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NPM module for common functions in backend

useful in a setup with

  • serverless stack
  • AWS


All functions can be imported from their respective modules (results in lowest packages size), e.g.:

import { sleep } from 'blob-common/core/sleep';
import { btoa } from 'blob-common/core/base64';

All functions can be imported directly from the core, e.g.:

import { sleep, btoa } from 'blob-common';

NB: the sanitize function is not included in the core, due to the relatively large size of imported package.

Generic functions

Module Function Description
/base64 otob(object) takes an object and coverts to base64 string
/base64 btoa(base64String) inverse: takes a base64 string and returns an object
/date now() returns a string of the current date in format yyyy-mm-dd
/date diffDate(dateStr, days) takes a dateStr in standard format and difference, returns a dateStr in the standard format
/date expireDate(dateStr) takes a dateStr in standard format and returns a date 30 days later in the standard format
/handler handler(lamdba) wrapper function for event handler (to log errors)
/handler getUserFromEvent(event) returns the userId (from AWS cognito user pool) of authenticated User
/handler apiCall(promise) async wrapper for promise, returns the a tuple [err, result]
/ids newPhotoId() returns a newly generated photoId (starts with P)
/ids newGroupId() returns a newly generated groupId (starts with G)
/ids newAlbumId() returns a newly generated albumId (starts with A)
/RND RND returns a random number between 1 and 15, usable as an index key in dynamoDb to spread database load on very large queries
/sleep sleep(ms) await sleep(1000) sleeps for 1 second. Used in tests to wait for dynamoDB to have processed updates
/sanitize sanitize(dirty) sanitizes a string from any sequences that may cause security issues (e.g. when using name string in an email message)

DynamoDb functions

Module Function Description
/db dynamoDb.get(params) returns a promise for DynamoDb function using the params. Uses AWS-SDK, refer to official docs for more info. Also has functions .put, .update, .delete, query, transact (for TransactWrite)
/db dbUpdate(PK, SK, key, newVal) returns a promise for a single update on the database, setting key to new value provided in newVal
/db dbUpdateMulti(PK, SK, newKV) returns a promise for a single update on the database at multiple keys. newKV is an object containing keys to be updated with new values
/dbClean cleanRecord(object) removes keys RK, datePK, dateSK, cognitoId from the object - useful for storing data as derived items in other items (e.g. owner as part of photo object)
/dbCreate dbItem(object) returns an object with extended keys for database: createdAt, RK, datePK, dateSK
/dbCreate dbCreateItem(object) returns a promise to create an expanded item in database from object (object must have PK and SK keys)

Some caveats on the specific dynamoDB functions:

  • eu-central-1 is the standard region chosen
  • to work, there should be a process.env.photoTable variable for all functions (except dynamoDb)
  • database must have PK (string) as primary key, and SK (string) as sortkey

S3 and SES functions

Module Function Description
/s3 s3.getMetadata(params) returns a promise for an s3 function using the params.
/s3 s3.delete(params) deletes stuff.
/s3 s3.get(params) gets an object.
/s3 s3.list(params) lists a bucket probably.
/s3 s3.getSignedUrl(params) gets a signed url for ADDING a file to s3 (for uploads).
/s3 s3.getSignedUrlGet(params) gets a signed url for READING a file from s3.
/ses ses.send(params) sends an email from ses using params - returns promise
/ses ses.sendEmail(params) sends an email from ses using {toEmail, fromEmail, subject, data, textData} - returns promise


  • toEmail can be either a string or an array of strings (multiple recipients)


  • s3 function uses s3 bucket specified in process.env.photoBucket or process.env.devBucket

email helper functions

Module Function Description
/email emailBody(rows) returns email body with rows
/email row(cells) generic row containing array of cells
/email headerRow(logoSrc, frontendUrl) header row with logo, links to frontend
/email footerRow
/email photoRow(photoSrc, linkUrl) row containing (header) photo
/email textCell(subtype) cell containing greeting, paragraph or buttonEscape (small text with link)
/email dividerCell(dividerSrc)
/email buttonCell(text, link)
/email codeCell(code) big text block centered with code
/email signatureCell(src) left aligned signature under email
/email greeting(text)
/email paragraph(text)
/email buttonEscape(url)
/email makeEmailSrc(url, width, height) returns publicly accessible url for image in S3 bucket


  • makeEmailSrc uses s3 bucketname from process.env.bucket or process.env.devBucket

Cognito functions

Module Function Description
/cognito cognito.disableUser(userId) disables a user in the cognito user pool
/cognito cognito.deleteUser(userId) deletes a user in the cognito user pool


  • uses cognito userpool id from process.env.userPoolId or process.env.devUserPoolId


Shared (NPM) modules for blob images API - to work with AWS







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