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Resize and convert to GIF

This will detail how to resize a video and convert it from MP4 to GIF.

Resize and convert to GIF

pip install moviepy
# Reference:

from moviepy.editor import *

clip_number = 0

resize_factor = 0.2

input_file_extension = ".mp4"
output_file_extension = ".gif"

clip_name = "movie{:04d}".format(clip_number)

input_file_name = clip_name + input_file_extension
output_file_name = clip_name + output_file_extension

clip = (VideoFileClip(input_file_name).resize(resize_factor))

Optimize the GIF

First, install Gifsicle and add the executable to your PATH.

Finally, optimize the GIF size by running the following in a command-line:

# Reference:

gifsicle -i movie0000.gif -O3 -o movie0000-opt.gif