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Flutter - TVMaze Jobsity

App Challenge for Jobsity Interview Process.

An App for listing TV Series, using the API provided by the TVMaze Website.

You can find the API here.

The current Features Available on the App are listed below:

  • List All Series contained in the API used by the paging scheme provided by the API.
  • Users can Search Series by Name.
  • After clicking on a Series, the App shows the details of th Series.
  • After clicking on an episode, the App shows episode’s information.
  • User can save a series as favorite.
  • User can delete a series from the favorite list.
  • User can browse their favorite series in alphabetical order, and click to see its details.

App Overview

Show Details Episode Details
Search Show by Name Favorites List
Search People by Name People Details

Table of Contents

How to run this project

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, the link above offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


The project uses FVM (Flutter Version Management).

  • FVM Documentation Available here.

Commands to run the project

  • Check if you are using → Flutter Version: 2.10.3

  • To run the project using the Flutter global SDK installed on your machine, go to .vscode/settings.json and comment out all the content. This will remove the VSCode configuration responsible for prioritizing the Flutter SDK installed by FVM and will therefore use the SDK installed on your machine.

  • Otherwise, if you want to use FVM, follow the instructions in the documentation.

  • Commands:

flutter pub get
flutter run

Project Structure Overview


I used Gitflow as a strategy to manage branches.

The project structure is quite simple. The main folders are the assets, lib and test folders. The lib folder is where all the code is written and the assets folder is where we put our images, icons and other related files.


Architecture Overview

The main architectural concept used in the App was Clean Architecture. A multi-layer architecture that facilitates unit testing and helps us with separation of responsibilities. Another objective of this architecture is to facilitate the scalability of the App with new features.

The functions of each layer are described in the following sections below.

Dependency Injection

The project uses the get_it package to facilitate the organization of dependency injection. Control is done by the injection container.

Design Patterns

The project makes use of some Design Patterns such as:

  • Singleton and Factory - Creational Patterns
  • Adapter and Decorator - Structural Patterns
  • Strategy - Behavioral Pattern

SOLID Principles

Other good practices present in the project are Clean Code for more descriptive nomenclature and the SOLID principles.

Domain Layer

Here is where we can find our Entities and UseCases. This is the core of our architecture, the entities define the objects of our system and the usecases are the actions the application is supposed to perform.

Data Layer

In this layer we have the implementation of our UseCases and the creation of our Models or DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to translate the external data to our entities. We also have interfaces that define how we should implement http or cache adapters.

Infra Layer

In the Infra layer, we have the implementation of our services. It is the layer responsible for creating the decoupling point between our system and external dependencies.

Presentation Layer

Our Presentation Layer contains the Controllers for our view. Controllers or Presenters are responsible for the Presentation Logic.

UI Layer

The UI layer is where our screens and visual components will be. In the case of Flutter, this is where we will have our Widgets.

The Architecture Diagram is available below:


Exception Structure Overview

The exception schema was designed to work following the principles of clean architecture, where we should treat exceptions as alternative system flows. The exception structure diagram is available below:



App Challenge for Jobsity interview process






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