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1. What is this?

This Project originally developed as a graduate work on 2013 by Sangkyu Lee, Wonjong Shin and Jiho Park. This Android Application is designed to bridge a gap on mobility of disabled and elderly. This application solely focus on Low-floor bus arrival infomation so that its users can find out when their low-floor bus will arrive.

2. How to build

  1. You need Android Studio to build this application.
  2. Just open this project with Android Studio not importing it.
  3. Build and Run application

*Attention) To make this application working, you need a Google Map API key and an Open API key. Open secrets.xml and put your keys in there.

3. Test Suggestion

This application is intended to be used in Seoul, South Korea since it uses OpenAPI which is provided by Seoul TOPIS (Transport Operation & Information Service)

When testing this application, I recommend you to use following GPS coordinates on your testing device. Google Map Link

  • Longitude: 127.005000
  • Latitude: 37.491800

4. Characteristics

  • TODO

5. Screenshots



  • Seperate API keys with source codes. @2018-07-29
  • Refactor Open API codes.
  • Update Play Services Maps library.
  • Rework UI/UX design.
  • Implement API Key protection methods. (e.g https...)

7. References

서울시교통정보과 버스정보 Open API; Seoul TOPIS BusInfo Open API

공공데이터포털; Public Data Portal
Link (EN)

버스위치정보조회 서비스; Bus location information inquiry service
Link (EN)

정류소정보조회 서비스; Stop information inquiry service
Link (EN)

노선정보조회 서비스; Route information inquiry service
Link (EN)

대중교통환승경로 조회 서비스; Transit Transit route lookup service
Link (EN)

버스도착정보조회 서비스; Bus arrival information inquiry service
Link (EN)

버스위치정보조회 서비스; Bus location information inquiry service
Link (EN)


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