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Reactor UI

Build Status

** This is work in progress **

Reactor UI is a reusable UI kit written in React.

Note that this is very much on its initial development phase, a work in progress.

Table of Contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Usage
  3. Buttons
  4. SideNav


The aim for this project is to be used as a base for developers creating custom ui kits in their projects.


npm install --save reactor-ui

To load the css, you need to have css loader within your build. If you are using webpack then you can use css-loader

npm install --save-dev css-loader

Then add this on your webpack config under the loaders section...

    loaders [
        { test: /\.css$/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" }



    import { Btn } from 'reactor-ui/buttons';

    //load the css before loading, or can be done from your projects
    //entry point
    import 'reactor-ui/css/buttons.css';

    const Buttons = ({onClick}) => (
            <Btn onClick={onClick} text=' Reactor UI '/>
            <Btn scheme='primary' onClick={onClick} text=' Reactor UI '/>
            <Btn scheme='success' onClick={onClick} text=' Reactor UI '/>
            <Btn scheme='warning' onClick={onClick} text=' Reactor UI '/>
            <Btn scheme='danger' onClick={onClick} text=' Reactor UI '/>
            <Btn disabled={true} text=' Reactor UI '/>

Override Styling

To change the styles, just override the css and load your overrides

    //load the css before loading
    import 'reactor-ui/css/buttons.css';
    import 'myproject/css/project.css';
/** project.css, override primary color **/

.rui-btn-primary {
  background: blue;
  color: #FFFFFF;


SideNav is a vertical navigation. Do note that its a stateless component so you would need to provide it all selection details and such from within a stateful component

    import React from 'react';

    import { SideNav, NavItem, NavGroup } from 'reactor-ui/sidenav';

    //import styles here or can be from projects entry point
    import 'reactor-ui/css/sidenav.css';

    const SideMenu extends React.Component {

        constructor() {
            this.state = { };

        onNavClick = (id) => {
            this.setState( { selectedId: id });
        render() {
            return (
                <div style={{ marginRight: 4, width: 240 }}>
                    <SideNav onClick={ this.onNavClick } selectedId={this.selectedId}>
                        <NavItem id={'1'} text='Dashboard' icon='fa fa-dashboard'/>,
                        <NavItem id={'2'} text='Channels' icon='fa fa-exchange'/>,
                        <NavGroup id={'3'} text='Products' icon='fa fa-cube'>
                            <NavItem id={'3.1'} text='Inventory Levels' icon='fa fa-bar-chart'/>
                            <NavItem id={'3.2'} text='Sales Report' icon='fa fa-dollar'/>
                        <NavItem id={'4'} text='Inventory' icon='fa fa-cubes'/>


To change the styles, just override the css and load your overrides

    //load the css before loading
    import 'reactor-ui/css/sidenav.css';
    import 'myproject/css/project.css';
/** project.css, override sidenav style **/

.rui-snav-cdark {
  background: #2c3e50;
  color: #F5F7FA;

.rui-snav-item-green:hover {
  background: #16a085;


Running examples and development

You need to run

npm run dev

but you need to pass extra arguments specifying the entry point for webpack. To run the sidenav.js example

npm run dev -- examples/sidenav.js

do the same for other examples.


npm run test



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