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Releases: wispborne/TriOS


22 Jul 06:31
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Show "right click for more" on changelog context menu.


20 Jul 17:33
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20 Jul 17:11
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10 Jul 06:45
Choose a tag to compare
  • Added
    • Search box to filter mods.
    • "Skip Game Launcher" option in the Dashboard.
      • Enabled by default, disable it to act like double-clicking Starsector.exe.
    • "Add Mod(s)" button on Mods tab.
    • Pretty sure I added other stuff I forgot about, like Enable button on notifications?
  • Fixed
    • Unable to install mods with tabs in the mod_info.json file (e.g. VIC).
    • "Add Mods" button didn't work if you selected more than one mod.
    • If you unplug a monitor and TriOS was on that monitor, it'll now switch to another plugged-in monitor.
    • Mod folder names had the last character removed (e.g.LunaLi-1.0.0).
    • Some light theme fixes.
  • Changed
    • Dashboard: tooltip moved to top-left of cursor to avoid it hiding the mod list so much.
    • Now caches icon paths, should be a little faster when scrolling mods.


03 Jul 02:17
Choose a tag to compare

Fixed the Mods tab on fresh install. Fixed defaulting to Material Design 2. Fixed initial mod folder setup.

Changed mod folder change check interval to 15 seconds.


02 Jul 15:00
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed
    • Mods tab: Enabled/Disabled groups not expanding/collapsing on click.


02 Jul 14:40
Choose a tag to compare
  • Added
    • JRE 23: May now hide the console window.
    • Mods tab: Enabled and Disabled mod categories.
    • Mods tab: More info on the side panel for mods.
    • Dashboard: Shows mods folder and current JRE below the Launch button.
  • Fixed
    • Various tiny UI fixes.
  • Changed
    • Mods tab: is quicker to load after the first time.
    • Hid unusable launch settings on Dashboard if using JRE 23.


24 Jun 02:22
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed
    • Mod grid showing wrong mod info for many columns.


23 Jun 05:24
Choose a tag to compare
  • Added
    • On first run, uses your most recent Starsector install instead of the default install location.
    • Mod grid now shows more info at once and has more column features (move columns, filter, hide, etc).
    • The grid column controls are still a little janky and don't yet persist between restarts.
  • Fixed
    • Tooltips going off-screen.
    • Letters in mod versions are no longer ignored by Version Checker.
    • Dashboard: First mod in "Updates" wasn't shown.
    • Changing game path via filepicker changes text field.
    • Unable to install (certain?) mods due to "Invalid value: Not in inclusive range" error.
    • Unable to update mods on Bitbucket due to it 403ing when asked if a file exists to download.
    • Update All Mods confirmation prompt always said you have 0 mods.
  • Changed
    • Can select text in the mod details panel.
    • Clearer errors when Version Checker fails.
    • Always show the Version Checker remote (online) url in tooltips.


23 Jun 03:00
Choose a tag to compare
0.0.53-dev3 Pre-release

Compared to dev build 2, fixes tooltips and some minor things.

  • Added
    • On first run, uses your most recent Starsector install instead of the default install location.
    • Mod grid: resize, reorder, freeze, hide, and filter columns.
      • The UI is still a little janky and doesn't yet persist between restarts.
  • Fixed
    • Changing game path via filepicker changes text field.
    • Tooltips going off-screen.
    • Unable to install (certain?) mods due to "Invalid value: Not in inclusive range" error.
    • Update All Mods confirmation prompt always said you have 0 mods.
  • Changed
    • Mod grid now shows more info at once and has a bunch of Excel-like features (move columns, filter, hide, etc).
      • Settings are not yet saved between restarts.
    • Can select text in the mod details panel.