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wincentbalin edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 4 revisions

Disc DataBase

DDB (short for Disc DataBase) is a manager for removable media.
It was conceived as a relatively simple Perl script and was remade
in C++, as I did not want to install ActivePerl on every new Win* machine.
As with the original script, the program uses SQLite3 .

DDB has command line interface. The list of it’s command line switches
can be obtained either by calling it with the ‘-h’switch or without
any switches.

Currently DDB is confirmed to run also under Linux.


Currently the program compiles on Win* platform with MinGW compiler.
Linux users might want to check whether DDB compiles under Linux
(or any other UNIX) too.


0. Cygwin with MinGW compiler


1. Get SQLite3 amalgamation and unpack it into the directory
with DDB sources and compile it

2. If needed, choose MinGW compiler as the default one with

/usr/sbin/alternatives --config gcc

3. Copy sqlite3.o object file into the directory with DDB sources

4. Start compilation with


And voila, you have the executable. Run it with

./ddb -h

to get acquainted with possible options.


  • Check whether DDB is usable under Mac OS X too
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