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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference; #2837

1 task done
zanechua opened this issue Jun 15, 2021 · 15 comments · Fixed by #2909
1 task done


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Describe the bug

I don't particularly need help since I've resolved it but just opening it incase someone runs into the issue too.

Unable to launch release app via detox as app fails with:

  DetoxRuntimeError: Failed to run application on the device

  HINT: Most likely, your main activity has crashed prematurely.

  Native stacktrace dump: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;
   at com.wix.detox.DetoxMain.initActionHandlers(DetoxMain.kt:64)
   at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
   at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
   at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
   at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
   at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
   at androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$ActivityStatement.evaluate(
   at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
   at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
   at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
   at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
   at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
   at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
   at androidx.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor.execute(
   at androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.onStart(
  Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.FunctionReference
   ... 35 more

    at MonitoredInstrumentation._getInstrumentationCrashError (../node_modules/detox/src/devices/drivers/android/tools/MonitoredInstrumentation.js:70:12)
    at MonitoredInstrumentation._rejectPendingCrashPromise (../node_modules/detox/src/devices/drivers/android/tools/MonitoredInstrumentation.js:58:37)
    at MonitoredInstrumentation._onInstrumentationTerminated (../node_modules/detox/src/devices/drivers/android/tools/MonitoredInstrumentation.js:53:10)
    at Instrumentation._onTerminated (../node_modules/detox/src/devices/drivers/android/tools/Instrumentation.js:54:18)

This seems similar to #1994 and the fix for me was found here by applying the -keep class kotlin.** { *; } proguard rule for a releaseE2E build type. I can see that one of the maintainers asked if that would help and I can confirm it does for me.

Steps To Reproduce

  • I have tested this issue on the latest Detox release and it still reproduces
  1. ./gradlew assembleDevReleaseE2E assembleDevReleaseE2EAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=releaseE2E
  2. yarn detox test -c android.emu.release


buildscript {
    ext {
        buildToolsVersion = "30.0.3"
        kotlinVersion = "1.5.10"
        minSdkVersion = 21
        compileSdkVersion = 30
        targetSdkVersion = 30
        ndkVersion = "20.1.5948944"
        enableV8 = true
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion"
        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files
... (truncated)


    buildTypes {
        release {
            // Caution! In production, you need to generate your own keystore file.
            // see
            minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
            shrinkResources enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), ""
        releaseE2E {
            initWith release
             proguardFiles ""
            // Detox-specific additions to pro-guard
            proguardFile "${rootProject.projectDir}/../node_modules/detox/android/detox/"
... (truncated)

# Specific proguard rules for Kotlin for E2E tests
-keep class kotlin.** { *; }

Expected behavior

App to launch, tests to run and complete

Detox Trace-Logs

yarn run v1.22.10
$ yarn detox test -c android.emu.release -l trace --record-logs all
$ /Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/.bin/detox test -c android.emu.release -l trace --record-logs all
detox[86969] INFO:  [test.js] DETOX_CONFIGURATION="android.emu.release" DETOX_FORCE_ADB_INSTALL=false DETOX_LOGLEVEL="trace" DETOX_READ_ONLY_EMU=false DETOX_RECORD_LOGS="all" DETOX_REPORT_SPECS=true DETOX_START_TIMESTAMP=1623749923277 DETOX_USE_CUSTOM_LOGGER=true jest --config e2e/config.json --testNamePattern '^((?!:ios:).)*$' --maxWorkers 1 e2e
detox[86970] TRACE: [DETOX_CREATE] created a Detox instance with config:
{"artifactsConfig":{"rootDir":"artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z","plugins":{"log":{"enabled":true,"keepOnlyFailedTestsArtifacts":false},"screenshot":{"enabled":true,"shouldTakeAutomaticSnapshots":false,"keepOnlyFailedTestsArtifacts":false},"video":{"enabled":false,"keepOnlyFailedTestsArtifacts":false},"instruments":{"enabled":false,"keepOnlyFailedTestsArtifacts":false},"timeline":{"enabled":false},"uiHierarchy":{"enabled":false,"keepOnlyFailedTestsArtifacts":false}},"pathBuilder":{"_rootDir":"artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z"}},"appsConfig":{"default":{"type":"android.apk","binaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-universal-releaseE2E.apk","build":"cd android && ./gradlew assembleDevReleaseE2E assembleDevReleaseE2EAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=releaseE2E && cd ..","testBinaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-releaseE2E-androidTest.apk"}},"behaviorConfig":{"init":{"reinstallApp":true,"exposeGlobals":true},"cleanup":{"shutdownDevice":false},"launchApp":"auto"},"cliConfig":{"recordLogs":"all","configuration":"android.emu.release","forceAdbInstall":"false","loglevel":"trace","useCustomLogger":"true"},"deviceConfig":{"type":"android.emulator","device":{"avdName":"Pixel_3a_XL_API_30"}},"runnerConfig":{"testRunner":"jest","runnerConfig":"e2e/config.json","specs":"e2e"},"sessionConfig":{"autoStart":true,"server":"ws://localhost:50776","sessionId":"2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0","debugSynchronization":10000},"errorComposer":{"configurationName":"android.emu.release","filepath":"/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/.detoxrc.json","contents":{"testRunner":"jest","runnerConfig":"e2e/config.json","configurations":{"ios.sim.release":{"binaryPath":"ios/build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/","build":"xcodebuild -workspace ios/example.xcworkspace -scheme dev -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build -quiet","type":"ios.simulator","device":{"type":"iPhone 12 Pro Max"}},"ios.sim.debug":{"binaryPath":"ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/","build":"xcodebuild -workspace ios/example.xcworkspace -scheme dev -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build","type":"ios.simulator","device":{"type":"iPhone 12 Pro Max"}},"android.emu.debug":{"binaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/debug/app-dev-universal-debug.apk","testBinaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/debug/app-dev-debug-androidTest.apk","build":"cd android && ./gradlew assembleDevDebug assembleDevDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug && cd ..","type":"android.emulator","device":{"avdName":"Pixel_3a_XL_API_30"}},"android.emu.release":{"binaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-universal-releaseE2E.apk","testBinaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-releaseE2E-androidTest.apk","build":"cd android && ./gradlew assembleDevReleaseE2E assembleDevReleaseE2EAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=releaseE2E && cd ..","type":"android.emulator","device":{"avdName":"Pixel_3a_XL_API_30"}},"android.device.debug":{"binaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/debug/app-dev-universal-debug.apk","testBinaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/debug/app-dev-debug-androidTest.apk","build":"cd android && ./gradlew assembleDevDebug assembleDevDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug && cd ..","type":"android.attached","name":"123456"},"android.device.release":{"binaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-universal-releaseE2E.apk","testBinaryPath":"android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-releaseE2E-androidTest.apk","build":"cd android && ./gradlew assembleDevReleaseE2E assembleDevReleaseE2EAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=releaseE2E && cd ..","type":"android.attached","name":"123456"}}},"_extends":false}}
detox[86970] DEBUG: [WSS_CREATE] Detox server listening on localhost:50776...
detox[86970] DEBUG: [WSS_CONNECTION, #50777] registered a new connection.
detox[86970] TRACE: [WS_OPEN] opened web socket to: ws://localhost:50776
detox[86970] TRACE: [WS_SEND] {"type":"login","params":{"sessionId":"2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0","role":"tester"},"messageId":0}
detox[86970] TRACE: [WSS_GET_FROM, #50777] {"type":"login","params":{"sessionId":"2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0","role":"tester"},"messageId":0}
detox[86970] TRACE: [SESSION_CREATED] created session 2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0
detox[86970] TRACE: [WSS_SEND_TO, #tester] {"type":"loginSuccess","params":{"testerConnected":true,"appConnected":false},"messageId":0}
detox[86970] TRACE: [SESSION_JOINED] tester joined session 2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0
detox[86970] TRACE: [WS_MESSAGE] {"type":"loginSuccess","params":{"testerConnected":true,"appConnected":false},"messageId":0}

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #0] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -list-avds --verbose
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #0] Pixel_3a_XL_API_30

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #1] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version
detox[86970] ERROR: [EXEC_FAIL, #1] ""/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version " failed with error = ChildProcessError: Command failed: "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version
 `"/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version ` (exited with error code 255) (code=255), stdout and stderr:

detox[86970] ERROR: [EXEC_FAIL, #1] emulator: Android emulator version (build_id 7036990) (CL:N/A)
emulator: ERROR: can't find the emulator executable.

detox[86970] ERROR: [EXEC_FAIL, #1]
detox[86970] ERROR: [EMU_BIN_VERSION_DETECT] Could not detect emulator binary version ChildProcessError: Command failed: "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version
 `"/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version ` (exited with error code 255)
    at callback (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/child-process-promise/lib/index.js:33:27)
    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:326:5)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:376:20)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1055:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:441:11)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:376:20)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (net.js:673:12) {
  code: 255,
  childProcess: {
    _forkChild: [Function: _forkChild],
    ChildProcess: [Function: ChildProcess],
    exec: [Function: exec],
    execFile: [Function: execFile],
    execFileSync: [Function: execFileSync],
    execSync: [Function: execSync],
    fork: [Function: fork],
    spawn: [Function: spawnWithSignal],
    spawnSync: [Function: spawnSync]
  stdout: 'emulator: Android emulator version (build_id 7036990) (CL:N/A)\n' +
    "emulator: ERROR: can't find the emulator executable.\n" +
  stderr: ''
detox[86970] WARN:  [AVD_VALIDATION] Emulator version detection failed (See previous logs)
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #2] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version
detox[86970] ERROR: [EXEC_FAIL, #2] ""/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version " failed with error = ChildProcessError: Command failed: "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version
 `"/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version ` (exited with error code 255) (code=255), stdout and stderr:

detox[86970] ERROR: [EXEC_FAIL, #2] emulator: Android emulator version (build_id 7036990) (CL:N/A)
emulator: ERROR: can't find the emulator executable.

detox[86970] ERROR: [EXEC_FAIL, #2]
detox[86970] ERROR: [EMU_BIN_VERSION_DETECT] Could not detect emulator binary version ChildProcessError: Command failed: "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version
 `"/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator" -version ` (exited with error code 255)
    at callback (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/child-process-promise/lib/index.js:33:27)
    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:326:5)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:376:20)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1055:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:441:11)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:376:20)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (net.js:673:12) {
  code: 255,
  childProcess: {
    _forkChild: [Function: _forkChild],
    ChildProcess: [Function: ChildProcess],
    exec: [Function: exec],
    execFile: [Function: execFile],
    execFileSync: [Function: execFileSync],
    execSync: [Function: execSync],
    fork: [Function: fork],
    spawn: [Function: spawnWithSignal],
    spawnSync: [Function: spawnSync]
  stdout: 'emulator: Android emulator version (build_id 7036990) (CL:N/A)\n' +
    "emulator: ERROR: can't find the emulator executable.\n" +
  stderr: ''
detox[86970] WARN:  [EMU_SKIN_CFG_PATCH] Failed to detect emulator version! (see previous logs)
This leaves Detox unable to tell if it should automatically apply this patch-fix:, which seems to be needed in emulator versions < 28.
If you feel this is not needed, you can either ignore this message, or otherwise apply the patch manually.
detox[86970] DEBUG: [ALLOCATE_DEVICE] Trying to allocate a device based on "Pixel_3a_XL_API_30"
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #3] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb"  devices
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #3] List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device

detox[86970] TRACE: [TELNET_CONNECTING] port: 5554, host: localhost
detox[86970] DEBUG: [DEVICE_LOOKUP] Found a matching & free device emulator-5554
detox[86970] DEBUG: [ALLOCATE_DEVICE] Settled on emulator-5554
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #4] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "getprop dev.bootcomplete"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #4] 1

detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onBootDevice({
  coldBoot: false,
  deviceId: 'emulator-5554',
  type: 'Pixel_3a_XL_API_30'
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #5] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "getprop"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #5] 30

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #6] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "settings put global animator_duration_scale 0"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #6]
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #7] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "settings put global window_animation_scale 0"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #7]
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #8] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "settings put global transition_animation_scale 0"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #8]
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #9] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "dumpsys power | grep \"^[ ]*m[UW].*=\""
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #9]   mWakefulness=Awake

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #10] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/aapt" dump badging "/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-universal-releaseE2E.apk" | grep -e "package: name="
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #10] package: name='' versionCode='1623749705' versionName='3.0.1-dev' compileSdkVersion='30' compileSdkVersionCodename='11'

detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onBeforeTerminateApp({ deviceId: 'emulator-5554', bundleId: '' })
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #11] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "am force-stop"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #11]
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onTerminateApp({ deviceId: 'emulator-5554', bundleId: '' })
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onBeforeUninstallApp({ deviceId: 'emulator-5554', bundleId: '' })
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #12] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "pm list packages"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #12]

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #13] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 uninstall
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #13] Success

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #14] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "pm list packages"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #14]

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #15] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 uninstall
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #15] Success

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #16] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "rm -fr /data/local/tmp/detox"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #16]
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #17] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/detox"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #17]
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #18] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 push "/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-universal-releaseE2E.apk" "/data/local/tmp/detox/Application.apk"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #18] /Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-universal-releaseE2E.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 52.5 MB/s (45902888 bytes in 0.835s)

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #19] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "pm install -r -g -t /data/local/tmp/detox/Application.apk"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #19] Success

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #20] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 push "/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-releaseE2E-androidTest.apk" "/data/local/tmp/detox/Test.apk"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #20] /Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/dev/releaseE2E/app-dev-releaseE2E-androidTest.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 59.8 MB/s (1835811 bytes in 0.029s)

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #21] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "pm install -r -g -t /data/local/tmp/detox/Test.apk"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #21] Success

ROOT_DESCRIBE_BLOCK[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onRunDescribeStart({ name: 'ROOT_DESCRIBE_BLOCK' })
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onBeforeTerminateApp({ deviceId: 'emulator-5554', bundleId: '' })
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #22] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "am force-stop"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #22]
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onTerminateApp({ deviceId: 'emulator-5554', bundleId: '' })
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onBeforeLaunchApp({
  deviceId: 'emulator-5554',
  bundleId: '',
  launchArgs: {
    detoxServer: 'ws://localhost:50776',
    detoxSessionId: '2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0'
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #23] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "date +\"%m-%d %T.000\""
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #23] 06-15 17:40:21.000

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #24] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 reverse tcp:50776 tcp:50776
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #24] 50776

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #25] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "pm list instrumentation"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #25] (

detox[86970] DEBUG: [SPAWN_CMD, #87548] /Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-5554 shell am instrument -w -r -e detoxServer ws://localhost:50776 -e detoxSessionId 2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0 -e debug false
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #26] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "ps | grep \"com\.example\.app\.dev$\""
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #26] u0_a178       14789    299 13786324 137580 0                  0 D

detox[14789] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onLaunchApp({
  deviceId: 'emulator-5554',
  bundleId: '',
  launchArgs: {
    detoxServer: 'ws://localhost:50776',
    detoxSessionId: '2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0'
  pid: 14789
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_START] starting ADBLogcatRecording
detox[86970] DEBUG: [SPAWN_CMD, #87550] /Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-5554 shell "logcat -T \"06-15 17:40:21.000\" --pid=14789 -f /sdcard/173844263_0.log"

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #27] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell du /sdcard/173844263_0.log
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #27] 4 /sdcard/173844263_0.log

INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: stack=java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;
  at com.wix.detox.DetoxMain.initActionHandlers(DetoxMain.kt:64)
  at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
  at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  at androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$ActivityStatement.evaluate(
  at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  at androidx.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor.execute(
  at androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.onStart(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.FunctionReference
  ... 35 more

Error in runDetoxTests(
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;
  at com.wix.detox.DetoxMain.initActionHandlers(DetoxMain.kt:64)
  at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
  at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  at androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$ActivityStatement.evaluate(
  at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  at androidx.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor.execute(
  at androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.onStart(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.FunctionReference
  ... 35 more


detox[86970] TRACE: [SPAWN_STDOUT, #87548] INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: stream=

Time: 0.635
There was 1 failure:
1) runDetoxTests(
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;
  at com.wix.detox.DetoxMain.initActionHandlers(DetoxMain.kt:64)
  at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
  at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  at androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$ActivityStatement.evaluate(
  at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  at androidx.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor.execute(
  at androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.onStart(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.FunctionReference
  ... 35 more

Tests run: 1,  Failures: 1


detox[86970] DEBUG: [SPAWN_END, #87548] /Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-5554 shell am instrument -w -r -e detoxServer ws://localhost:50776 -e detoxSessionId 2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0 -e debug false finished with code = 0
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #28] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 reverse --remove tcp:50776
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onHookFailure({
  error: DetoxRuntimeError: Failed to run application on the device

  HINT: Most likely, your main activity has crashed prematurely.

  Native stacktrace dump: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;
      at _callee$ (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/e2e/setup.js:4:16)
      at tryCatch (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
      at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
      at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
      at tryCatch (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
      at invoke (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
      at /Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11
      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
      at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:169:16)
      at AsyncIterator.enqueue (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:192:13)
      at AsyncIterator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
      at Object.<anonymous>.exports.async (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:219:14)
      at _callee (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/e2e/setup.js:3:11)
      at Promise.then.completed (/Users/zanechua/Documents/Projects/example/app/node_modules/jest-circus/build/utils.js:276:28),
  hook: 'beforeAll'
Example[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onRunDescribeStart({ name: 'Example' })
detox[86970] INFO:  Example is assigned to emulator-5554 (Pixel_3a_XL_API_30)
detox[86970] INFO:  Example: should have onboarding screen
detox[86970] INFO:  Example: should have onboarding screen [FAIL]
detox[86970] INFO:  Example: should show onboarding screen 2 after tap
detox[86970] INFO:  Example: should show onboarding screen 2 after tap [FAIL]
Example[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onRunDescribeFinish({ name: 'Example' })

ROOT_DESCRIBE_BLOCK[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onRunDescribeFinish({ name: 'ROOT_DESCRIBE_BLOCK' })
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onBeforeCleanup()
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #28]
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_SAVE] saving ADBLogcatRecording to: artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z/emulator-5554 2021-06-15 09-40-25Z.startup.log
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_STOP] stopping ADBLogcatRecording
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #29] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "date +\"%m-%d %T.000\""
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #29] 06-15 17:40:24.000

detox[86970] TRACE: [SPAWN_KILL, #87550] sending SIGINT to: /Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-5554 shell logcat -T "06-15 17:40:21.000" --pid=14789 -f /sdcard/173844263_0.log
detox[86970] DEBUG: [SPAWN_END, #87550] /Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-5554 shell "logcat -T \"06-15 17:40:21.000\" --pid=14789 -f /sdcard/173844263_0.log" terminated with SIGINT
detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #30] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 pull "/sdcard/173844263_0.log" "artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z/emulator-5554 2021-06-15 09-40-25Z.startup.log"
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #30] /sdcard/173844263_0.log: 1 file pulled, 0 skipped. 5.8 MB/s (82562 bytes in 0.013s)

detox[86970] DEBUG: [EXEC_CMD, #31] "/Users/zanechua/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "rm  \"/sdcard/173844263_0.log\""
detox[86970] TRACE: [EXEC_SUCCESS, #31]
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_START] starting FileArtifact
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_STOP] stopping FileArtifact
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_SAVE] saving FileArtifact to: artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z/detox_pid_86970.json.log { append: true }
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_START] starting FileArtifact
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_STOP] stopping FileArtifact
detox[86970] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_SAVE] saving FileArtifact to: artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z/detox_pid_86970.log { append: true }
detox[86970] DEBUG: [MOVE_FILE] moving "/private/var/folders/cm/qndkx7mn1597mx3l2jcrxj4c0000gn/T/8ccc8c00-68bc-4923-9ceb-9adc9a19946e.detox.log" to artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z/detox_pid_86970.json.log
detox[86970] DEBUG: [MOVE_FILE] moving "/private/var/folders/cm/qndkx7mn1597mx3l2jcrxj4c0000gn/T/9151ab8b-7919-407d-808d-cbbc4f542a24.detox.log" to artifacts/android.emu.release.2021-06-15 09-38-43Z/detox_pid_86970.log
detox[86970] ERROR: [APP_UNREACHABLE] Failed to reach the app over the web socket connection.


1. If you don't see your app running on the device, there's a chance
   that your app has crashed prematurely. To get the crash details,
   you can run Detox tests with "--record-logs all" CLI option
   and then inspect the device logs in the artifacts folder.

2. If your app IS running on the device, yet you see this message:
a) The native part of Detox failed to connect to the Detox server over
   web sockets. If this is the case, the device's logs should contain
   messages about those failed connection attempts.

b) The app is running without Detox native code injected.
   Make sure you don't launch it manually. If you don't, examine the logs
   from the device. If you see a crash related to Detox native code, you
   are welcome to report it on our GitHub tracker.
   In case if you are debugging your native code integration with Detox,
   these guides may prove helpful:


detox[86970] DEBUG: [WSS_CLOSE] Detox server has been closed gracefully
 FAIL  e2e/firstTest.e2e.js (101.902 s)
  Exampleshould have onboarding screen (11 ms)
    ✕ should show onboarding screen 2 after tap (4 ms)

  ● Exampleshould have onboarding screen

    DetoxRuntimeError: Failed to run application on the device

    HINT: Most likely, your main activity has crashed prematurely.

    Native stacktrace dump: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;

      2 |
      3 | beforeAll(async () => {
    > 4 |   await device.launchApp({
        |                ^
      5 |     permissions: {
      6 |       location: 'always',
      7 |       notifications: 'YES'

      at _callee$ (setup.js:4:16)
      at tryCatch (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
      at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
      at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
      at tryCatch (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
      at invoke (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
      at ../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11
      at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:169:16)
      at AsyncIterator.enqueue (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:192:13)
      at AsyncIterator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
      at Object.<anonymous>.exports.async (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:219:14)
      at _callee (setup.js:3:11)

  ● Exampleshould show onboarding screen 2 after tap

    DetoxRuntimeError: Failed to run application on the device

    HINT: Most likely, your main activity has crashed prematurely.

    Native stacktrace dump: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;

      2 |
      3 | beforeAll(async () => {
    > 4 |   await device.launchApp({
        |                ^
      5 |     permissions: {
      6 |       location: 'always',
      7 |       notifications: 'YES'

      at _callee$ (setup.js:4:16)
      at tryCatch (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
      at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
      at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
      at tryCatch (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
      at invoke (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
      at ../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11
      at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:169:16)
      at AsyncIterator.enqueue (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:192:13)
      at AsyncIterator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
      at Object.<anonymous>.exports.async (../node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:219:14)
      at _callee (setup.js:3:11)

detox[86970] TRACE: [SESSION_TORN] tester exited session 2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0
detox[86969] ERROR: [cli.js] Command failed: jest --config e2e/config.json --testNamePattern '^((?!:ios:).)*$' --maxWorkers 1 e2e

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Device logs (adb logcat)

--------- beginning of system
06-15 17:40:22.164 14789 14789 W ActivityThread: Package uses different ABI(s) than its instrumentation: package[]: arm64-v8a, null instrumentation[]: null, null
--------- beginning of main
06-15 17:40:22.170 14789 14789 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
06-15 17:40:22.170 14789 14789 I chatty  : uid=10178( identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.171 14789 14789 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
06-15 17:40:22.291 14789 14789 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
06-15 17:40:22.291 14789 14789 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
06-15 17:40:22.292 14789 14789 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
06-15 17:40:22.292 14789 14789 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
06-15 17:40:22.292 14789 14789 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
06-15 17:40:22.293 14789 14789 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
06-15 17:40:22.293 14789 14789 I chatty  : uid=10178( identical 2 lines
06-15 17:40:22.293 14789 14789 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
06-15 17:40:22.369 14789 14789 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
06-15 17:40:22.369 14789 14789 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
06-15 17:40:22.383 14789 14789 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
06-15 17:40:22.406 14789 14789 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
06-15 17:40:22.407 14789 14789 D Sentry  : read: false
06-15 17:40:22.407 14789 14789 I Sentry  : Retrieving auto-init from AndroidManifest.xml
06-15 17:40:22.409 14789 14816 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
06-15 17:40:22.409 14789 14816 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
06-15 17:40:22.409 14789 14789 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration.
06-15 17:40:22.420 14789 14789 I TetheringManager:
06-15 17:40:22.431 14789 14789 I MonitoringInstr: Instrumentation started!
06-15 17:40:22.438 14789 14789 D SoLoader: init start
06-15 17:40:22.438 14789 14789 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib64
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib64
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: adding application source: com.facebook.soloader.c[root = /data/app/~~Q_74v2itLDDeZFeq-x25fw==/ flags = 0]
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: adding backup source from : com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.c[root = /system/lib64 flags = 2]
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.c[root = /vendor/lib64 flags = 2]
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.c[root = /data/app/~~Q_74v2itLDDeZFeq-x25fw==/ flags = 0]
06-15 17:40:22.458 14789 14789 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/ flags = 1]
06-15 17:40:22.459 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/
06-15 17:40:22.461 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: deps mismatch on deps store: regenerating
06-15 17:40:22.461 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: so store dirty: regenerating
06-15 17:40:22.467 14789 14828 I FA      : App measurement initialized, version: 42004
06-15 17:40:22.467 14789 14828 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
06-15 17:40:22.467 14789 14828 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
06-15 17:40:22.467 14789 14828 I FA      :   adb shell setprop
06-15 17:40:22.507 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.507 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.507 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.507 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.507 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.507 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.508 14789 14789 D ApkSoSource: not allowing consideration of lib/arm64-v8a/ deferring to libdir
06-15 17:40:22.509 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: regenerating DSO store com.facebook.soloader.a
06-15 17:40:22.509 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: Finished regenerating DSO store com.facebook.soloader.a
06-15 17:40:22.509 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: starting syncer worker
06-15 17:40:22.513 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/ (from syncer thread)
06-15 17:40:22.513 14789 14789 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: not releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/ (syncer thread started)
06-15 17:40:22.513 14789 14789 D SoLoader: init finish: 4 SO sources prepared
06-15 17:40:22.513 14789 14789 D SoLoader: init exiting
06-15 17:40:22.528 14789 14789 D AppCenterCrashes: Creating crashes module with crashListener DO_NOT_ASK_JAVASCRIPT
06-15 17:40:22.531 14789 14789 D ReactNative: [CodePush] Loading JS bundle from "assets://"
06-15 17:40:22.531 14789 14789 D SoLoader: init exiting
06-15 17:40:22.535 14789 14789 I MonitoringInstr: No JSBridge.
06-15 17:40:22.553 14789 14834 I UsageTrackerFacilitator: Usage tracking enabled
06-15 17:40:22.554 14789 14834 I TestRequestBuilder: Scanning classpath to find tests in paths [/data/app/~~Y0pN2Z_ZQYDIR-FUsG4EiA==/]
06-15 17:40:22.554 14789 14834 W Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxANRHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxANRHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxCrashHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxCrashHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxMain; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxMain; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxMain; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxMainKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/DetoxMainKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/LaunchIntentsFactory; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/LaunchIntentsFactory; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/NotificationDataParser; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/NotificationDataParser; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/TestEngineFacade; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.615 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/TestEngineFacade; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/action/common/MotionDefs; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/action/common/MotionDefs; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ActionsExecutor; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ActionsExecutor; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/CleanupActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/CleanupActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxActionHandlersKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxActionHandlersKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxActionsDispatcher; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxActionsDispatcher; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxActionsDispatcherKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxActionsDispatcherKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxServerAdapter; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxServerAdapter; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxServerInfo; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxServerInfo; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxServerInfoKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/DetoxServerInfoKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/InstrumentsEventsActionsHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/InstrumentsEventsActionsHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/InstrumentsRecordingStateActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/InstrumentsRecordingStateActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/InvokeActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.616 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/InvokeActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/QueryStatusActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/QueryStatusActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ReactNativeReloadActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ReactNativeReloadActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ReadyActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ReadyActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ScarceActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/adapters/server/ScarceActionHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/DetoxLog; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/DetoxLog; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/ErrorUtilsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/ErrorUtilsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/JsonConverter; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/JsonConverter; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/SDKSupports; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/SDKSupports; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/TextFileReader; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/TextFileReader; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/UIThread; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/UIThread; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/UIThread; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 6 lines
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/UIThread; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.617 14789 14834 E TestLoader: Could not find class: com.wix.detox.common.collect.PairsIterator
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/CallInfo; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/CallInfo; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/MethodsSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/MethodsSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/SpyingInvocationHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/SpyingInvocationHandler; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/SpyingInvocationHandler; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/config/DetoxConfig; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/config/DetoxConfig; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/config/DetoxIdlePolicyConfig; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/config/DetoxIdlePolicyConfig; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/DeviceDisplay; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/DeviceDisplay; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/DeviceDisplay; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 2 lines
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/DeviceDisplay; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/EventsInjectorReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/EventsInjectorReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/UiControllerSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/UiControllerSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/MethodsSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/UiControllerSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/common/proxy/MethodsSpy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/UiControllerSpy; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/UiControllerSpy; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/CheckBoxAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.618 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/CheckBoxAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/CommonAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/CommonAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxMultiTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxMultiTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxSingleTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxSingleTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxMultiTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxSingleTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/DetoxMultiTap; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/GetAttributesAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/GetAttributesAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/ProgressBarAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/ProgressBarAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/ScreenshotResult; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/ScreenshotResult; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/SliderAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/SliderAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/TakeViewScreenshotAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/TakeViewScreenshotAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/TextViewAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/TextViewAttributes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/ViewScreenshot; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/ViewScreenshot; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/DetoxViewConfigurationKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/DetoxViewConfigurationKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.619 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/DetoxViewConfigurations; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/DetoxViewConfigurations; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/MotionEvents; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/MotionEvents; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/MotionEventsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/MotionEventsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/TapEvents; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/TapEvents; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/TapEventsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/action/common/TapEventsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/common/utils/UiControllerUtils; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/common/utils/UiControllerUtils; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/matcher/IsAssignableFromMatcher; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/matcher/IsAssignableFromMatcher; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/matcher/ViewAtIndexMatcher; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/matcher/ViewAtIndexMatcher; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/matcher/ViewMatchers; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/matcher/ViewMatchers; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/registry/IRStatusInquirer; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/registry/IRStatusInquirer; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/registry/IRStatusInquirerKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.620 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/registry/IRStatusInquirerKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsListViewBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsListViewBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsListViewForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsListViewForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionBase; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollAction; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionBase; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionStaleAtEdge; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionStaleAtEdge; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionBase; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionStaleAtEdge; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxScrollActionBase; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxSwipe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/DetoxSwipe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/FlinglessSwiper; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/FlinglessSwiper; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollEdgeException; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollEdgeException; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollProbes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollProbes; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeHBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeHBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeHBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.621 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeHForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeHForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeHForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeVBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeVBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeVBack; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeVForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeVForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/ScrollableProbeVForward; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/AbsScrollableProbe; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/SwipeHelper; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/SwipeHelper; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/SwipeHelperKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/scroll/SwipeHelperKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/utils/Vector2D; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/utils/Vector2D; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/utils/Vector2DKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.622 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/espresso/utils/Vector2DKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/MQThreadReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/MQThreadReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/MQThreadsReflector; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/MQThreadsReflector; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/RNVersion; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/RNVersion; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeExtension; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeExtension; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeExtension; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 6 lines
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeExtension; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeExtensionKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeExtensionKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeIdlingResources; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.623 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeIdlingResources; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeIdlingResourcesKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeIdlingResourcesKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeInfo; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeInfo; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeInfo; annotation class 2131
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeLoadingMonitor; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeLoadingMonitor; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeLoadingMonitorKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeLoadingMonitorKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeReLoader; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/ReactNativeReLoader; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/helpers/RNHelpers; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/helpers/RNHelpers; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/helpers/RNHelpersKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/helpers/RNHelpersKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResource; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResource; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResourceKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.624 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResourceKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResourceLegacy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResourceLegacy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResource; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResourceLegacy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/AsyncStorageIdlingResource; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/ModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/ModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/NetworkingModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/NetworkingModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/SerialExecutorReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/SerialExecutorReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DefaultIdleInterrogationStrategy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DefaultIdleInterrogationStrategy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DefaultIdleInterrogationStrategyKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DefaultIdleInterrogationStrategyKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DelegatedIdleInterrogationStrategy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DelegatedIdleInterrogationStrategy; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DelegatedIdleInterrogationStrategyKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/DelegatedIdleInterrogationStrategyKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/IdleInterrogationStrategyKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/IdleInterrogationStrategyKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.625 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/RN62TimingModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/RN62TimingModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/TimerReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/TimerReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/TimersIdlingResource; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/TimersIdlingResource; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/TimingModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.626 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lcom/wix/detox/reactnative/idlingresources/timers/TimingModuleReflected; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lkotlin/collections/jdk8/CollectionsJDK8Kt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lkotlin/collections/jdk8/CollectionsJDK8Kt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 E TestLoader: Could not find class: kotlin.internal.jdk8.JDK8PlatformImplementations
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lkotlin/streams/jdk8/StreamsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lkotlin/streams/jdk8/StreamsKt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lkotlin/text/jdk8/RegexExtensionsJDK8Kt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 I chatty  : uid=10178( roidJUnitRunner identical 1 line
06-15 17:40:22.627 14789 14834 W Unable to resolve Lkotlin/text/jdk8/RegexExtensionsJDK8Kt; annotation class 2112
06-15 17:40:22.637 14789 14834 D TestExecutor: Adding listener androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.LogRunListener
06-15 17:40:22.637 14789 14834 D TestExecutor: Adding listener androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter
06-15 17:40:22.637 14789 14834 D TestExecutor: Adding listener androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.ActivityFinisherRunListener
06-15 17:40:22.637 14789 14834 I TestRunner: run started: 1 tests
06-15 17:40:22.639 14789 14834 I TestRunner: started: runDetoxTests(
06-15 17:40:22.648 14789 14834 D EventInjectionStrategy: Creating injection strategy with input manager.
06-15 17:40:22.822 14789 14854 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
06-15 17:40:22.823 14789 14854 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
06-15 17:40:22.824 14789 14854 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
06-15 17:40:22.854 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: PRE_ON_CREATE
06-15 17:40:22.861 14789 14858 D SoLoader: About to load:
06-15 17:40:22.861 14789 14858 D SoLoader: not found on /data/data/
06-15 17:40:22.861 14789 14858 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/~~Q_74v2itLDDeZFeq-x25fw==/
06-15 17:40:22.861 14789 14858 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
06-15 17:40:22.873 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: CREATED
06-15 17:40:22.877 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: STARTED
06-15 17:40:22.878 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: RESUMED
06-15 17:40:22.886 14789 14858 D SoLoader: Loaded:
06-15 17:40:22.888 14789 14858 D SoLoader: About to load:
06-15 17:40:22.889 14789 14858 D SoLoader: not found on /data/data/
06-15 17:40:22.889 14789 14858 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/~~Q_74v2itLDDeZFeq-x25fw==/
06-15 17:40:22.889 14789 14858 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
06-15 17:40:22.890 14789 14858 D SoLoader: Loaded:
06-15 17:40:22.900 14789 14853 D HostConnection: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb400007aa9a8a350, tid 14853
06-15 17:40:22.909 14789 14828 I FA      : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used
06-15 17:40:22.911 14789 14858 D ReactNativeFirebaseApp: received application context.
06-15 17:40:22.912 14789 14853 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_3_0 
06-15 17:40:22.913 14789 14858 D AppCenterCrashes: Setting react context
06-15 17:40:22.913 14789 14858 D AppCenterCrashes: Returning list containing crashes module
06-15 17:40:22.915 14789 14853 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
06-15 17:40:22.920 14789 14853 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xb400007a99c6dce0: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
06-15 17:40:22.924 14789 14853 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0xb400007a99c6dce0: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0xb400007a39b44a20) (first time)
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: RNInstallReferrerClient exception. getInstallReferrer will be unavailable: d.a.a.a.a.newBuilder [class android.content.Context]
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: d.a.a.a.a.newBuilder [class android.content.Context]
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.learnium.RNDeviceInfo.c.<init>(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.learnium.RNDeviceInfo.RNDeviceModule.<init>(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.learnium.RNDeviceInfo.b.createNativeModules(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.r.a(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.e.b(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager.processPackage(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager.processPackages(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager.createReactContext(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager.access$1100(
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager$
06-15 17:40:22.925 14789 14858 W System.err: 	at
06-15 17:40:22.935 14789 14858 D SoLoader: About to load:
06-15 17:40:22.943 14789 14858 D SoLoader: not found on /data/data/
06-15 17:40:22.943 14789 14858 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/~~Q_74v2itLDDeZFeq-x25fw==/
06-15 17:40:22.943 14789 14858 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
06-15 17:40:22.946 14789 14858 D SoLoader: Loaded:
06-15 17:40:22.946 14789 14853 I Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported
06-15 17:40:22.946 14789 14853 D HostConnection: createUnique: call
06-15 17:40:22.947 14789 14853 D HostConnection: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb400007aa9a8b3d0, tid 14853
06-15 17:40:22.947 14789 14853 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x100
06-15 17:40:22.947 14789 14853 D goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x1fbc64000 size 0x8000
06-15 17:40:22.954 14789 14853 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v1 ANDROID_EMU_host_composition_v2 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_3_0 
06-15 17:40:23.060 14789 14834 I Detox   : Detox server connection details: url=ws://localhost:50776, sessionId=2938732d-a82c-f4db-8712-f86d827213e0
06-15 17:40:23.107 14789 14864 W OneSignal: appContext set, but please call setAppId(appId) with a valid appId to complete OneSignal init!
06-15 17:40:23.107 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: PAUSED
06-15 17:40:23.107 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: running callback: androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$LifecycleCallback@52f5e09
06-15 17:40:23.107 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: callback completes: androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$LifecycleCallback@52f5e09
06-15 17:40:23.112 14789 14874 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "notification"
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: failed: runDetoxTests(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: ----- begin exception -----
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/FunctionReference;
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at com.wix.detox.DetoxMain.initActionHandlers(DetoxMain.kt:64)
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at com.wix.detox.Detox.runTests(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule$ActivityStatement.evaluate(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at androidx.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor.execute(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.onStart(
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	at$
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.FunctionReference
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: 	... 35 more
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 E TestRunner: ----- end exception -----
06-15 17:40:23.115 14789 14834 I TestRunner: finished: runDetoxTests(
06-15 17:40:23.119 14789 14789 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 1
06-15 17:40:23.119 14789 14834 I MonitoringInstr: Unstopped activity count: 1
06-15 17:40:23.169 14789 14834 I MonitoringInstr: Unstopped activity count: 1
06-15 17:40:23.184 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.picker.ReactDialogPickerManager
06-15 17:40:23.185 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.uimanager.LayoutShadowNode
06-15 17:40:23.186 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.drawer.ReactDrawerLayoutManager
06-15 17:40:23.186 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.picker.ReactDropdownPickerManager
06-15 17:40:23.187 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.187 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollContainerViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.188 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ReactProgressBarViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.189 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.b
06-15 17:40:23.189 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactScrollViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.189 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.slider.ReactSliderManager
06-15 17:40:23.189 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.slider.ReactSliderManager$c
06-15 17:40:23.190 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager
06-15 17:40:23.190 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager$b
06-15 17:40:23.190 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.swiperefresh.SwipeRefreshLayoutManager
06-15 17:40:23.212 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.212 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.a
06-15 17:40:23.214 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.image.ReactImageManager
06-15 17:40:23.215 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ReactModalHostManager
06-15 17:40:23.220 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.b
06-15 17:40:23.221 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextManager
06-15 17:40:23.221 14789 14834 I MonitoringInstr: Unstopped activity count: 1
06-15 17:40:23.222 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.l
06-15 17:40:23.223 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputManager
06-15 17:40:23.226 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.m
06-15 17:40:23.228 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.229 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.q
06-15 17:40:23.230 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.231 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.w
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.unimplementedview.ReactUnimplementedViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class
06-15 17:40:23.232 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class org.reactnative.maskedview.RNCMaskedViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerRootViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerButtonViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext.SafeAreaProviderManager
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext.SafeAreaViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext.k
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenContainerViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.233 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.234 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenStackViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.234 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.234 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenStackHeaderSubviewManager
06-15 17:40:23.234 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$GroupViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.234 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$d
06-15 17:40:23.234 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$PathViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.237 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$CircleViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.237 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$EllipseViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.237 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$LineViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.237 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$RectViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.238 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$TextViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.238 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$TSpanViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.238 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$TextPathViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.239 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$ImageViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.241 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$ClipPathViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.241 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$DefsViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.241 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$UseViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.242 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$SymbolManager
06-15 17:40:23.242 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$LinearGradientManager
06-15 17:40:23.243 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$RadialGradientManager
06-15 17:40:23.243 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$PatternManager
06-15 17:40:23.244 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$MaskManager
06-15 17:40:23.245 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$ForeignObjectManager
06-15 17:40:23.245 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.RenderableViewManager$MarkerManager
06-15 17:40:23.247 14789 14864 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.horcrux.svg.SvgViewManager
06-15 17:40:23.249 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: STOPPED
06-15 17:40:23.263 14789 14864 D SoLoader: About to load:
06-15 17:40:23.266 14789 14864 D SoLoader: not found on /data/data/
06-15 17:40:23.266 14789 14864 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/~~Q_74v2itLDDeZFeq-x25fw==/
06-15 17:40:23.266 14789 14864 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
06-15 17:40:23.272 14789 14834 I TestRunner: run finished: 1 tests, 1 failed, 0 ignored
06-15 17:40:23.284 14789 14864 D SoLoader: Loaded:
06-15 17:40:23.301 14789 14789 D LifecycleMonitor: Lifecycle status change: in: DESTROYED
06-15 17:40:23.308 14789 14864 D SoLoader: init exiting
06-15 17:40:23.616 14789 14834 I MonitoringInstr: waitForActivitiesToComplete() took: 0ms



Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Detox: 18.17
  • React Native: 0.64.2
  • Node: 14.17
  • Device: MBP M1
  • OS: MacOS 11.4
  • Test-runner (select one): jest-circus
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Okay, if I get it right — you managed to fix your problem.
If so, I wonder do you have any idea how to incorporate that into Detox documentation (e.g. Troubleshooting section), or maybe you see a different way to make it helpful?

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Yup. Don't have any issues using Detox with Jest 26 once I applied the proguard line to keep the kotlin classes.

I think perhaps we could have a troubleshooting section anyone who faces anything along the lines of

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.*

then we could suggest them by creating their own proguard rules and applying that along with the proguard rules that come with detox.

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d4vidi commented Jun 20, 2021

I'm looking into the option of adding these rules to Detox' application rules-set.

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d4vidi commented Jun 21, 2021

@zanechua Thanks for reporting this in spite of having it solved! As explained - I do wish to have this solved across the board via Detox itself. A piece of info that could help for that, is to know whether your app uses Kotlin at all (i.e. has the kotlin std-lib defined as its dependency + has the classpath defined), or that it is in fact java-only (more info).

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zanechua commented Jun 21, 2021

As far as i know, we only have the classpath defined in the project like you see above in the build.gradle that I provided.

There are only 3 references to the keyword kotlin in the project, this is excluding node_modules.

  • kotlinVersion = "1.5.10"
  • classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion"
  • -keep class kotlin.** { *; }

I have nothing else in my react-native project that uses kotlin.

A cursory look at kotlin in the node_modules folder seems to be pointing mainly to detox-native and jetifier

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d4vidi commented Jun 21, 2021

@zanechua please upgrade to Detox 18.18.1 and try to remove your custom minification rule - and report back (or close the issue if it just works! 🤞🏻).

Thanks for the additional info 🙏🏻

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Just upgraded to 18.18.1 and unfortunately not...

Now the error has just changed to:

Native stacktrace dump: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Lambda;

Not sure if you guys are comfortable with using the wildcard rule for kotlin instead of just the individual function calls

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@d4vidi - This has worked for me, thank you.

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d4vidi commented Jun 27, 2021

@zanechua Truly interested in finding out what it is about your project that poses such a challenge to Detox' proguard rules files 😂
We're fairly comfortable with wildcards - I believe we could sort that out easily.

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zanechua commented Jun 27, 2021

@d4vidi I would like to know too. hahaha. If I get some free time, I'll go see if I can find which package is being the annoying one but the proguard rule with wildcards will have to do for now. 😆

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d4vidi commented Jul 4, 2021

@zanechua I don't mind, in particular, to include all of Kotlin's internals - the overhead would be very small. It's more about being able to understand this better, obviously.

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d4vidi commented Jul 26, 2021

@zanechua In, I've expanded the minification exemption rule with respect to kotlin.jvm.**. Please try again with Detox 18.20.x 🙏🏻

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DanielMarkiel commented Feb 3, 2022

@zanechua Thank you man! You saved me additional hours spent wondering why my tests are failing.

@d4vidi Is it possible to describe more precisely in the docs the required changes in the configuration if someone wants to use an additional build type solution with flavors 7-proguard-minification-obfuscation or can we add the link to this issue at the end of the note Note: if your app contains flavors -- that makes things a bit trickier, but the approach can generally be adjusted to support that as well.?

The non described changes that were crucial in my case:
In the detox config (build command):
assembleAndroidTest -> assembleProductionReleaseE2EAndroidTest
-DtestBuildType=release -> -DtestBuildType=releaseE2E

Additionally, if someone has enabled Hermes the following line should be added to build.gradle file (below the releaseImplementation files(hermesPath + "hermes-release.aar")):
releaseE2EImplementation files(hermesPath + "hermes-release.aar")

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@zanechua Thank you man! You saved me additional hours spent wondering why my tests are failing.

@d4vidi Is it possible to describe more precisely in the docs the required changes in the configuration if someone wants to use an additional build type solution with flavors 7-proguard-minification-obfuscation or can we add the link to this issue at the end of the note Note: if your app contains flavors -- that makes things a bit trickier, but the approach can generally be adjusted to support that as well.?

The non described changes that were crucial in my case: In the detox config (build command): assembleAndroidTest -> assembleProductionReleaseE2EAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=release -> -DtestBuildType=releaseE2E

Additionally, if someone has enabled Hermes the following line should be added to build.gradle file (below the releaseImplementation files(hermesPath + "hermes-release.aar")): releaseE2EImplementation files(hermesPath + "hermes-release.aar")

assembleProductionReleaseE2EAndroidTest this gradle task is not found in the project. Any idea how to add this task to gradle ?

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d4vidi commented May 22, 2022

@arjun1194 that gradle task isn't something wide-spread, you probably shouldn't be looking for it in your own project. Rather, you probably need something like aseembleAndroidTest.

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