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Identification of State-Dependent Dynamic Model Parameters for Robotic Manipulator Systems


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Robotic Dynamics Identification toolbox

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Robotic Dynamics Identification Toolbox

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  • A three-loop physical parameter identification method of robot manipulators considering physical feasibility and nonlinear friction mode, Tangzhong Song, Lijin Fang,Guanghui Liu, Hanyu Pang, 2024
  • Comprehensive modeling and identification of nonlinear joint dynamics for collaborative industrial robot manipulators, Emil Madsen, Oluf Skov Rosenlund, David Brandt, Xuping Zhang, 2020
  • Robotics Modelling Planning and Control, hi,
  • Global Identification of Joint Drive Gains and Dynamic Parameters of Robots , Maxime Gautier, Sebastien Brio, 2014
  • Direct Calculation of Minimum Set of Inertial Parameters of Serial Robots, Maxime Gautier, Wisama khalil, 1990
  • Efficient Dynamic Computer Simulation of Robotic Mechanisms, M.W.Walker, D. E. Orin, 1982
  • Inertial Parameter Identification in Robotics: A Survey, Quentin Leboutet, Julien Roux, Alexandre Janot, Julio Rogelio, Gordon Cheng, 2021
  • Practical Modeling and Comprehensive System Identification of a BLDC Motor, Changle Xiang, Xiaoliang Wang, Yue Ma, and Bin Xu, 2015
  • Identiable Parameters and Optimum Congurations for Robots Calibration, W. Khalil, M. Gautier and Ch. Enguehard, 2009, Robotica
  • Recursive identification of certain structured time varying state-space models, M.H. Moazzam T. Hesketh, D.J.Clements, 1997
  • Comparison Between the CLOE Method and the DIDIM Method for Robots Identification, Alexandre Janot, Maxime Gautier, Anthony Jubien, and Pierre Olivier Vandanjon, 2014
  • Robot Joint Modeling and Parameter Identification Using the Clamping Method, Christian Lehmann ∗ Bjorn Olofsson, Klas Nilsson, Marcel Halbauer, Mathias Haage, Anders Robertsson, Olof Sornmo, Ulrich Berger, 2013
  • Fundamentals of friction modeling, Farid Al-Bender, 2015
  • Constrained State Estimation - A Review, Nesrine Amor, Ghualm Rasool, and Nidhal C. Bouaynaya, arXiv, 2022


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