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Earl Grey

An experimental Elm package to make building apps easier.

Inspired by projects like Elm Land and React Router, my thought was "what if everything was TEA?". This has led me to the idea of a "component" setup in Elm where each component is a self-contained TEA app with effects.

The gist of it:

module MyComponent exposing (branch)

import Tea exposing (Tea)

branch : Tea.Branch Flags Model Msg Effect
branch =
    { init = init
    , subscriptions = subscriptions
    , update = update
    , urlChanged = urlChanged
    , view = view

init : Tea.Context Flags -> Tea Flags Model Msg Effect

subscriptions : Tea.Context Flags -> Model -> Sub Msg

update : Tea.Context Flags -> Msg -> Model -> Tea Flags Model Msg Effect

urlChanged : Tea.Context Flags -> Model -> Tea Flags Model Msg Effect

view : Tea.Context Flags -> Model -> Html Msg

type alias Flags = ...

type alias Model = ...

type Msg = ...

type Effect = ...

Things to note about this:


There's a lot of type repition going on here, so I have a module like so

module Context exposing
    ( Branch
    , Context
    , Flags
    , MyTea
    , Route

import Tea exposing (Tea)

type alias Flags =
    -- Whatever you want

type alias Context =
    Tea.Context Flags

type alias Branch model msg effect =
    Tea.Branch Flags model msg effect

{-| We haven't talked about this yet,
but it's coming up soon
type alias Route model msg effect =
    Tea.Route Flags model msg effect

type alias MyTea model msg effect =
    Tea Flags model msg effect

What's urlChanged?

NOTE: This is likely to change to accomodate things beyond URLs changing. E.g. what if your app has dynamic feature flags and those change? It'd be nice to have anything in the Context trigger an update.

This gets called any time the URL has changed & your component's init has already been called. It's a way for your component to react to the URL changing without having to re-initialize, and without defining an interal hook like:

module MyComponent epxosing (Msg, urlChanged)

type Msg = UrlChanged Url

urlChanged : Url -> Msg
urlChange = UrlChanged
module Parent epxosing (..)

import MyComponent

update msg model =
    case msg of
        UrlChanged url ->
                (MyComponent.urlChanged url)
                |> ...

This is hard to remember and track, as well as reptitive to check on every time you want to use a child component.


NOTE: This portion is the most experimental and likely to change

Routing will look very similar, with a slight modification, a path is specified! Below is an example of the setup for a component that only renders when the URL is */login

module MyComponent exposing (branch)

import Tea exposing (Tea)

branch : Context.Route InternalModel Msg Effect
branch =
        { path = [ "login" ]
        { init = init
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , update = update
        , urlChanged = urlChanged
        , view = view

type alias Model =
    Tea.RouteModel InternalModel

init : Tea.Context Flags -> Tea Flags InternalModel Msg Effect

subscriptions : Tea.Context Flags -> InternalModel -> Sub Msg

update : Tea.Context Flags -> Msg -> InternalModel -> Tea Flags InternalModel Msg Effect

urlChanged : Tea.Context Flags -> InternalModel -> Tea Flags InternalModel Msg Effect

view : Tea.Context Flags -> InternalModel -> Html Msg

type alias Flags = ...

type alias InternalModel = ...

type Msg = ...

type Effect = ...

You'll also notice that the Model is now a Tea.RouteModel type alias. This is because a route can handle caching itself and calling either init or urlChanged depending on cache state.



The current approach is to define an application like so:

module Main exposing (main)

import Api -- This assumes you have a module to define your API calls
import Base -- This is the initial "branch" of your app
import Browser
import Context
import Json.Decode
import Json.Encode
import Tea

main : Program Json.Encode.Value (Tea.Model Base.Model Context.Flags) (Tea.Msg Base.Msg)
main =
        { decodeFlags = Json.Decode.decodeValue Api.decodeUser >> Result.toMaybe
        , root = Base.branch
        , rootEffect = \_ model -> ( model, Cmd.none )
        |> Browser.application

I want to support non-applications as well, though I'm still figuring out what that looks like. E.g. if you don't have an application, can you have a Tea.route? How would a URL change be handled? And lots more.

Component with multuple Component children

init context =
        ( header, headerEffects ) =
            Header.branch.init context
                |> Tea.extractModel

        ( home, homeEffects ) =
            Home.branch.init context
                |> Tea.extractModel

        ( login, loginEffects ) =
            Login.branch.init context
                |> Tea.extractModel

        ( register, registerEffects ) =
            Register.branch.init context
                |> Tea.extractModel
    { header = header
    , home = home
    , login = login
    , register = register
        |> Tea.withChildEffects HeaderMsg applyHeaderEffects headerEffects
        |> Tea.withChildEffects HomeMsg applyHomeEffects homeEffects
        |> Tea.withChildEffects LoginMsg applyLoginEffects loginEffects
        |> Tea.withChildEffects RegisterMsg applyRegisterEffects registerEffects

subscriptions context model =
        [ Header.branch.subscriptions context model.header
            |> HeaderMsg
        , Home.branch.subscriptions context model.home
            |> HomeMsg
        , Login.branch.subscriptions context model.login
            |> LoginMsg
        , Register.branch.subscriptions context model.register
            |> RegisterMsg

update context msg model =
    case msg of
        HeaderMsg headerMsg ->
            Header.branch.update context headerMsg model.header
                |> Tea.mapMsg HeaderMsg
                |> Tea.mapModel (\header -> { model | header = header })
                |> Tea.applyEffects applyHeaderEffects

        HomeMsg homeMsg ->
            Home.branch.update context homeMsg model.home
                |> Tea.mapMsg HomeMsg
                |> Tea.mapModel (\home -> { model | home = home })
                |> Tea.applyEffects applyHomeEffects

        LoginMsg loginMsg ->
            Login.branch.update context loginMsg model.login
                |> Tea.mapMsg LoginMsg
                |> Tea.mapModel (\login -> { model | login = login })
                |> Tea.applyEffects applyLoginEffects

        RegisterMsg registerMsg ->
            Register.branch.update context registerMsg model.register
                |> Tea.mapMsg RegisterMsg
                |> Tea.mapModel (\register -> { model | register = register })
                |> Tea.applyEffects applyRegisterEffects

urlChanged context model =
    Header.branch.urlChanged context model.header
        |> Tea.mapMsg HeaderMsg
        |> Tea.mapModel (\header -> { model | header = header })
        |> Tea.applyEffects applyHeaderEffects
        |> Tea.andThen
            (\m ->
                Home.branch.urlChanged context m.home
                    |> Tea.mapMsg HomeMsg
                    |> Tea.mapModel (\home -> { m | home = home })
                    |> Tea.applyEffects applyHomeEffects
        |> Tea.andThen
            (\m ->
                Login.branch.urlChanged context m.login
                    |> Tea.mapMsg LoginMsg
                    |> Tea.mapModel (\login -> { m | login = login })
                    |> Tea.applyEffects applyLoginEffects
        |> Tea.andThen
            (\m ->
                Register.branch.urlChanged context m.register
                    |> Tea.mapMsg RegisterMsg
                    |> Tea.mapModel (\register -> { m | register = register })
                    |> Tea.applyEffects applyRegisterEffects

view context model =
    Html.div []
        [ Header.branch.view context model.header
            |> HeaderMsg
        , Home.branch.view context model.home
            |> HomeMsg
        , Login.branch.view context model.login
            |> LoginMsg
        , Register.branch.view context model.register
            |> RegisterMsg
        , viewFooter


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