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##Before deployment

  1. Install nodejs v5.xx.xx
  2. Install iisnode for IIS 7.x/8.x: x86 or x64
  3. Install URL Rewrite for IIS
  4. Install Mongo DB 2.6.7 (or latest)


Configuring database

  1. Run Mongo DB as win service

  2. Create "statements" and "results" collection within "lrs" DB.

    use lrs
  3. Create indexes for most frequently used filter properties:

    use lrs
    db.statements.ensureIndex({ "context.extensions.http://easygenerator/expapi/course/id" : 1});
    db.statements.ensureIndex({ "context.extensions.http://easygenerator/expapi/learningpath/id" : 1});
    db.statements.ensureIndex({ "" : 1});
    db.statements.ensureIndex({ "context.registration" : 1});
    db.results.ensureIndex({ "id" : 1, "last_activity": -1 });
    db.results.ensureIndex({ "attempt_id" : 1 });

Installing website

  1. Clone this Git repository locally

  2. Run npm install in the root

  3. Create web.config file in the root to register iisnode module as a handler for our app.js file and to configure URL rewriting module:

          <add name="iisnode" path="app.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />
            <rule name="lrsApp">
              <match url="/*" />
              <action type="Rewrite" url="app.js" />
        <defaultDocument enabled="true">
            <add value="app.js" />
        <httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough"></httpErrors>
        <add key="IP" value="" />
        <add key="PORT" value="80" />
  4. Create 'iisnode.yml' file in the root to override default node run options and to specify --harmony flag

    nodeProcessCommandLine: node.exe --harmony #full path can be used here as well

  5. Copy folder to the server (without .git and package.json:))

  6. Create Web site in IIS and add corresponding site bindings and permissions

  7. To generate results into results collection from existing data in statements collection install "co" module via npm and run:

    node migration/exec.js

Using a different server to host Mongodb

If your mongodb instance is hosted under a non-default location, set the DBHOST and DBNAME environment variables, and the lrs will connect to mongodb://${DBHOST}/${DBNAME} instead. For example, in the IIS config, simply add <app key="DBHOST" value="..." /> and <app key="DBNAME" value="..." /> to the <appSettings> element.


  1. Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows
  2. Getting started with Mongo DB


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