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Command Line Parser

This is a simple command line parser I created for a bunch of command line tools I am working on.

The reason I created this rather than using an existing one is I had the following requirements:

  • I needed to support commands and sub commands.
  • I wanted to use Dependency Injection and have the ability to create more handlers easily.


To install the package you can search for it in the NuGet Package Manager or install from the package console with:

Install-Package WilTaylor.CommandLineParser


First create a class to hold your command handler and inherit from CommandHandlerBase then implement all the abstract methods.

    public class FooHandler : CommandHandlerBase
        public override void ProcessCommand(string[] args)
            //Put code you want to run when command is run here.

            var message = "foobar";

            //You can check if switches are set or not with IsSwitchSet.
            if (IsSwitchSet("Test"))
                message = "Hello " + message;

            //Use this to write text to the console instead of Console objects.
            //This is to handle different hosts that don't write to console windows if you want.

        public override string PrimaryName => "foo"; //Primary name this command will be referenced by
        public override IEnumerable<string> Names => new[] { "foo"}; //Names that can be used to get this command if you want multiple. You must put the primary command in here though.

        public override string UsageText => "Writes foobar to the console"; //Will be shown when user uses -?

        public override IEnumerable<SwitchInfo> Switches => new[] //Here you can define all of the valid switches for a command.
            new SwitchInfo
                Names = new []{ "test"}, //Names passed with --test (not case senstive but you must put it lowercase here)
                ShortNames = new [] {"t"}, //Short names are passed with -t (case sensetive)
                UsageText = "Appends test to message", //Usage text that is shown when -? is passed.
                ArgumentCount = 0 // How many arguments after the switch will it capture.

Now you can call it with the following:

static void Main(string[] args)
    //This is normally handled by a CI Container which will inject all handlers you create.
    var commandline = new CommandLineParser.CommandParser(new[] {new FooHandler()});

    //Execute the command with results from the command line by passing them to process.
    var result = commandline.Process(args);

    //It will return a IEnumerable of strings you can write to the console or log file etc.
    foreach (var line in result)


Bugs, Feature Requests

  • Please feel free to raise issues on this repository.


To contribute please do the following:

  • Raise an Issue on this repository.
  • Fork this repository.
  • Make your changes.
  • Make Unit tests for your changes that pass.
  • Make sure other unit tests pass.
  • Rebase so your pull request is a single commit.
  • Send a pull request and reference your issue.