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category: accessibility
category: accessibility
The issue/PR is related to accessibility.
category: duplicate
category: duplicate
The issue/PR is a duplicate of another issue.
category: i18n
category: i18n
The issue/PR is related to internationalization.
category: performance
category: performance
The issue/PR is related to performance.
category: refactor
category: refactor
The issue/PR is related to refactoring.
category: won't fix
category: won't fix
The issue won’t be fixed.
feature: PSD2 / SCA
feature: PSD2 / SCA
feature: smart payment buttons
feature: smart payment buttons
feature: subscriptions
feature: subscriptions
Related to WCS
good first issue
good first issue
The issue is a good candidate for the first community contribution/for a newcomer to the team.
impact: high
impact: high
This issue impacts a lot of users as reported by our Happiness Engineers.
many: L
many: L
Three or more tickets/threads; or most/all users of this product will be affected by this issue.
many: M
many: M
A moderate number of merchants are affected.
many: S
many: S
A small number of merchants are affected.
much: L
much: L
The issue has a large effect on stores.
much: S
much: S
The issue has a small effect on stores.
needs design
needs design
The issue requires design input/work from a designer.
needs docs
needs docs
The issue/PR requires documentation to be added.
needs feedback
needs feedback
The issue/PR needs a response from any of the parties involved in the issue.
needs tests
needs tests
The issue/PR needs tests before it can move forward.
priority: critical
priority: critical
The issue is critical—e.g. a fatal error, security problem affecting many customers.
priority: high
priority: high
The issue/PR is high priority—it affects lots of customers substantially, but not critically.
priority: low
priority: low
The issue/PR is low priority—not many people are affected or there’s a workaround, etc.
status: blocked
status: blocked
The issue is blocked from progressing, waiting for another piece of work to be done.
status: needs author reply
status: needs author reply
status: needs review
status: needs review
status: on hold
status: on hold
The issue is currently not prioritized.
type: bug
type: bug
The issue is a confirmed bug.
type: documentation
type: documentation
This issue is a request for better documentation.
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
The issue is a request for an enhancement.