get you started, but feel free to add your own. The fuzzer is set up to exercise the BSON to JSON conversion function. You can see the simple harness in fuzz_bson.c.

For diagnosing crashes discovered by the fuzzer, you can use the fuzz_bson_debug binary, which is just the test harness compiled with debug symbols, allowing you to run it through gdb for crash diagnosis. The script will run any found crash testcases through the harness and show the output.

Happy fuzzing!


BSON implementation in C with AFL Fuzzing Demo






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