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PorscheConnEx is a library for connecting to the Porsche Connect API, to monitor and control your Porsche vehicle.


PorscheConnEx requires Elixir v1.15 or later.  To use it, add :porsche_conn_ex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:porsche_conn_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}


# Start a PorscheConnEx session:
{:ok, pid} = PorscheConnEx.Session.start_link(credentials: %{
  username: "", 
  password: "my_password"
}, name: MySession)

# Get a list of vehicles:
{:ok, vehicles} = PorscheConnEx.Client.vehicles(pid)

# Get a summary of the first vehicle (and output it):
vin = List.first(vehicles).vin
{:ok, summary} = PorscheConnEx.Client.summary(pid, vin)
summary |> IO.inspect(label: "Summary")

# Get the vehicle model:
{:ok, capabilities} = PorscheConnEx.Client.capabilities(pid, vin)
model = capabilities.car_model

# Get the current emobility data:
{:ok, emobility} = PorscheConnEx.Client.emobility(pid, vin, model)

# Output the current battery charge and estimated remaining distance:
emobility.charging.percent |> IO.inspect(label: "Percent charged")
emobility.charging.remaining_electric_range |> IO.inspect(label: "Remaining range")

# There's a lot of overlap in the various API calls -- you can get the same
# data via both `status/2` and `stored_overview/2`.  For example:
{:ok, status} = PorscheConnEx.Client.status(pid, vin)
{status.battery_level, status.remaining_ranges.electric.distance} |> IO.inspect(label: "Status")

# If you want the most current data, you can use `current_overview/2`, but it's slowww:
{:ok, pending} = PorscheConnEx.Client.current_overview(pid, vin)
{:ok, overview} = PorscheConnEx.Client.wait(pid, pending)
{overview.battery_level, overview.remaining_ranges.electric.distance} |> IO.inspect(label: "Overview")

# And since we named the process `MySession`, we can use that instead:
{:ok, position} = PorscheConnEx.Client.position(MySession, vin)
position.coordinates |> IO.inspect(label: "Position")


Summary: %PorscheConnEx.Struct.Summary{model_description: "Taycan GTS", nickname: nil}
Percent charged: 80
Remaining range: #PorscheConnEx.Struct.Unit.Distance<261.0 km>
Status: {#PorscheConnEx.Struct.Unit.BatteryLevel<80%>, #PorscheConnEx.Struct.Unit.Distance<261.0 km>}
Overview: {#PorscheConnEx.Struct.Unit.BatteryLevel<80%>, #PorscheConnEx.Struct.Unit.Distance<261.0 km>}
Position: %PorscheConnEx.Struct.Position.Coordinates{
  latitude: 45.678901,
  longitude: -76.543210,
  reference_system: :wgs84


In the spirit of providing a library that is maximally useful to programmers, in many cases where the API returns a string (e.g. chargingState : "COMPLETED"), I've elected to map that to an atom instead (e.g. emobility.charging.state == :completed), and I've included a list of possible values in the documentation (and typespecs).

This has the inherent limitation that if this library ever sees a value it's not yet familiar with, it will be treated as a parse error.  Doing this allows me to add the new value — possibly renaming it, since the raw API name can be awkward in some cases — and to document the new value and why it might occur.

Since I only have one vehicle to test with (a Taycan BEV model), this library likely does not cover all possible return values, especially for other models of vehicle (which will also have things like fuel and oil to account for).  If you have such a vehicle, I would strongly urge you to test this library with it, and — if you encounter any issues — to take dumps of the responses (see the debug_http line in config/dev.ex) and send them in as a Github issue.  We can then include them as possible values, and add them to the test suite and documentation.


Full documentation can be found at

Legal stuff

Copyright © 2024, Adrian Irving-Beer.

PorscheConnEx is released under the MIT license and is provided with no warranty.  Use this code at your own risk, and be careful with what commands you issue to your (insanely expensive) vehicle.

PorscheConnEx is in no way associated with, or endorsed by, Porsche or any of their subsidiaries or associated companies.  "Porsche" and "Taycan" are registered trademarks of Porsche, and their use in this library are only for the purposes of identifying and describing those products.  The API this library uses is unofficial and undocumented, and is subject to change at any time and without warning, potentially breaking this library.


Elixir client for the Porsche Connect API







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