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WishPool Thinking - Where Your Dreams Come True



  • Ruby. RVM is suggested.
    • gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
    • \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
  • Bundler.
    • gem install bundler
  • postgres

Actual setup

  • Go to your wishpool path
  • bundle install
  • rake db:create db:migrate
  • bundle exec rails s Your server is running! Access at localhost:3000
  • ./launch_https To run with SSL, then access at https://localhost:3000



Tests must pass. Rails tests go in spec/ (Using RSpec), and fixtures in 'spec/fixtures/'. Alternatively use FactoryGirl to generate test data To run, just type bundle exec rspec from the root directory


Return values generally follow columns in the database. Additional fields are listed explicitly in the API documentation. All DateTimes are formatted YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:sTZD

  • User
    • id: int. Identifying id of the resource
    • provider: string. Generally facebook.
    • uid: string. Generally the user's Facebook uid
    • name: string.
    • created_at: DateTime
    • birthday: DateTime
  • Gift
    • id: int. Identifying id of the resouce
    • name: string. Name of the Gift.
    • expected_price: float. Expected price of the resource
    • created_at: DateTime
    • creator_id: int. id of the creating User
    • recipient_id: int. id of the receiving User
    • publicity: string. Either Public or Private
    • expiry: DateTime
    • sum_contributions: float. Sum of all the contributions given
  • Contribution
    • id: int
    • gift_id: int. id of the associated Gift
    • amount: float
    • created_at: int. id of the associated User
Method Path Description Returns
POST /auth UNUSED Creates a new account. Required params: { user, password, password_confirmation}
POST /auth/sign_in UNUSED Signs in a user. Required params: { email, password }. Headers will contain access-token, client and expiry fields required for further use
POST /auth/facebook/callback Call this after hitting FB.login to retrieve access token in the header to continue with your session. Will also return the associated User's details in JSON format. Required params: { uid, access_token, expires_in }. Note that a a minimum, you must include user_birthday and user_friends scopes
DELETE /auth/sign_out Invalidates a user's token. Requires auth.
GET /api/v1/users/:id Gets the User associated with the given ID. Also yields an array gifts which contains the gifts that this user is receiving user_columns + an array gifts containing the gifts this User is receiving
PATCH /api/v1/users/:id Updates the User associated with the given ID
GET /api/v1/users/:id/friend_birthdays Returns an array of users with their relevant information sorted by their birthdays in upcoming order. Requires auth.
GET /api/v1/users/:id/contributions_made Returns an array of the contributions which the user has made [ {contribution_columns}, ... ]
GET /api/v1/userse/:id/gifts_contributing Returns an array of the gifts which the user is contributing to [{gift_columns}, ...]
GET /api/v1/gifts/:id Gets the gift data with the correct id {gift_columns, contributions: [{contribution_columns},...], recipient: {user_columns} }
GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/gifts Gets all the gifts that a particular user is receiving [{gift_columns}, ...]
POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/gifts Creates a new gift for user (indicated by user_id) to receive. Requires auth. Required params: {name (Name of Gift), publicity (Public / Private)}. Permitted params: { expected_price, expiry, description }
PATCH /api/v1/gifts/:id Updates the gift data with the relevant id. Permitted params: see above. Requires auth.
DELETE /api/v1/gifts/:id Deletes the gift with the id. Requires auth.
GET /api/v1/gifts/:gift_id/contributions Returns all the contributions associated to a particular gift [{contribution_columns}, ...]
GET /api/v1/contributions/:id Returns the contribution with the particular id contribution_columns, gift: {gift_columns}, contributor: {user_columns}
POST /api/v1/gifts/:gift_id/contributions Adds a new contribution to the gift given by gift_id. Requires auth. Required params: { amount }
PATCH /api/v1/contributions/:id Updates the contribution with the given id. Requires auth. Required params: { amount }
DELETE /api/v1/contributions/:id Deletes the contribution with the given id. Requires auth.


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