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This extension provides the third party tracking functionality which could be easily integrated into your project. The module is also intended for registration of information about a separate user session, data about the user's device and browser, his behavior on the site during a visit.


1. Installation

The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require willarin/yii2-tracker "*"

or add

"willarin/yii2-tracker": "*"

to the required section of your composer.json file.

2. Migrations

Before using this extension, we need to prepare the database.

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@willarin/tracker/migrations

3. Usage

Each unique user's URL visit should be registered within a module. Our recommendation is to use bariew/yii2-event-component - eg.

'eventManager' => [
            'class' => 'bariew\eventManager\EventManager',
            'events' => [
                'module\controllers\IndexController' => [
                    'beforeAction' => [
                        ['willarin\tracker\models\SessionUrl', 'saveUrlVisit'],

Once the extension is installed, modify your application configuration to include:

return [
	'modules' => [
            'tracker' => [
                'class' => 'willarin\tracker\Module',

Tables used

Session This table stores data about cookies, server variables for the session, device type, OS, browser, click's cost and income received from a specific click.

SessionUrl This table stores data about each url visited by the user, duration of url's visit, number of scrolls up and down for a specific url.

SessionEvent This table stores custom data about events, each event could be associated with a certain URL

Person This table stores data about customer and his cookie string identifier


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