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QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method / SSLv3_server_method #3001

cdfre opened this issue Jun 14, 2016 · 179 comments

QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method / SSLv3_server_method #3001

cdfre opened this issue Jun 14, 2016 · 179 comments


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cdfre commented Jun 14, 2016


Fixed in 0.12.5 - Please update to this version.

!! Note that downgrading openssl is not a solution !!

Original issue

Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

Loading pages (1/6)
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method               ] 10%
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method

I have libssl-dev and openssl installed.

wkhtmltopdf --version
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.3 (with patched qt)
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rozwell commented Jun 20, 2016

Same system, same issue here.

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grevus commented Jun 22, 2016

Archlinux +1

Copy link that's because debian has DROPPED these symbols completely from the packages, the code needs to be adjusted to not use them please!!


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Any workarounds?

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The only workaround I've been able to figure out is to NOT use any https:// urls in anything I"m rendering (luckily s3 works with both) - so all local files or all https

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What temporarily works for images is to use base64 images in your PDF.

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rozwell commented Jul 7, 2016

Well, because wkhtmltopdf has those issues and it's very slow... I switched to TCPDF

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amenk commented Dec 4, 2016

Can this be fixed?

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ashkulz commented Dec 4, 2016

@amenk: Unless you build distro-specific packages, not really easy to do.

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amenk commented Dec 4, 2016 via email

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ksdev-pl commented Dec 7, 2016

Debian Stretch :(

QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_num_locks
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_locking_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_free
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_num
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_pop_free
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_value
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_load_error_strings
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv23_server_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain
QSslSocket: cannot resolve OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf
QSslSocket: cannot resolve OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLeay

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amenk commented Dec 7, 2016 via email

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ksdev-pl commented Dec 7, 2016

I think it's related to the discussed problem - auroraeosrose writes about the changes in debian above. Wkhtmltopdf doesn't work in stretch with https links in html content. Hopefully it will be working when stretch will be released (?).

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ashkulz commented Dec 8, 2016

Does it not work totally or it just gives a warning message?

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ksdev-pl commented Dec 8, 2016

Sorry I did not check it earlier. I'm using knplabs/knp-snappy as a wrapper, so when the exit status code is 1 (because of the warning message) an exception is thrown. But the generated file is indeed there. So it may be enough for me to catch the exception...

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TheSin- commented May 9, 2017

is there a switch when building form source to build and link a static ssl lib maybe? sure would be nice to have an option here.

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On Debian 9 Stretch:

After trying to run this:

./wkhtmltopdf google.pdf

We have this error result:

QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_num_locks                  ] 10%
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_locking_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_free
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_num
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_pop_free
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_value
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_load_error_strings
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv23_server_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain
QSslSocket: cannot resolve OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf
QSslSocket: cannot resolve OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLeay
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_num_locks
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_locking_callback
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function sk_num
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
Error: Failed to load, with network status code 99 and http status code 0
Error: Failed loading page (sometimes it will work just to ignore this error with --load-error-handling ignore)
Exit with code 1 due to network error: UnknownNetworkError
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_num_locks
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_locking_callback

We've tried to compile version from git and precompiled package version from this site and results are the same.

This problem is only on HTTPS, on the HTTP it works correctly.

Thanks for looking into it.

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Dayjo commented May 16, 2017

I updated from wkhtmltoimage (with patched qt) to wkhtmltoimage 0.12.4 (with patched qt) and suddenly started getting this error.

Any information on how to avoid it?

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TheSin- commented May 16, 2017

honestly I tried everything and couldn't get it working the build system is very complex and unique. That is all I'll say on that part.

I had to make a php wget script to make a temp dir, parse the wkhtmltopdf params for post vars and fetch the page then inject it into wkhtmltopdf, it was and is a huge PITA, but it's all I could do to get it working.

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k0lter commented Jun 20, 2017

For Debian Stretch users and others with the QSslSocket: cannot resolve $func issue, you just need to install the package libssl1.0-dev (or similar package in your distro).

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I have this problem went try run Mendely on Debian 9. Tks for you suggestions!!!

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on ubuntu 16.04 it's libssl-dev which didn't seem to install at first, so you may need to add architecture i386 and install libssl-dev:i386 ... but since this has been a nightmare and it works I'm not messing with it anymore

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tobiasvielmetter commented Jun 30, 2017

@bios-ben that does not seem to help. I have Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with wkhtmltopdf 0.12.3 from composer ("h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64": "^0.12.3", "h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64": "^0.12.3"). This used to work fine and still works fine on my test machine but on my production system everything stopped working yesterday (presumably through an automated update).
I have added i386 architecture and have installed libssl-dev:i386, but that does not change anything (also restarted, just to make sure).
I always get:

forge@somemachinec6vh:~/default$ ./vendor/h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64/bin/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 --lowquality --margin-bottom '5mm' --margin-left '5mm' --margin-right '5mm' --margin-top '5mm' --orientation 'portrait' --page-size 'letter' --load-error-handling 'ignore' --load-media-error-handling 'ignore' 'test.html' 'something.pdf'
Loading pages (1/6)
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_num_locks                  ] 10%
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_locking_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_free
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_num
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_pop_free
QSslSocket: cannot resolve sk_value
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_load_error_strings
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv23_server_method
QSslSocket: cannot resolve X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain
QSslSocket: cannot resolve OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf
QSslSocket: cannot resolve OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLeay
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_num_locks
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_locking_callback
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function sk_num
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method2%
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
Counting pages (2/6)                                               
Resolving links (4/6)                                                       
Loading headers and footers (5/6)                                           
Printing pages (6/6)
Exit with code 1 due to network error: UnknownNetworkError
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_num_locks
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_set_locking_callback

The html is basically breaking the creation with any https:// link. even font files from google. Upgrading wkhtmltopdf to 0.12.4 via apt-get (instead of composer, as the composer packages are outdated) works, but messes with the entire styling of my existing templates.

Has anyone any tips on how to get this working again?

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bios-ben commented Jun 30, 2017 via email

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@bios-ben thanks for your input. I am at my wits end with this. Funny enough I have done similar things. My compile version does also not work. The version that I have installed with apt-get only runs via xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf and messes with my styling (probably different dpi, font is off, other handling of some css). The composer version is the one that works fine on my test system (vagrant homestead, also Ubuntu 16.04.2) but not on my production system. I haven't figured out what the difference is yet.
Anyhow, if there is anything ales someone can contribute in how to get this working again, that would be great! Thanks

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bios-ben commented Jun 30, 2017 via email

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@bios-ben thanks. i wasnt able to get it to work yet, but thanks for trying.

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$ wkhtmltopdf --version
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.4 (with patched qt)

Same errors. Works on my Laravel Homestead machine:

$ uname -a
Linux cad 4.4.0-66-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:29:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

but not on my provisioned Laravel Forge machine:

$ uname -a
Linux lively-moon 4.9.15-x86_64-linode81 #1 SMP Fri Mar 17 09:47:36 EDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


"Loading pages (1/6)
[>                                                           ] 0%
[===>                                                        ] 5%
[======>                                                     ] 10%
[==================>                                         ] 30%
[=================================>                          ] 55%
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_num_locks
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_id_callback
QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_set_locking_callback

I have libssl-dev installed on both machines. Worked a week ago on another Ubuntu Xenial server but now it doesn't. I tried everything in this issue already with no luck.

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rmoriz commented Feb 14, 2019

I became suspicious, because you missed it 2 times to post the version output (--version), once in your opening question and in the reply to my questions…

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This issue is still hanging about. I've updated to 0.12.5 and still getting the same error.

@bradleybernard did you ever get this working with Forge?

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I confirmed 0.12.5 works out-of-the-box as pointed out by @TerjeBr et al #3001 (comment)

On my docker image (python 3.6 stretch):

FROM python:3.6
wget "${WKHTML2PDF_VERSION}/wkhtmltox_${WKHTML2PDF_VERSION}-1.stretch_amd64.deb" \
&& apt-get install -y ./wkhtmltox_${WKHTML2PDF_VERSION}-1.stretch_amd64.deb 

NOTE that it's not checking checksums!!! (which is not recommended)

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A note to all those who suggest upgrading to 0.12.5 .
That version has bugs which make it unusable in certain conditions, i.e #3242

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I am using laravel homestead, and i ran into the same issue.
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev
fixed issue for me.

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Can someone confirm if using sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev is safe on a production site please?

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apt-get install libssl1.0-dev

Love U :*

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jayprakashji commented Mar 20, 2019

No, libssl1.0-dev is not safe on production, when you on the same system compile some packages. (Those packages would be compiled with an old ssl)
On production we have created 2 solutions:

  1. remove all https from converted files. Css, js, images, cover, header-html. I wasn't trivial, but possible on our setup. Then you don't need to downgrade ssl-dev.
  2. create docker image which you use instead of wkhtml binary.

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Jcs1994 commented Apr 30, 2019

Can I fix this issue on Ubuntu 19.04 ? package is not found using apt-get install libssl1.0-dev (after apt-get update of course)

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If you do not need the old version for other reasons, your best bet is to upgrade to wkhtmltopdf version 0.12.5

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takman1 commented Jul 22, 2019

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial), I tried this fix and it worked for me.

  1. curl --location -o /tmp/wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.xenial_amd64.deb
  2. sudo apt-get --assume-yes install /tmp/wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.xenial_amd64.deb
  3. rm /tmp/wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.xenial_amd64.deb
  4. wkhtmltopdf '' /tmp/google.pdf

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For Debian 9-10

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.stretch_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt -f install
$ wkhtmltopdf '' google.pdf

if ou have this response:

Loading pages (1/6)
Counting pages (2/6)
Resolving links (4/6)
Loading headers and footers (5/6)
Printing pages (6/6)

then, change the config/snappy.php like this:
'binary' => 'wkhtmltopdf',

It's works for me...

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For Debian Stretch users and others with the QSslSocket: cannot resolve $func issue, you just need to install the package libssl1.0-dev (or similar package in your distro).

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@andela-tolotin this instruction is dangerous. Nobody should be downgrading SSL libs. It's been said many times above, this solution is not a good idea. Look at other comments for advice.

#3001 (comment)

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JanisE commented Apr 16, 2020

I used wkhtmltopdf 0.10.0 rc2.
For me, recompiling openssl with no-ssl2 removed didn't help.
But wkhtmltopdf 0.11.0 rc1 worked all right. (OK, actually just noticed there is a difference in letter spacing...)

I cannot go higher than 0.11.0 rc1 (tried up to 0.12.5), as that introduces margin/zoom problems I don't know how to deal with.

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In Ubuntu 18.04.4 worked after installing libssl1.0-dev package.

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In Ubuntu 18.04.4 worked after installing libss
l1.0-dev package.

I'm not sure if you've actually read the thread above, but just making it work is not good enough. Your suggestion has been pointed out as risky numerous times above and real fixes have been proposed.

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what is the real fix?

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SamMorrowDrums commented Apr 30, 2020

what is the real fix?

Edited as I think you are on Bionic

You can uninstall distro package of this and then visit and check for the correct file for your distro and do something like:

dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb

To manually install the new version (change the 0.12.5/wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.trusty_amd64.deb to correct value for your needs).

That's fastest solution.

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@SamMorrowDrums thanks a lot for quick help.
So here is what I have done.

  • I removed libssl1.0-dev package
  • Installed version 0.12.5
    and it works. Thank you...

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tanzerm commented Jun 6, 2020

For Debian 9-10

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.stretch_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt -f install
$ wkhtmltopdf '' google.pdf

if ou have this response:

Loading pages (1/6)
Counting pages (2/6)
Resolving links (4/6)
Loading headers and footers (5/6)
Printing pages (6/6)

then, change the config/snappy.php like this:
'binary' => 'wkhtmltopdf',

Worked for me - Thank you!

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ashkulz commented Jun 6, 2020

Please do not downgrade the SSL library -- use 0.12.5 or a later version, and request a binary for your distribution in the packaging repository if it isn't supported. I'm locking this issue to prevent further discussion.

@wkhtmltopdf wkhtmltopdf locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Jun 6, 2020
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