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Customization tricks

William Woodruff edited this page May 12, 2023 · 5 revisions

How to just play audio in mpv with GUI

Some times you just want to listen to the audio of a video and conveniently there --no-video flag on your saving some bandwidth and other resources. But (if using the addon function) there is no way to control the volume and other properties of the video, this can be solved with --force-windows=yes flag to display the mpv client. In your or ff2mpv:

args = ["mpv", "--force-windows=yes", "--no-video", url]

The --profile argument

These flags can be put in a profile too in your mpv.conf (as all your flags can). The appended lines would look like this:


The name "music" can be "potato" if you want, this is just a variable.

Then in your native client:

args = ["mpv", "--profile=music", url]

Adding subtitles to videos

Similar to the above, you can add subtitles with a custom profile:

ytdl-raw-options=ignore-config=,sub-lang="en.*",write-sub=,write-auto-sub= this case, you'd patch your native client like so:

args = ["mpv", "--profile=subs", url]

Custom URL behavior

Depending on how you use ff2mpv and mpv, you may find that you need to add custom behavior for certain domains and URL patterns. For example, you might want to:

  • Add HTTP Basic credentials to a URL
  • Transform a URL to match your locality

For simplicity's sake, ff2mpv does not support URL modification within the add-on itself, and probably never will.

However, with a little bit of Ruby (or Python), you can accomplish the same thing within the native client: just test the url variable against whatever conditions you require.

For example, here's how you could add some sort of authentication to a URL whose host is with the Ruby native client:

if URI(url).hostname == ""
  url = add_auth url

Note, however, that url is not guaranteed to be a well-formatted URI -- it can be anything selected by the user in the browser.