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Shortcode Reference: [tpref]

Michael edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 1 revision


Prints a reference list at the end of a text. Consider to use tpcite within the text to add a reference.


author_name (optional)

(string) Defines the style of the author names. The possible styles are simple, old, last or initials. Default is simple.

Examples: If you have the name: Ludwig C. van der Vaart

The output is the following:

simple --> Ludwig C. van der Vaart

old --> Vaart, Ludwig C. van der

last --> van der Vaart, Ludwig

initials --> van der Vaart, Ludwig C

short --> van der Vaart LC

editor_name (optional)

(string) Defines the style of the editor names. The possible styles are simple, old, last or initials. Default is initials. The usage is similar to author_name.

author_separator (optional)

(string) Sets the separator between different authors of a publication. The default is ";".

[tplist author_separator="," editor_separator=","]

editor_separator (optional)

(string) Sets the separator between different editors of a publication. The default is ";".


(string) The format for date; needed for the publication types: presentations, online; default is d.m.Y


(integer) Use links in the titles of the publication (1) or not (0). Default is 0.



[tpref show_links="1"]


  • Since 6.0.0