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Recordedfuture threathunting v2.5.0 (demisto#29641)
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* Recordedfuture threathunting v2.5.0 (demisto#29025)

* Add commands related to Automated Threat hunting

* Add recordedfuture-collective-insight command. Change app version.

* Update Add release notes

* Add playbook. Add unittests

* Add unittests

* Fix test_collective_insight_command

* Remove incorrect release note

* Add documentation for threat actor search playbook

* update Recorded Future Threat actor search playbook. add release note about new playbook.

* Update release notes, fix formatting

* Format yml files

* Update Recorded future threat actor search playbook

* Update docker image

* Fix linter


Co-authored-by: Michael Yochpaz <>

* Minor README fixes


Co-authored-by: Yaroslav Nestor <>
Co-authored-by: Michael Yochpaz <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored and wolyslager committed Oct 2, 2023
1 parent 11fa172 commit 9a1ccae
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,302 additions and 8 deletions.
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions Packs/RecordedFuture/Integrations/RecordedFuture/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1154,6 +1154,119 @@ Search for a malware by specified filters.
| RecordedFuture.Malware.type | string | Recorded Future entity type \(always = "Malware"\). |
| RecordedFuture.Malware.intelCard | date | Recorded Future intelligence card URL. |

#### Base Command


#### Input

| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| actors_ids | Actors IDs for which to get the threat map | Optional |
| actor_name | Actors name for which to get the threat map | Optional |
| include_links | Fetch links to threat actor or not | Optional |

#### Context Output

| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
| | string | Recorded Future threat actor ID. |
| | string | Recorded Future entity name. |
| RecordedFuture.ThreatMap.alias | array | Recorded Future threat actor alias. |
| RecordedFuture.ThreatMap.intent | number | Recorded Future threat actor intent. |
| | string | Recorded Future threat actor ID. |
| RecordedFuture.ThreatMap.opportunity | number | Recorded Future threat actor opportunity. |
| RecordedFuture.ThreatMap.log_entries | array | Recorded Future threat actor log entries. |
| RecordedFuture.ThreatMap.links | array | Recorded Future threat actor links. |

#### Base Command


#### Input

| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
| entity_type | Type of the entity to fetch links for. E.g. "domain", "ip", "file", "url", "cve", "malware", "organization, "person". Should be provided along with the entity in entity_name argument. | Optional |
| entity_name | Name of the entity to fetch links for | Optional |
| entity_id | ID of entity to fetch links for | Optional |
| source_type | Source of the links to be fetched. Can be "insikt" or "technical" | Optional |
| timeframe | Time range of the links to be fetched. Eg. "-1d" for last 1 day | Optional |
| technical_type | Type of technical source to fetch links from. Can be "type:MalwareAnalysis", "type:InfrastructureAnalysis", "type:NetworkTrafficAnalysis" or "type:TTPAnalysis" | Optional |

#### Context Output

| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
| | string | Recorded Future Entity id. |
| RecordedFuture.Links.entity.type | string | Recorded Future Entity type |
| RecordedFuture.Links.links.type | string | Recorded Future link type. |
| | string | Recorded Future link id. |
| | string | Recorded Future link name. |
| RecordedFuture.Links.links.source | string | Recorded Future link source. |
| RecordedFuture.Links.links.section | string | Recorded Future link section. |
| RecordedFuture.Links.links.attributes | string | Recorded Future link attributes. |

#### Base Command


#### Input

| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
| entity_type | Type of the entity to fetch links for | Optional |
| entity_name | Name of the entity to fetch links for | Optional |
| entity_id | ID of entity to fetch links for | Optional |
| rule_types | Rule type. Can be "yara", "sigma", "snort" | Optional |
| title | Rule title | Optional |

#### Context Output

| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
| | string | Recorded Future Detection rule id. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.type | string | Recorded Future Detection rule type. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.title | string | Recorded Future Detection rule title. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.description | string | Recorded Future Detection rule description. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.created | string | Recorded Future link name. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.updated | string | Recorded Future link source. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.rules | array | Recorded Future link section. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.rules.entities | array | Recorded Future link attributes. |
| | string | Recorded Future link attributes. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.rules.entities.type | string | Recorded Future link attributes. |
| | string | Recorded Future link attributes. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.rules.content | string | Recorded Future link attributes. |
| RecordedFuture.DetectionRules.rules.file_name | string | Recorded Future link attributes. |

#### Base Command


#### Input
#### Input

| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
| entity_type | Value that can contain one of the enumerated list of values (ip, hash, domain, vulnerability, url). | Required |
| entity_name | Value of the IOC itself | Required |
| entity_source_type | Used to describe what log source the IOC came from | Optional |
| incident_name | Title of the incident related to the IOC | Optional |
| incident_id | ID of the incident related to the IOC | Optional |
| incident_type | Attack vector associated with the incident (C2, Phishing.. etc) | Optional |
| mitre_codes | List contains one or more MITRE codes associated with the IOC | Optional |
| malware | List contains all known malware associated with the IOCs | Optional |

#### Context Output

| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
| RecordedFuture.CollectiveInsight.status | string | Request status |

## Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - Recorded Future v2

Renamed the integration setting "Incident Sharing" to "Collective Insights", resetting any previous configuration to this setting.
45 changes: 40 additions & 5 deletions Packs/RecordedFuture/Integrations/RecordedFuture/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

import copy
import platform
from typing import *

# flake8: noqa: F402,F405 lgtm

Expand All @@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
# disable insecure warnings
requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # type: ignore

__version__ = '2.4.3'
__version__ = '2.5.0'

# === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,9 +283,7 @@ def get_single_alert(self) -> dict:
"""Get a single alert"""
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/alert/lookup')

def get_alerts(
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def get_alerts(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get alerts."""
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/alert/search')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,6 +319,18 @@ def get_triage(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""SOAR triage lookup."""
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/lookup/triage')

def get_threat_map(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/threat/actors')

def get_threat_links(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/links/search')

def get_detection_rules(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/detection_rules/search')

def submit_detection_to_collective_insight(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self._call(url_suffix='/v2/collective-insights/detections')

# === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
# === === === === === === ACTIONS === === === === === === ===
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,13 +452,28 @@ def triage_command(self) -> List[CommandResults]:
response = self.client.get_triage()
return self._process_result_actions(response=response)

def threat_actors_command(self) -> List[CommandResults]:
response = self.client.get_threat_map()
return self._process_result_actions(response=response)

def threat_links_command(self) -> List[CommandResults]:
response = self.client.get_threat_links()
return self._process_result_actions(response=response)

def detection_rules_command(self) -> List[CommandResults]:
response = self.client.get_detection_rules()
return self._process_result_actions(response=response)

def collective_insight_command(self) -> List[CommandResults]:
response = self.client.submit_detection_to_collective_insight()
return self._process_result_actions(response=response)

# === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
# === === === === === === === MAIN === === === === === === ==
# === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===

def main() -> None:
def main() -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Main method used to run actions."""
demisto_params = demisto.params()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,6 +551,15 @@ def main() -> None:
elif command == 'recordedfuture-threat-assessment':

elif command == 'recordedfuture-threat-map':
elif command == 'recordedfuture-threat-links':
elif command == 'recordedfuture-detection-rules':
elif command == 'recordedfuture-collective-insight':

except Exception as e:
return_error(message=f'Failed to execute {demisto.command()} command: {str(e)}')

Expand Down

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