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Will Cipriano edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 8 revisions


podjeli [Croatian] - the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.

Podjeli is a file sharing platform that lets you keep hold of your files while you share them. Unlike legacy file sharing platforms that store your files for you on their servers, Podjeli makes it convenient to store your files anywhere you can store a URL, spreadsheet or even markdown.

How does it work?

Podjeli compresses and encodes your file into one or more URLs that can later be used to reconstitute that file. Just like this.


I'm a hacker. I get joy out of using technology in ways that it was never intended to be used.

Possible Use Cases

Social Media Users

Social media sites that support markdown can now be used to easily host arbitrary files. In some cases for small files this may be more convenient than using a typical file sharing service.

Secondarily, Podjeli can be used to elude automated censorship attempts as you can create a text file with the content you want to discuss and the censorship parser will only see a URL or two.

Infosec Red Teams

It is possible for Podjeli to elude a number of access controls related to files. For example no antivirus software checks for files encoded within URLs. A simple CSV file could contain the payload required to compromise the target.