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A framework for building moderm WordPress interfaces


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A framework for building moderm WordPress interfaces. Traditional WordPress themes are cumbersome and difficult to build, and force the developer to used archaic technologies, i.e. PHP templates. NoomaPress is framkework that uses modern technologies to facilitate building WordPress interfaces.

NOTE: This project is in the very early stages of development, use at your own risk.


WordPress React Apollo GraphQL React Router Reactstrap Docker Webpack


  • Node 8+
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Getting Started

Install dependencies

npm install

The following commands will build the necessary containers to run the project. There will be three containers in total:

  1. UI Container - node based app to build the interface
  2. WordPress Admin Container - WordPress admin interface
  3. WordPress Database Container - Database

Build containers

# at project root
# inside wordpress folder

Stand up all containers

docker-compose up

Initialize WordPress

# inside the wordpress directory

Start project

npm run dev

UI can be reached at localhost:3000

Project Structure

├── build                   # Built files
├── src                     
│   ├── api                 # GraphQL endpoint
│   ├── client              # Client bundle
│   ├── components          # React components
│   ├── graphql             # GraphQL queries
│   ├── layouts             # Page layouts
│   ├── pages               # Pages
│   ├── routes              # React Router routes
│   ├── server              # Express server
│   ├── shared              # Shared components
│   └── static              # Styles, images etc...
└── wordpress               # WordPress initalization script, Dockerfile



WordPress Admin

User: editor

Password: password

Running in Production

Build and run project

npm run build
npm start

Build containers

# at project root

# inside wordpress folder
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up

Initialize WordPress

# inside the wordpress directory
bash -e prod

Docker and Docker Compose Integration


Docker images are built using two different Dockerfiles.

Dockerfile - builds the image for the UI

Dockerfile-wp builds a custom image to run WordPress

Docker Compose

Three docker-compose files are used to facilitate running the project in different environments.

docker-compose.yml - base configuration

docker-compose.override.yml - developement environment overrides. These values are automatically applied when docker-compose up is executed. - prodcuction configuration values.