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"Pig's Blood: A Rabid Wolf Hunt" is the Final Project for CMU GDPP Weekender Studios

Run Directions

Mac: Run the provided .app file

Release Notes

Final Version, Build:

  1. Contained code for document movement inspect & present, Selectable statements, Page turn animation, animation system, text box UI, multi-page notebook, lives system
  2. YarnSpinner functions implemented: PlaySFX, SetMusic, StopMusic,SetPose, AddCharacter, RemoveCharacter, AddStatement, ResetStatements, ResetEvidenceResponses, SetEvidenceResponse, PromptEvidence, Review, PlayEffects (Sounds, Screenshake, Flash), Add/Remove evidence
  3. Contained concept art for Shepherd, 3D models and animations for Little Match Girl, Wolf, Bricks Pig, Straw Pig, and Tinkerbell
  4. Contained landing page and dialogue box
  5. Contained evidence tag, profile, multi-page notebook, Polaroid picture, and other text form evidences
  6. Contained 6 songs: Chill - Main Theme, Questions - Questioning Theme, Questions Faster, Answers, Contradiction, Trepidation
  7. Game is inspired by fariytale stories including The Boy Who Cried Wolf, A Little Match Girl, TinkerBell, and The Three Little Pigs
  8. In this fantasy world police interrogation game, you'll play as an interrogator tasked with uncovering the truth behind the murder of Stick Pig. Navigate through piles of documents and evidence to interrogate suspects, using strategic questioning, accusing, and evidence analysis to expose characters' lies and find out the truth.
  9. Players will have three actions available to them: Questioning, accusing, and reviewing evidence. a. Questioning: The player can ask questions from a preset list. Questioning may yield more questions or new information/evidence (such as a statement that may be contradictory to another piece of evidence or another statement). b. Accusing: The player can accuse the individual of an action from a preset list. To back up with evidence, they must select the correct piece of evidence from their desk. c. Reviewing evidence: Players can look at their desk and review all types of evidence. They can examine individual pieces of evidence by dragging them to the bottom of the screen.