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As a Python-C++ language binder, cppyy has several unique features: it fills gaps and covers use cases not available through other binders. This document explains some of the design choices made and the thinking behind the implementations of those features. It's categorized as "philosophy" because a lot of it is open to interpretation. Its main purpose is simply to help you decide whether cppyy covers your use cases and binding requirements, before committing any time to :ref:`trying it out <starting>`.

Run-time v.s. compile-time

What performs better, run-time or compile-time? The obvious answer is compile-time: see the performance differences between C++ and Python, for example. Obvious, but completely wrong, however. In fact, when it comes to Python, it is even the wrong question.

Everything in Python is run-time: modules, classes, functions, etc. are all run-time constructs. A Python module that defines a class is a set of instructions to the Python interpreter that lead to the construction of the desired class object. A C/C++ extension module that defines a class does the same thing by calling a succession of Python interpreter Application Programming Interfaces (APIs; the exact same that Python uses itself internally). If you use a compile-time binder such as SWIG or pybind11 to bind a C++ class, then what gets compiled is the series of API calls necessary to construct a Python-side equivalent at run-time (when the module gets loaded), not the Python class object. In short, whether a binding is created at "compile-time" or at run-time has no measurable bearing on performance.

What does affect performance is the overhead to cross the language barrier. This consists of unboxing Python objects to extract or convert the underlying objects or data to something that matches what C++ expects; overload resolution based on the unboxed arguments; offset calculations; and finally the actual dispatch. As a practical matter, overload resolution is the most costly part, followed by the unboxing and conversion. Best performance is achieved by specialization of the paths through the run-time: recognize early the case at hand and select an optimized path. For that reason, PyPy is so fast: JIT-ed traces operate on unboxed objects and resolved overloads are baked into the trace, incurring no further cost. Similarly, this is why pybind11 is so slow: its code generation is the C++ compiler's template engine, so complex path selection and specialization is very hard to do in a performance-portable way.

In cppyy, a great deal of attention has gone into built-in specialization paths, which drives its performance. For example, basic inheritance sequentially lines up classes, whereas multiple (virtual) inheritance usually requires thunks. Thus, when calling base class methods on a derived instance, the latter requires offset calculations that depend on that instance, whereas the former has fixed offsets fully determined by the class definitions themselves. By labeling classes appropriately, single inheritance classes (by far the most common case) do not incur the overhead in PyPy's JIT-ed traces that is otherwise unavoidable for multiple virtual inheritance. As another example, consider that the C++ standard does not allow modifying a std::vector while looping over it, whereas Python has no such restriction, complicating loops. Thus, cppyy has specialized std::vector iteration for both PyPy and CPython, easily outperforming looping over an equivalent numpy array.

In CPython, the performance of non-overloaded function calls depends greatly on the Python interpreter's internal specializations; and Python3 has many specializations specific to basic extension modules (C function pointer calls), gaining a performance boost of more than 30% over Python2. Only since Python3.8 is there also better support for closure objects (vector calls) as cppyy uses, to short-cut through the interpreter's own overhead.

As a practical consideration, whether a binder performs well on code that you care about, depends entirely on whether it has the relevant specializations for your most performance-sensitive use cases. The only way to know for sure is to write a test application and measure, but a binder that provides more specializations, or makes it easy to add your own, is more likely to deliver.

Manual v.s. automatic

Python is, today, one of the most popular programming languages and has a rich and mature eco-system around it. But when the project that became cppyy started in the field of High Energy Physics (HEP), Python usage was non-existent there. As a Python user to work in this predominantly C++ environment, you had to bring your own bindings, thus automatic was the only way to go. Binders such as SWIG, SIP (or even boost.python with Pyste) all had the fatal assumption that you were providing Python bindings to your own C++ code, and that you were thus able to modify those (many) areas of the C++ codes that their parsers could not handle. The CINT interpreter was already well established in HEP, however, and although it, too, had many limitations, C++ developers took care not to write code that it could not parse. In particular, since CINT drove automatic I/O, all data classes as needed for analysis were parsable by CINT and consequently, by using CINT for the bindings, at the very least one could run any analysis in Python. This was key.

Besides not being able to parse some code (a problem that's history for cppyy since moving to Cling), all automatic parsers suffer from the problem that the bindings produced have a strong "C++ look-and-feel" and that choices need to be made in cases that can be bound in different, equally valid, ways. As an example of the latter, consider the return of an std::vector: should this be automatically converted to a Python list? Doing so is more "pythonic", but incurs a significant overhead, and no automatic choice will satisfy all cases: user input is needed.

The typical way to solve these issues, is to provide an intermediate language where corner cases can be brushed up, code can be made more Python friendly, and design choices can be resolved. Unfortunately, learning an intermediate language is quite an investment in time and effort. With cppyy, however, no such extra language is needed: using Cling, C++ code can be embedded and JIT-ed for the same purpose. In particular, cppyy can handle boxed Python objects and the full Python C-API is available through Cling, allowing complete manual control where necessary, and all within a single code base. Similarly, a more pythonistic look-and-feel can be achieved in Python itself. As a rule, Python is always the best place, far more so than any intermediate language, to do Python-thingies. Since all bound proxies are normal Python classes, functions, etc., Python's introspection (and regular expressions engine) can be used to provide rule based improvements in a way similar to the use of directives in an intermediate language.

On a practical note, it's often said that an automatic binder can provide bindings to 95% of your code out-of-the-box, with only the remaining part needing manual intervention. This is broadly true, but realize that that 5% contains the most difficult cases and is where 20-30% of the effort would have gone in case the bindings were done fully manually. It is therefore important to consider what manual tools an automatic binder offers and to make sure they fit your work style and needs, because you are going to spend a significant amount of time with them.

LLVM dependency

cppyy depends on LLVM, through Cling. LLVM is properly internalized, so that it doesn't conflict with other uses; and in particular it is fine to mix Numba and cppyy code. It does mean a download cost of about 20MB for the binary wheel (exact size differs per platform) on installation, and additional primarily initial memory overheads at run-time. Whether this is onerous depends strongly not only on the application, but also on the rest of the software stack.

The initial cost of loading cppyy, and thus starting the Cling interpreter, is about 45MB (platform dependent). Initial uses of standard (e.g. STL) C++ results in deserialization of the precompiled header at another eventual total cost of about 25MB (again, platform dependent). The actual bindings of course also carry overheads. As a rule of thumb, you should budget for ~100MB all-in for the overhead caused by the bindings.

Other binders do not have this initial memory overhead, but do of course occur an overhead per module, class, function, etc. At scale, however, cppyy has some advantages: all binding is lazy (including the option of automatic loading), standard classes are never duplicated, and there is no additional "per-module" overhead. Thus, eventually (depending on the number of classes bound, across how many modules, what use fraction, etc.), this initial cost is recouped when compared to other binders. As a rule of thumb, if about 10% of classes are used, it takes several hundreds of bound classes before the cppyy-approach is beneficial. In High Energy Physics, from which it originated, cppyy is regularly used in software stacks of many thousands of classes, where this advantage is very important.

Distributing headers

cppyy requires C/C++ headers to be available at run-time, which was never a problem in the developer-centric world from which it originated: software always had supported C++ APIs already, made available through header files, and Python simply piggy-backed onto those. JIT-ing code in those headers, which potentially picked up system headers that were configured differently, was thus also never a problem. Or rather, the same problem exists for C++, and configuration for C++ to resolve potential issues translates transparently to Python.

There are only two alternatives: precompile headers into LLVM bitcode and distribute those or provide a restricted set of headers. Precompiled headers (and modules) were never designed to be portable and relocatable, however, thus that may not be the panacea it seems. A restricted set of headers is some work, but cppyy can operate on abstract interface classes just fine (including Python-side cross-inheritance).

Large deployment

The single biggest headache in maintaining an installation of Python extension modules is that Python patch releases can break them. The two typical solutions are to either restrict the choice of Python interpreter and version that are supported (common in HPC) or to provide binaries (wheels) for a large range of different interpreters and versions (as e.g. done for conda).

In the case of cppyy, only CPython/CPyCppyy and PyPy/_cppyy (an internal module) depend on the Python interpreter (see: :ref:`Package Structure <package-structure>`). The user-facing cppyy module is pure Python and the backend (Cling) is Python-independent. Most importantly, since all bindings are generated at run-time, there are no extension modules to regenerate and/or recompile.

Thus, the end-user only needs to rebuild/reinstall CPyCppyy for each relevant version of Python (and nothing extra is needed for PyPy) to switch Python versions and/or interpreter. The rest of the software stack remains completely unchanged. Only if Cling in cppyy's backend is updated, which happens infrequently, and non-standard precompiled headers or modules are used, do these need to be rebuild in full.