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|              Integration Counts-in-Cells Calculator in C++             |
|                       Author: Lile 'Patrick' Wang                      |
|                       email:                      |
|                           Sept. 17th, 2012                             |

0. Introduction

   This code calculates two-dimensional (angular) counts-in-cells
   statistcs for galaxy catalogs. It adopts the scheme of:

   |Szapudi, I., 1998 ApJ, 497: 16.;                  |
   | |

   i.e., it works in a line-sweeping method; see figure 1 and
   pertinent discussions of Szapudi (1998) for details.

1. Install and dependencies

   Written in standard C++ with STL (standard template library), this
   routine is tested with g++ (version >= 4.0) and requires GNU Make.

   Type make in the console:

   $ make

   which should look like this:

   | xterm                                                    |
   | -bash-3.2 $ make                                         |
   | g++ -O3 -c -o main.o main.cpp                            |
   | g++ -O3 -c -o cell_int2d.o cell_int2d.cpp		      |
   | g++ -O3 -c -o input.o input.cpp			      |
   | g++ -O3 main.o cell_int2d.o input.o -o int_cic	      |
   |                                                          |
   | -bash-3.2 $ ./int_cic par.txt                            |
   | ...                                                      |
   | ...                                                      |
   |                                                          |

   and the output binary file is named "int_cic" (short for
   integration counts-in-cell).

2. Usage

  2.0 Input catalog

   The input catalog should be an ASCII file. Each row presents an
   object, while the first two columns should indicate RA and DEC
   respectively (this routine does not care what you put in the
   following columns).

  2.1 Specifying input parameters

   You need an input file, whose template is stored as "par.txt" in
   this directory. It looks like this:

   |CIC                                        |
   |                                           |
   |Init                                       |
   |input_file  /path/to/the/input/catalog.txt |
   |output_file /path/to/the/output/file.txt   |
   |dim_dec     0.8                            |
   |dim_ra      0.8                            |

   "CIC" and "Init" are specific headers; please leave them intact
   ("Init" should also be right before the other keys).

   The keys "dim_dec" and "dim_ra" indicates the dimension of each
   cell along dec and RA direction in degree (note that dim_ra is
   written in the actual arc length, i.e. cos(DEC) is taken into

   You can modify the sequence of keys but please do not leave any
   empty lines since the key "Init".

   Please guarantee that the path for the output file exists!
   Otherwise no output will be given.

  2.2 Run!

   Suppose you have such an input file as stated in 2.1 named
   "par.txt", then you should run the calculation like this:

   $ ./int_cic par.txt

3. Known bugs

   It may not deal with those situations where the boundary of the
   survey area is very irregular in the RA-DEC space.


"Integration" algorithm for "counts-in-cell" statistics. 2D only, but 3D will be developed.






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