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Johann Werner edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 8 revisions

This changelog highlights some of the major changes. For the full list of updates have a look at the commit logs or use the compare link of a specific Wonder version below. For newer versions than 6.0.4 head over to the releases page to get the respective change log.


» see all changes since 6.0.3


  • prevent a NPE in ERXGenericRecord.handleQueryWithUnboundKey() (f0e2baa)

» see all changes since 6.0.2


  • partial fix for EOF snapshot problems when using nested editing contexts (#342)
  • added prototypes for EONeo4J (#370)
  • new component AjaxHoverable for tooltips (#373)
  • new helper methods ERXStringUtilities.isBlank() and its counter part ERXStringUtilities.isNotBlank() (#377)
  • updated ajaxupload.js for better Firefox compatibility (#380)
  • some fixes and missing bindings for different components (#374) and (#379)
  • new ERXCopyable interface and default implementation for EO copying (#383), Javadoc
  • improvements for WOStart on Windows (#384)
  • ExcelGenerator now supports boolean cells (173dace)
  • ERXFetchSpecifications fetch range is now supported by H2 and PostgreSQL (#385)
  • some fixes for ERXEmailValidator (ecfa4cf), (0eec660), (d5f1a64)
  • helper methods to get class attributes and relationships from an entity (3d6b237)
  • make migrations work on data sources via JNDI (b96cd1b)
  • some fixes for URL creation in ERXRequest and ERXWOContext (e8bbb56), (40df909), (df68d02)
  • other improvements and minor code/documentation fixes

» see all changes since 6.0.1


  • in certain situations when working with nested editing context the snapshots were disappearing (#342)
  • fix load order of specialized property files like Properties.database, Properties.multilanguage, … (#333), wiki page
  • ERXOptionalForm was missing binding fragmentIdentifier (#351)
  • fixed resources.include.patternset for components (#354)
  • introduced command line tools for easy building of Wonder (d930bf9)
  • image resources of Wonder have been optimized to take less disk space (#357)
  • some jQueryMobile components got id bindings (#359)
  • UI mode of ERD2WCustomQueryBoolean is now configurable (#319)
  • ERAttachmentFlexibleEditor and ERAttachmentLink got a viewTarget resp. target binding if you want to display the result in another window (#362)
  • S3 host for ERAttachment can now be configured by property (#365)
  • the Apache adaptor now supports Apache 2.4 (#367)
  • many of other improvements and many minor code/documentation fixes (really many ;-)

» see all changes since 6.0.0


  • moved old/deprecated Eclipse projects to /Archives (You will probably need to reimport projects into Eclipse due to changed project paths!)
    • AjaxLook
    • AjaxLookExample
    • DevStudio
    • DocsByExample
    • DRGroupingTest
    • DynaReporter
    • ERCaching
    • ERDirectToRest
    • ERDivaliteExample
    • ERDivaliteLook
    • ERDivaLook
    • ERDivaLookExample
    • ERIUI
    • ERIUIExample
    • EROpenID
    • EROpenIDExample
    • ERWorkerChannel
    • JavaRESTAdaptor
    • JavaRESTAdaptorExample
    • RestExample
    • Validity
    • ValidityExample
    • ValidityModeler
    • YUI
    • YUIExample
  • Neo4JAdaptor has been refactored/updated and prototypes added (#340, #343)
  • JasperReport has been updated to v4.7.0 (#309)
  • ERXStringUtilities.distance() has been deprecated in favor of ERXStringUtilities.levenshteinDistance() which has a better name and returns int instead of double (#312, #314)
  • ERAttachment was missing an icon for video/mp4 (97fb57b)
  • using ERXResponse and ERXHttpStatusCodes instead of WOResponse and simple integers (e9302a0)
  • switched from NSTimestampFormatter to SimpleDateFormatter in PostgresqlExpression (baa7229, 889e454, 6eb39a6)
  • localize noSelectionString in ERXBooleanSelector (#321)
  • added MTAjaxAutoCompleteTestPage to MooToolsExample (#322)
  • ERXAdaptorOperationWrapper now uses a ReentrantLock instead of the deprecated NSRecursiveLock (d9b2502)
  • several fixes and improvements to ERXStatisticsStore where you can set a custom IERXEOExecutionListener (1758a8b, 7edd825, 496d108, 5917b0f, 8326f88, fab851e)
  • new class ERXShutdownHook to use for cleanup tasks during application shutdown (#329)
  • fixed bug in ERXSequence.DatabaseSequence (#330, ddf1ae9)
  • fixed bug in ERXBatchingDisplayGroup.rowCount when used with an object array (#332, 1e318ba)
  • optimization of ERXEOAccessUtilities.batchFetchRelationship (0172f97)
  • drop support of WO 5.3.3 and previous (#336, 40bc9da, 65205bb)
  • adding startup scripts for JavaMonitor and wotaskd on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora and Ubuntu (#337)
  • ERXProperties.versionStringForApplication and ERXProperties.versionStringForFrameworkNamed returned wrong version (6776b2b)
  • preserve query string in generated long response URLs if present (91318cc)
  • ERXRandomGUID now uses log4j for loggin (326fee1)
  • added support for joda LocalDateTime class in ERRest (477a9e0)
  • new tool for running WO Apps under Windows (#345)
  • updates to jQueryMobile (#346)
  • ERXPartialBaseModel, ERXPartialsExampleModel and ERXPartialsExampleApp are now built by ant (a2f3acb)
  • many of other improvements and many minor code/documentation fixes

» see all changes since 5.8.2