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Mock HTTP responses with processed random data and a custom template


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Mock HTTP responses with processed random data and a custom template

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$ go get


$ make run
$ ./mock-ass [-port=8000] 

to initialize session send POST request to http://localhost:8000/init

curl -X POST \
  'http://localhost:8000/init/?content_type=application%2Fjson&session_ttl_min=13' \
  -H 'content-type: text/plain' \
  -d '{
        "first_name": "{{ FirstName() }}",
        "last_name": "{{ LastName() }}",
        "full_name": "{{ FullName() }}",
        "city": "{{ City() }}",
        "country": "{{ FullCountry() }}",
        "country2": "{{ TwoLetterCountry() }}",
        "country3": "{{ ThreeLetterCountry() }}",
        "isActive": {{ BooleanString() }},
        "float": {{ Float(12) }},
        "float2": {{ Float(10, 15) }},
        "float3": {{ Float(10, 15, 2) }},
        "float4": {{ Float(10, 15, 3) }},
        "ip_v4": "{{ IPv4() }}", 
        "person": [
            {% for x in Range(5) %}
                "first_name": "{{ FirstNameChain(forloop.Counter0) }}",
                "last_name": "{{ LastNameChain(forloop.Counter0) }}",
                "full_name": "{{ FullNameChain(forloop.Counter0) }}",
                "age": {{ Number(10, 100) }},
                "email": "{{ Email() }}"
            }{% if not forloop.Last %}, {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

and get response like

    "session": "ac8c81bf-75ae-42d4-90c1-de1523acddb7",
    "url": "/session/?s=ac8c81bf-75ae-42d4-90c1-de1523acddb7"

Then you can get your rendered template from GET http://localhost:8000/session/?s=ac8c81bf-75ae-42d4-90c1-de1523acddb7 Every request to http://localhost:8000/session/?s=... redirects request with 307 code to url like http://localhost:8000/session/?s=...&h=... where h is unique hash. If you send GET request to http://localhost:8000/session/?s=...&h=... you'll get cached data, NOT random!

Template functions

  • FirstName() — random male/female firstname
  • FirstNameChain(key int)
  • FirstNameMale() — random male firstname
  • FirstNameMaleChain(key int)
  • FirstNameFemale() — random female firstname
  • FirstNameFemaleChain(key int)
  • LastName() — random lastname
  • LastNameChain(key int)
  • FullName() — random male/female fullname
  • FullNameChain(key int)
  • FullNameMale() — random male fullname
  • FullNameMaleChain(key int)
  • FullNameFemale() — random female fullname
  • FullNameFemaleChain(key int)
  • Email() — random email
  • EmailChain(key int)
  • FullCountry() — random full country name
  • FullCountryChain(key int)
  • TwoLetterCountry() — random two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
  • TwoLetterCountryChain(key int)
  • ThreeLetterCountry() — random three-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
  • ThreeLetterCountryChain(key int)
  • City() — random city string
  • CityChain(key int)
  • StateUsaCode() — random USA state code string
  • StateUsaCodeChain(key int)
  • StateUsaName() — random USA state name string
  • StateUsaNameChain(key int)
  • Number(max_num int) — random number from range 0 to max_num
  • Number(min_num, max_num int) — random number from range min_num to max_num
  • NumberChain(key, [min_num,] max_num int)
  • NumberString([min_num,] max_num int) — random number string (see Number)
  • NumberStringChain(key, [min_num,] max_num int)
  • Float([min_float,] max_float int) — random float from range 0(or min_float) to max_float
  • FloatChain(key, [min_float,] max_float int)
  • Decimal([min_float,] max_float int) — see Float
  • DecimalChain(key, [min_float,] max_float int)
  • Boolean() — random boolean
  • BooleanChain(key int)
  • BooleanString() — random boolean string
  • BooleanStringChain(key int)
  • Paragraph() — random 'lorem ipsum'-like text
  • ParagraphChain(key int)
  • IPv4() — random IPv4 address
  • IPv4Chain(key int)
  • Range(size int) — array from 1 to size(including)

Template variables

  • hash — unique hash for request

Task list

  • Tests
  • Function OneFromList for return random item from args



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