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Java Classes

ModelWrapper Class

The ModelWrapper class in Java takes inputs of the ASCENT_PROJECT_PATH (env.json, JSON Configuration Files) and a list of Run paths. ModelWrapper contains a COMSOL "model" object, model source directory (String), model destination directory (String), an "IdentifierManager" (Java Utility Classes), and HashMaps with key-value pairs linking COMSOL domains to unions of domains. ModelWrapper has accessor methods getModel() for retrieving the model object, getRoot() for retrieving the project path’s root String, and getDest() for retrieving the default saving destination String. ModelWrapper also has mutator methods for changing an instance’s root String (setRoot()) and default saving destination String (setDest()).

ModelWrapper’s main() method starts an instance of COMSOL and loads Run, Sample, Model, and Sim configurations as JSON Objects into memory. We developed Java class JSONio (Java Utility Classes) for reading and writing JSON Objects to file.

Since each Run contains a list of Model and Sim configurations for a single Sample (note: n_sims/ are created for all combinations of Model and Sim for the Sample in a Run), ModelWrapper iterates over Model configurations (e.g., different cuff electrodes or material assignments) to define the FEM geometry, mesh, assign boundary conditions and physics, and solve. The resulting FEM potentials are obtained for 1 mA applied to one of the electrode contacts while the electric potential on the other contacts is floating (i.e., condition of continuity); this is repeated for each contact to define the "bases" of the solution space {cite:p}Pelot2018current. For each Sim, the program then creates a superposition of the "bases" for extracellular potentials at the coordinates defined in fibersets/ and ss_coords/ (i.e., the coordinates along the length of the nerve used to "super-sample" potentials for later creating potentials/ without the need for COMSOL). We wrote the code such that the program will continue with creating potentials/, ss_bases/ (i.e., the potentials along the length of the nerve corresponding 1:1 to the coordinates saved in ss_coords/, which are added together according to the contact weighting defined by "active_srcs" in Sim to create potentials/ for specific fiber models), and NEURON simulations for any remaining Model indices even if the processes for a single Model fails. For each Model, the program appends a Boolean to "models_exit_status" in Run (true if successful, false if not successful).


The addNerve() method adds the nerve components to the COMSOL "model" object using Java. If the "NerveMode" in Sample ("nerve") is "PRESENT" (Sample Parameters) the program creates a part instance of epineurium using the createNervePartInstance() method in Part (src/model/ The addNerve() method then searches through all directories in fascicles/ for the sample being modeled, and, for each fascicle, assigns a path for the inner(s) and outer in a HashMap. The HashMap of fascicle directories is then passed to the createNervePartInstance() method in Part which adds fascicles to the COMSOL "model" object.


The user is unlikely to interface directly with ModelWrapper’s extractAllPotentials() method in Java as it operates behind the scenes. The method takes input arguments for the project path and a run path. Using the run path, the method loads Run, and constructs lists of Model and Sim for which it will call extractPotentials() for each fiberset. COMSOL is expecting a (3 ⨉ n) matrix of coordinates (Double[3][n]), defining the (x,y,z)-coordinates for each of n points.

The Java COMSOL API methods setInterpolationCoordinates() and getData() for a model object are fast compared to the time for a machine to load a COMSOL "model" object to memory from file. Therefore, the extractAllPotentials() method is intentionally configured to minimize the number of times a "basis" COMSOL "model" object is loaded into memory. We accomplish this by looping in the following order: Model, bases, Sims, fibersets (i.e., groups of fibers with identical geometry/channels, but different (x,y)-locations and/or longitudinal offsets), then fibers. With this approach, we load each COMSOL "model" object only once (i.e., *.mph members of bases/). Within the loop, the extractPotentials() method constructs the bases (double[basis index][sim index][fiberset index][fiber index]) for each model (units: Volts). With the bases in memory, the program constructs the potentials for inputs to NEURON by combining bases by their contact weights and writes them to file within potentials/ (or ss_bases/), which mirrors fibersets/ (or ss_coords/) in contents.


The user is unlikely to interface directly with the addMaterialDefinitions() method in Java as it operates behind the scenes. The method takes an input of a list of strings containing the material functions (i.e., endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium, cuff "fill", cuff "insulator", contact "conductor", and contact "recess"), Model, and a COMSOL ModelParamGroup for containing the material properties as a COMSOL "Parameters Group" under COMSOL’s "Global Definitions". The method then loops over all material functions, creates a new material if it does not yet exist as "mat<#>" using Part’s defineMaterial() method, and adds the identifier (e.g., "mat1") to the IdentifierManager.


The user is unlikely to interface directly with the addCuffPartMaterialAssignment() method in Java as it operates behind the scenes. The method loads in a cuff part primitive’s labels from its IdentifierManager. The method loops over the list of material JSON Objects in the "preset" cuff configuration file. For each material function in the "preset" cuff configuration file, the method creates a COMSOL Material Link to assign a previously defined selection in a cuff part instance to a defined material.


The user is unlikely to interface directly with the addCuffMaterialAssignments() method in Java as it operates behind the scenes. The method loops through all part instances in the cuff configuration file, which is linked to Model by a string of its file name under the "preset" key, and calls the addCuffMaterialAssignment() method for each part instance. As described in addCuffPartMaterialAssignment() above, a material is connected to the selection within the part primitive by its label. In COMSOL, material links appear in the "Materials" node. COMSOL assigns the material links in the order of the part instances defined in the "preset" cuff configuration file, which is important since material links overwrite previous domain assignments. For this reason, it is important to list part instances in "preset" cuff files in a nested order (i.e., the outermost domains first, knowing that domains nested in space within them will overwrite earlier domain assignments).

Making geometries in COMSOL (Part class)


The createEnvironmentPartPrimitive() method in Java (src/model/ creates a "part" within the "Geometry Parts" node of the COMSOL "model" object to generalize the cylindrical medium surrounding the nerve and electrode. Programmatically selecting domains and surfaces in COMSOL requires that geometry operations be contributed to "selections" (csel<#>). In this simple example of a part primitive, the im.labels String[] contains the string "MEDIUM" which is used to label the COMSOL selection (csel<#>) for the medium domain by association with an IdentifierManager (Java Utility Classes). When the geometry of the primitive is built, the resulting medium domain’s csel<#> can be accessed instead with the key "MEDIUM" in the IdentifierManager, thereby improving readability and accessibility when materials and boundary conditions are assigned in the createEnvironmentPartInstance() method. Furthermore, if the operations of a part primitive are modified, the indexing of the csel<#> labels are automatically handled.


The createCuffPartPrimitive() method in Java (src/model/ is analogous to createEnvironmentPartPrimitive(), except that it contains the operations required to define cuff part geometries, which are generally more complex. Examples of cuff part primitives include standard geometries for contact conductors (e.g., Ribbon Contact Primitive, Wire Contact Primitive, Circle Contact Primitive, and Rectangular Contact Primitive), cuff insulation (e.g., Tube Cuff), cuff fill (e.g., saline, mineral oil), and specific interactions of a cuff insulator and electrode contact (e.g., LivaNova-inspired helical coil) (ASCENT Part Primitives).

Part Instances

Part instances are a COMSOL Geometry Feature ("pi<#>") in the "Geometry" node based on user-defined input parameters stored in Model and default parameters for "preset" cuffs. A part instance is an instantiation of a part primitive previously defined in the COMSOL "model" object and will take specific form based on its input parameters.


The createEnvironmentPartInstance() method in Java creates a "part instance" in COMSOL’s "Geometry" node based on a primitive previously defined with createEnvironmentPartPrimitive(). This method just applies to building the surrounding medium. The method takes inputs, with data types and examples in parentheses: instanceID (String: "pi<#>"), instanceLabel (String: "medium"), mediumPrimitiveString (String: Key for the medium part stored in the identifierManager), an instance of ModelWrapper, and Model as a JSON Object. Within the "medium" JSON Object in Model, the parameters required to instantiate the environment part primitive are defined.


The createCuffPartInstance() method in Java is analogous to createEnvironmentPartInstance(), but it is used to instantiate cuff part geometries. We decided to separate these methods since all products of createCuffPartInstance() will be displaced and rotated by the same cuff shift (x,y,z) and rotation values.


The createNervePartInstance() method in Part (src/model/ creates three-dimensional representations of the nerve sample including its endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium. The createNervePartInstance() method defines domain and surface geometries and contributes them to COMSOL selections (lists of indices for domains, surfaces, boundaries, or points), which are necessary to later assign physics properties.


ASCENT uses CAD sectionwise files (i.e., ASCII with .txt extension containing column vectors for x- and y-coordinates) created by the Python Sample class to define fascicle tissue boundaries in COMSOL.

We provide the "use_ci" mode in Model (Model Parameters) to model the perineurium using COMSOL’s contact impedance boundary condition for fascicles with only one inner (i.e., endoneurium) domain for each outer (i.e., perineurium) domain (Perineurium Properties). If "use_ci" mode is true, the perineurium for all fascicles with exactly one inner and one outer is represented with a contact impedance. The pipeline does not support control of using the contact impedance boundary condition on a fascicle-by-fascicle basis.

The createNervePartInstance() method in Part (src/model/ performs a directory dive on the output CAD files samples/<sample_index>/slides/<#>/<#>/sectionwise2d/fascicles/<outer,inners>/ from the Sample class in Python to create a fascicle for each outer. Depending on the number of corresponding inners for each outer saved in the file structure and the "use_ci" mode in Model, the program either represents the perineurium in COMSOL as a surface with contact impedance (FascicleCI: Fascicles with one inner per outer and if "use_ci" mode is true) or with a three-dimensional meshed domain (FascicleMesh: Fascicles with multiple inners per outer or if "use_ci" parameter is false).


The createNervePartInstance() method in Part (src/model/ contains the operations required to represent epineurium in COMSOL. The epineurium cross section is represented one of two ways:

  • If deform_ratio in Sample is set to 1 and "DeformationMode" is not "NONE", the nerve shape matches the "ReshapeNerveMode" from Sample (e.g., "CIRCLE"). (Sample Parameters). An epineurium boundary is then created from this shape.

  • Otherwise, the coordinate data contained in samples/<sample_index>/slides/<#>/<#>/sectionwise2d/nerve/0/0.txt is used to create a epineurium boundary.

The epineurium boundary is then extruded into the third dimension. This is only performed if the "NerveMode" (i.e., "nerve") in Sample is "PRESENT" and n.tif is provided (Sample Parameters).


The user is unlikely to interface directly with the defineMaterial() method in Java as it operates behind the scenes to add a new material to the COMSOL "Materials" node under "Global Definitions". The method takes inputs of the material’s identifier in COMSOL (e.g., "mat1"), function (e.g., cuff "fill"), Model, a library of predefined materials (e.g., materials.json), a ModelWrapper instance, and the COMSOL ModelParamGroup for material conductivities. The defineMaterial() method uses materials present in Model’s "conductivities" JSON Object to assign to each material function in the COMSOL model (e.g., insulator, conductor, fill, endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium, or medium). The material value for a function key in Model is either a string for a pre-defined material in materials.json, or a JSON Object (containing unit, label, and value) for a custom material. Assigning material conductivities to material functions in this manner enables control for a user to reference a pre-defined material or explicitly link a custom material to a COMSOL model. In either the case of a predefined material in materials.json or custom material in Model, if the material is anisotropic, the material value is assigned a string "anisotropic" which tells the program to look for independent "sigma_x", "sigma_y", and "sigma_z" values in the material JSON Object.

Java utility classes


In working with highly customized COMSOL FEMs, we found it convenient to abstract away from the underlying COMSOL indexing to improve code readability and enable scalability as models increase in geometric complexity. We developed a class named IdentifierManager that allows the user to assign their own String to identify a COMSOL geometry feature tag (e.g., wp<#>, cyl<#>, rev<#>, dif<#>) or selection (i.e., csel<#>).

We use IdentifierManagers to name and keep track of identifier labels within a PartPrimitive. IdentifierManagers assigning tags for products of individual operations to a unique "pseudonym" in HashMaps as a key-value pair. Additionally, we assign resulting selections ("csel<#>") to meaningful unique pseudonyms to later assign to meshes, materials, or boundary conditions.

We keep a running total for tags of IdentifierStates (i.e., the total number of uses of an individual COMSOL tag) and HashMap of IdentifierPseudonyms (i.e., a HashMap containing key (pseudonym) and value (COMSOL tag, e.g., "wp1")).

IdentifierManager has a method next() which takes inputs of a COMSOL tag (e.g., wp, cyl, rev, dif) or selection (i.e., csel) without its index and a user’s unique pseudonym String. The method appends the next index (starting at 1) to the COMSOL tag or selection and puts the COMSOL tag or selection and associated pseudonym in the IdentifierPseudonyms HashMap. The method also updates the IdentifierStates HashMap total for the additional instance of a COMSOL tag or selection.

To later reference a COMSOL tag or selection, IdentifierManager has a get() method which takes the input of the previously assigned pseudonym key and returns the COMSOL tag or selection value from the IdentifierPseudonyms HashMap.

To accommodate mesh recycling (see ModelSearcher below), we save a COMSOL model’s IdentifierManagers to later access selections for updating model materials and physics. Therefore, we developed IdentifierManager methods toJSONObject() and fromJSONObject() which saves an IdentifierManager to a JSON file and loads an IdentifierManager into Java from a JSON Object, respectively.


JSONio is a convenient Java class used for reading and writing JSON Objects to file. The read() method takes an input String containing the file path to read and returns a JSON Object to memory. The write() method takes an input String containing the file path for the saving destination and a JSON Object containing the data to write to file.


The ModelSearcher class in Java is used to look for previously created FEM meshed geometries that can be repurposed. For example, if Model configurations differ only in their material properties or boundary conditions and the previous Model’s *.mph file with the mesh (i.e., mesh.mph) was saved, then it is redundant to build and mesh the same model geometry for a new Model configuration. The methods of the ModelSearcher class can save enormous amounts of computation time in parameter sweeps of Model if the mesh can be recycled. The user is unlikely to interface directly with this method as it operates behind the scenes, but if the user adds new parameter values to Model, then the user must also add those values to config/templates/mesh_dependent_model.json to indicate whether the added parameter value needs to match between FEMs to recycle the mesh (explained further below). Generally, changes in geometry or meshing parameters need to match, but changes in material properties or boundary conditions do not, since they do not change the FEM geometry.

Specifically, this class compares Model configurations to determine if their parameters are compatible to repurpose the geometry and mesh from a previously generated COMSOL model using the meshMatch() method. The meshMatch() method takes the inputs of a reference JSON (i.e., config/templates/mesh_dependent_model.json, see Mesh Dependent Model) containing conditions for compatibility and a JSON Object for each of two Model configurations to compare. The parameter keys correspond one-to-one in Model and mesh_dependent_model.json. However, in mesh_dependent_model.json, rather than numerical or categorical values for each parameter key, the keys’ values are a Boolean indicating if the values between two Model configurations must be identical to define a "mesh match". For two Model configurations to be a match, all parameters assigned with the Boolean true in mesh_dependent_model.json must be identical. Model configurations that differ only in values for parameters that are assigned the Boolean false are considered a mesh match and do not require that the geometry be re-meshed.

In the class’s searchMeshMatch() method, the program looks through all Model configurations under a given Sample and applies the meshMatch() method. If a Model match is found, searchMeshMatch returns a Match class, which is analogous to the ModelWrapper class, using the path of the matching Model with the fromMeshPath() method.