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Docker files to run a Full-stack MQTT messaging cluster. It combines the power of:

  • Haproxy for load balancing
  • A MQTT Broker (mosca) x 3 for two way MQTT messaging support
  • RabbitMQ x 3 for powerful message publish and subscription
  • Custom built MQTT Collector
  • MongoDB

To create an easy-to-use cluster capable of handling the volume of messages for typical IoT services. All images have been pushlished on docker hub for your convenience. Great to use as a basis to experiment with MQTT message storage.


To run the cluster on one machine use docker-compose, simply:

docker-compose up -d

By default 3 RabbitMQ nodes are started up. If needed, additional nodes can be added to this file.

Broker will wait for rabbit1 to start before starting itself by continuously checking port 5762

Once cluster is up:

Subscribe with

mosquitto_sub -p 1882 -t 'thanhphu/topic' -d

Send messages with

mosquitto_pub -p 1882 -t 'thanhphu/topic' -m 'my message'

RabbitMQ ports

  • The management console can be accessed at http://hostip:15672
  • The management API can be accessed at http://hostip:15672/api
  • The connection host should look like this: hostip:5672,hostip:5673,hostip:5674

Mosca ports

  • Mosca containers can be accessed via port 1883,1884,1885
  • These containers are connected to rabbitMQ 1,2,3 respectively

Haproxy ports

  • Haproxy can be accessed via port 1882
  • Haproxy stats can be accessed via port 8081

Rebuild docker image

Use docker to rebuild rabbitMQ after you change some config (Dockerfil, pre-entrypoint)

docker build -t thanhphu/rabbitmq-cluster .



  • Dockerfile
  • rabbitmq-cluster


  • docker-compose.yml


Branches (flavors)

  • master: Trusty RabbitMQ
  • kafka: High performance Kafka instead of RabbitMQ, also includes zookeeper
  • redis: Use Redis to sync mosca instead of RabbitMQ
  • nomq: No backend for mosca, messages are not synchronized between MQTT brokers
  • rabbitmq-mqtt: Use RabbitMQ's MQTT plugin instead of Mosca
  • single: One instance of everything, used to test functionality
