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Terraform Certification🚀️

Suggestions for passing the exam on your first attempt.❤️

  1. Do a good course with plenty of practical examples, and make sure not to skip any of them! (This is very important!
  2. Read the documentation guide to the exam. Associate Review
  3. Practice, practice, practice! The more you work with Terraform, the more comfortable you'll be with its syntax, features, and functionality. Try building out a variety of different infrastructure configurations, and experiment with different providers, modules, and features.
  4. Check some commands and interesting behaviors in the lab-commands

Tips 👀️

  • The default number of concurrent operations supported by Terraform apply command is 10 (parallelism)
  • Terraform replace is the same of terraform taint
  • Each terraform block can contain a number of settings related to Terraform's behavior. Within a terraform block, only constant values can be used; arguments may not refer to named objects such as resources, input variables, etc, and may not use any of the Terraform language built-in functions. -A Terraform Enterprise install that is provisioned on a network that does not have Internet access is generally known as an air-gapped install. These types of installs require you to pull updates, providers, etc. from external sources vs. being able to download them directly.
  • Terraform Enterprise requires a PostgresSQL for a clustered deployment.
  • Some Backends supported: Terraform Enterprise, Consul, S3, Artifactory.
  • Terraform Cloud supports the following VCS providers: GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket and Azure DevOps
  • The existence of a provider plugin found locally in the working directory does not itself create a provider dependency. The plugin can exist without any reference to it in Terraform configuration.
  • Functionindex finds the element index for a given value in a list starting with index 0.
  • HashiCorp style conventions suggest you that align the equals sign for consecutive arguments for easing readability for configurations
  • Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is an approach to infrastructure management that uses code and automation to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure resources.
  • IAC allows infrastructure to be treated as software, enabling it to be versioned, tested, and deployed more easily.
  • IAC tools like Terraform enable developers and operations teams to define infrastructure in code, reducing the risk of configuration drift and making it easier to manage complex environments.
  • In addition to Terraform, other popular IAC tools include Ansible, Puppet, and Chef.
  • IAC is becoming increasingly popular in cloud environments, where infrastructure is more dynamic and traditional manual management methods are less efficient.
  • provisioner accepts two types of connections: ssh and winrm


Using Terraform replace command If you want to force replacement of an object even though there are no configuration changes, use the terraform plan or terraform apply command with the -replace option instead. If you are using an older version of Terraform, continue using the terraform taint command. Example:

terraform apply -replace=azurerm_resource_group.this -auto-approve
  • list() it was deprecated and we can use direct the brackets [], tolist still exists

The list function is no longer available. Prior to Terraform v0.12 it was the only available syntax for writing a literal list inside an expression, but Terraform v0.12 introduced a new first-class syntax. To update an expression like list(a, b, c), write the following instead:

tolist([a, b, c])

Copy The [ ... ] brackets construct a tuple value, and then the tolist function then converts it to a list. For more information on the value types in the Terraform language, see Type Constraints.


  1. create the rg in azure.
az group list --query "[?name=='rg-import-test']" -o table
az group create --name rg-import-test --location eastus
  1. create the resource in the config, all requires arguments must be correct.
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "import" {
  name = "rg-import-test"
  location = "eastus"
terraform state list

terraform import azurerm_resource_group.import /subscriptions/ff739419asdfa-asdfafdfaf53b/resourceGroups/rg-import-test

comment the rg in the config manifest and run the apply

terraform apply -auto-approve 

Verbose logging

The bug level staring in the most verbose order: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR

terraform plan

terraform plan

export TF_LOG_PATH=./test
terraform plan


  1. Local paths
  2. Terraform Registry
  3. GitHub
  4. Bitbucket
  5. Generic Git, Mercurial repositories
  6. HTTP URLs
  7. S3 buckets
  8. GCS buckets
  9. Modules in Package Sub-directories

Publishing Modules to terraform registry Anyone can publish and share modules on the Terraform Registry. Published modules support versioning, automatically generate documentation, allow browsing version histories, show examples and READMEs, and more. We recommend publishing reusable modules to a registry. Public modules are managed via Git and GitHub. Publishing a module takes only a few minutes. Once a module is published, you can release a new version of a module by simply pushing a properly formed Git tag. The registry extracts information about the module from the module's source. The module name, provider, documentation, inputs/outputs, and dependencies are all parsed and available via the UI or API, as well as the same information for any submodules or examples in the module's source repository.


  • Only public registry, and private can have module versions.


command used to unlock the locked state file:

terraform force-unlock

Default local backend

Kind: Enhanced The local backend stores state on the local filesystem, locks that state using system APIs, and performs operations locally.

  • Terraform standard does not backend type support remote management system.
  • The two supported backend types in Terraform are Enhanced Standard


  • Terraform refresh command does updates the state files.

Backend block in configuration and best practices for partial configurations

  • The way to protect sensitive data with partial configurations are:
  1. File: -backend-config=PATH
  2. Command-line key/value pairs: config="KEY=VALUE"
  3. Interactively with the commands.

Querying the Hashicorp Vault is not a option.

Dynamic blocks

  • You can dynamically construct repeatable nested blocks like setting using a special dynamic block type, which is supported inside resource, data, provider, and provisioner blocks
  • A dynamic block acts much like a for expression, but produces nested blocks instead of a complex typed value. It iterates over a given complex value, and generates a nested block for each element of that complex value.

Built-in dependency management (order of execution based)

  • Manage implicit dependencies The most common source of dependencies is an implicit dependency between two resources or modules.


  • Use Vault as a provider to handle your secrets
  • Even using vault the downside of it is the secrets are stored in the state file.


  • Local manage installation is only available in the Enterprise edition
  • Free
    • Workspace manage
    • Private module registry
    • VCS integration
  • Paid
    • Team manage and governance


  • To connect with the Terraform cli cloud is required a token, not a login and password.




Tips for the certification.







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