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A Simple Content Management System aimed at web developers.


The aim of this project is to give existing web developers a simple, light platform for simple content management, while being as flexible as possible. This means that you can make your own theme from the ground up with little in your way while using the web interface to create articles instead of having to ssh to a server and write everything raw.


  • Works out of the box
  • Contains security features like a rate limiter and Helmet
  • An API and a web interface
  • Comments with moderator functionality
  • Drafts and article editing
  • Multiple users
  • Image uploads
  • 100% customizable everything



key meaning
htmltitle The title that goes in the <title> element on the main pages
saltrounds A bcrypt option; bcrypt is used for the user interface
secret ^
port The port that the service runs on. If you aren't using a reverse proxy, then set this value to 80
https An optional object that has three values: key, cert, and port. The port is the port that the https server should listen on (443 for a normal https server), and the key and cert should be the path to the key and cert files of the https certificate


The templates, in the src/templates folder, are created to be easy and simple to configure. They use ejs templates; here is what is exposed:

  • articles - An array consisting of objects with the following properties:
key menaing
id The article id
date A date string (javascript Date().toDateString()) that shows when the article was written
title The title of the article
author The person who wrote the article
article The raw text for the article
rendered The rendered HTML for the article
markdown A number; 0 means that the article is raw HTML, 1 means it uses markdown
  • htmltitle - The title of the scms

serving static files

You can place any file in the src/static folder to have it display on the website. For example, if you put about.html in the static folder, it will show as <domain>/about.html on your website.

You can also use the web interface to upload images, which will show in the src/static/images folder, and will show up on your site as <domain>/images/<image file>. You can then include these images in your articles.


To set this up, follow these simple steps:

$ git clone
$ cd scms/src
$ cp sample-config.json config.json

Tada! Now that you are set up with the basics, move on to usage to see how it works.


Managing users

You can manage users by running node cli.js in the src/ folder. I think that the help page is pretty self-explanatory.

Running the service

$ # Go to the src/ folder
$ node index.js

tada! If you use the default config, you can go to localhost:8080 to view the thing

Running the service in production

While scms already has methods in place for running the app in production, it is recommended that you use a reverse proxy to handle things. This makes your application much safer. I recommend nginx for your reverse proxy because it is very fast and relatively easy to configure and use. There are some guides on how to configure nginx to be a reverse proxy for a node.js application online, like this one.

Using the web interface

You can go to <domain>/app/login.html (where <domain> is the domain you are running it on) to log in (provided you set up a user, see Managing users) and then <domain>/app/dashboard.html to make, edit, and delete them

Using the API

Getting articles

Request verb Path Use
GET /api/article/:id will get a specific article, where :id is replaced with the ID of the article
GET /api/articles/:num? will get any number of the most recent articles (put into an array), where :num? is an optional property denotating how many articles to fetch---in absence of this property, all articles are fetched

A single article will look something like this:

	"id": 4,
	"date": 17772,
	"title": "Testing out the API!",
	"author": "George Georginson",
	"article": "Wow, look at me! Testing the api out like I am! Let's try some...\n\n### Markdown!",
	"rendered": "<p>Wow, look at me! Testing the api out like I am! Let&#39;s try some...</p>\n<h3 id=\"markdown-\">Markdown!</h3>\n<p>damn I hope it worked lol</p>\n",
	"markdown": 1

The only things of note here are the date, which is simply the number of days since the epoch that the article was written, and the markdown property, which reffers to whether the article is markdown or not. In the event that the article is not markdown, the rendered property and article property will have the same value.

Inserting, deleting, and editing articles

All of these methods must have a valid basic Authorization header with the username and password of the person inserting, deleting, and editing articles.

Request verb Path Use
POST /api/insert Use with a JSON body (and a Content-Type header set to application/json. The JSON body must contain the keys title and article with the values of... well... the title and article of the article you're inserting. You may also add an optional markdown property which should be truthy if article is written in markdown. You may also add an optional published property which should be truthy if the article should be published immediatelyOnce the article is inserted into the database, it will be returned to you in JSON form as if you had requested it with the methods above
DELETE /api/delete/:id will delete a specific article, where :id is replaced with the ID of the article you want to delete. Will respond with "Successfully Deleted." upon success.
PUT /edit/:id Use in the same manner as /api/insert except with no markdown key (the markdown property will be the same as when the article was inserted) and with :id in the URL replaced with the id of the article you want to edit. Will respond with "Successfully Edited." upon success.