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How to access your WiMLDS email address

Erin LeDell edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 16 revisions

August 2020 WiMLDS Email Update: Dreamhost (our hosting provider) no longer allows email addresses to be full email accounts and forwarding email accounts at the same time. To accommodate this change and to simplify our digital infrastructure, we are only setting up forwarding emails for chapters moving forward. This way, chapters have a public facing email address (e.g. that can be used to contact organizers, and organizers can still use this email to set up chapter social media accounts.

For organizers with a personal address and/or a full chapter email address (not just forwarding address), this page gives instructions on how you can access your WiMLDS email via webmail or by using an email client on your phone or computer. Here is the full documentation for how to use your email on various email clients, and below are some more detailed examples contributed by WiMLDS organizers. (The screenshots below were borrowed from so any example should replace "" with" though everything else is the same).

If you want to change your email password, you can do that here.


Here are instructions for adding an email account to an iPhone and Android.


Full instructions here.

  1. Go to

  2. Enter your email address and password, as in the screenshot below

  3. Your mail box looks will look like this


  1. Open Thunderbird Mail, then go to File -> New -> Existing Mail Account

  2. Enter your full name, email address and password as shown in the screenshot below (replace with

  3. Click on Continue

  4. The configuration parameters should be picked up automatically. If not, click on manual configuration and enter the following:


    • server host name:
    • port: 143
    • Authentication: Normal password

    • server host name:
    • port: 587

    • incoming: your username (e.g. if your address is, your username is maggie)
    • outgoing: your username (see above)
  1. Finally click on Done


July 2020 Update for Gmail users: Use the instructions on Dreamhost here instead because they have recently changed (screenshots below need to be updated).

  1. Go to your gmail account, then click on the Settings (cog) icon on the top-right corner

  2. Select the Account & Import, then click on 'Add another email address that you own' (Send mail as section)

  3. Insert you name and email address, then click on 'Next step'

  4. Insert SMTP (, port (587), username (here you should enter the entire email address!!!), password and select 'secure connection using TLS'.

  5. Finally click on 'Add account'.


  1. Go to your Microsoft account (e.g.: hotmail, msn, outlook,etc), then click on the Settings (the gear)/Configuración (el engranaje) icon on the top-right corner and select Connected accounts/Cuentas conectadas

Setting -> Connected accounts

  1. Choose Other email accounts/Otras cuentas de correo electrónico.

Another mail account

  1. On the Connect your email account page, enter your full name, email address and password as shown in the screenshot below. Also select the option Manual configuration/Configurar manualmente las opciones de la cuenta (cuenta POP, IMAP o Solo envío) and then click OK/Aceptar

Full name, emal address ans password

  1. Choose Setting IMAP or SMTP connection/Configuración de conexión de IMAP o SMTP and click OK/Aceptar

Select IMAP or SMTP

  1. At the New IMAP account connection/Nueva conexión de cuenta IMAP page, enter the email address of the account you're connecting in the email address box. In the user name box, enter the email address again, and then enter your email password in the Password box as shown in the screenshot below.

Account information

  1. In the Server Information/Información del Servidor section use these data

    • Incoming IMAP server/Servidor entrante (IMAP):

    • Incoming server port/Puerto de servidor entrante: 143

    • Authentication/Autenticación: Basic/Básica

    • Encryption/Cifrado: TLS

and click OK/Aceptar

  1. Outlook shows a message telling you that the account was successfully connected. Click OK/Aceptar. You see the account as in the screenshot below.

Account conected

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