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WIX UI TPA Connected Generator

This is part of Wix UI TPA Connected project.

This module is capable of generating wrapper components on top of WIX UI TPA. Connected components use styles from application settings by simply using connection configuration passed via props.

CLI usage

Print usage help:

wutc-generator help

Generate wrapper components in CWD:

wutc-generator generate

Generate wrapper components in provided path:

wutc-generator -p /custom/path generate

Supported arguments:

  • targetPath (p) - location where to generate wrappers. This should be root directory of a library.
  • tmp (t) - location where to store temporary files during generation.

Target project has to have following dev dependencies installed in order for generation to work:

  • @stylable/webpack-plugin
  • react
  • react-dom
  • webpack
  • webpack-cli
  • wix-ui-tpa
  • svg-inline-loader

Intended target during development of this module was root directory of wix-ui-tpa-connected module.


More detailed documentation is available under ./dist/docs.

Next Steps for Contributors

Progress Logging

Currently there is no output into console which would reflect progress of component generation. Intention was to implement it in a similar way like here:

Winston (or similar library) would allow to format and direct log wherever it would be needed going forward.

Also, the way WebPack is currently integrated - it does not forward its output to "stdout" and "stderr". This needs to be investigated and improved.

Error Handling

In case of errors - there is currently not enough information about what happened. Errors commonly indicate things like unhandled promise rejections and similar situations not carrying enough information for debugging.

Temporary work-arounds would be:

  • run tests and look for any failures
  • build module using "npm run buildDev" to get more output
  • run WebPack manually to see WebPack issues in more detail. This can be done by executing "./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config ./cache/......../webpack.config.js"

Declaration Files

There were several attempts to generate declaration files which were temporarily abandoned in order to save time to produce working e2e solution:

  • Currently wrappers are being generated from JS - not from TS files. Tried generating from TS which would in theory allow generating declaration files together with output. However, this requires using component prop types from inside "wix-ui-tpa". These types did not seem to be exported. As a result - props become of type "any" and declaration file cannot generate useful type information from that.
  • Considered copying and altering original typing files. However, there are imports and structure of typings may vary. This makes it difficult to implement.
  • Considered parsing original typings and generating new ones from scratch. During brief investigation did not find a suitable tool to generate AST for declaration files.

Ideal approach would be to export property types from "wix-ui-tpa". Then, it would become possible to generate wrappers using TypeScript. This would allow generating declaration files without using hacks.

Timeouts during tests

Sometimes tests hang for a long time - then fail due to timeout. Tests are performing actual builds and verifying outputs. It looks like WebPack is sometimes not finishing operation for a long time. When tests are re-run, it seems as if WebPack is using some cache and builds execute quickly.

Actual build seems to work well every time. Issue seems to only be happening on tests.

Temporary work-around is implemented to restart tests several times until they succeed.