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Bash menu for Cinnamon on Ubuntu server

Conversion of the shell script to a bash menu version



Only for Ubuntu server (22.04 tested) and installation of the Cinnamon Desktop

Prerequisite: dialog

A check to verify its presence has been added at the start of the script.

The package will be installed automatically if needed.

Screenshot from 2023-01-30 16-57-34

What it does:

  • It resolves known issues with sound on Ubuntu and the Cinnamon network applet.

  • It makes it easy to add the Mint backports for Cinnamon install on Ubuntu

  • It let you select the proprietary driver to install for graphics

    Since I only use Nvidia drivers on my computer, I just did add the version I personally need.

  • It has an option to update the Ubuntu kernel to its last release

  • It has a menu to install additional software from a It has a menu to install additional packages from the installation.txt file.

  • A submenu with a command to export to installation.txt all what has been installed with the apt install command on the terminal.

  • Software install from 3th party repositories.


git clone

cd Bash-installer-menu

chmod a+x Installer-menu

sudo ./Installer-menu

Without dialog - pure bash menu

~/Bash-installer-menu# cd bash-installer

~/Bash-installer-menu/bash-installer# chmod +x *.sh

~/Bash-installer-menu/bash-installer# ./

Based on manual installation steps documented here.