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This is a list of commands accepted by yossarian-bot.


  • If a command takes prefix(es) besides !, they will be noted within braces ({}).
  • An argument enclosed in <> is mandatory. Example: <text>
  • An argument enclosed in [] is optional. Example: [text].
  • A bar (|) indicates a choice. For example, <hello|bye> indicates a mandatory argument of either hello or bye.


Command Syntax Plugin class Description Working?
!8ball <question> Magic8Ball Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question. Yes
!admin <commands> BotAdmin Administrate the bot. See below. Yes
!anime <query> MyAnimeListSearch Search MyAnimeList for anime Yes
!artist <artist> ArtistInfo Get information about an artist from Yes
!beedog Beedogs Retrieve a random picture of a beedog from Yes
!beer <name> BeerSearch Search for beer information on BreweryDB. Yes
!bofh BOFHExcuses Get a random BOFH excuse. Yes
!borzoi Borzoi Get a random picture of a Borzoi from the Dog CEO API. Yes
!botinfo <key> BotInfo Retrieve information about the bot. See below. Yes
{.!:}bots IBIP Announce this bot to the channel. Yes
!c22 Catch22 Get a Catch-22 quote. Yes
!channel <commands> ChannelAdmin Administrate the current channel. See below. Yes
!clickbait Clickbait Generate a clickbait-y title. Yes
!crypto <coin> [currency] Crypto Retrieve current prices for a given coin from CoinMarketCap and optionally convert to a given currency Yes
!corona [location] Corona Get the current info about corona in a country/state from NovelCovid Yes
!cute <nick> CuteFaces Send a cute face to the given nick. Yes
!decide <w OR x or y || z> Decisions Decide between choices. Yes
!ddg <search> DuckDuckGoSearch Search DuckDuckGo's Zero Click Info database. Yes
!define <word> MerriamWebster Get the Merriam-Webster definiton of a word. Yes
!dinner Dinner Retrieve a random dinner recipe from Yes
!eval <lang> <code> CodeEval Evaluate some code on (Use !eval to get a list of languages.) Yes
!fieri FieriQuotes Get a random Guy Fieri quote. Yes
!flip <down|up> <text> FlipText Flip text upside down or rightside up. Yes
!fortune Fortune Get a Unix fortune. Yes
!genre Genres Generate a random music genre. Yes
!gh <query> GitHubInfo Get statistics about a GitHub user or repository. Yes
!gif <search> Giphy Search Giphy for GIFs. Yes
!guinea GuineaPigs Grabs a guinea pig picture from an imgur album. Yes
{.!:}help [cmd] CommandHelp Announce general help or help on a specific command if provided. Yes
!insult [nick] ShakespeareanInsults Generate a Shakespearean insult and direct it at a nickname if given. Yes
!intro <command> UserIntros Manage the intro message for your nick. See below. Yes
!ipinfo <ip> IPInfo Perform a lookup on the given IP on Yes
!leet <text> LeetSpeak Convert text to leetspeak. Yes
!lennart LennartQuotes Get a random Lennart Poettering quote. Yes
!linus LinusQuotes Get a random Linus Torvalds quote. Yes
!luther [nick] LutherInsults Get an insult from Luther's Oeuvre and direct it at a nickname if given. Yes
!mail <nick> <message> UserMail Send a message to a nick. Messages are delivered the next time the nick speaks. Yes
!moderator <commands> ChannelModerator Configure channel moderation. See below. Yes
!manga <query> MyAnimeListSearch Search MyAnimeList for manga Yes
!morse <text> MorseCode Convert text to Morse Code. Yes
!np <commands> NowPlaying Get a user's last played track. See below. Yes
!number <num> NumberFacts Get a random fact about a given number from the Numbers API. Yes
!ny NewYorkerCartoons Get a random New Yorker cartoon. Yes
!omdb <query> OMDB Search for movie/show information on The Open Movie Database. Yes
!phoneinfo <number> PhoneInfo Look up information about the given phone number via Numverify. Yes
!ping Ping Ping the bot for a timestamped response. Yes
!point <command> <nick> UserPoints Give or take points away from a nickname. See below. Yes
!quote [nick] UserQuotes Retrieve a completely random quote, or a random quote from the given nick. Yes
!rainbow <text> RainbowText Vomit out rainbowified text. Yes
!rate <code1 [code2...]> ExchangeRates Get the currency exchange rate between USD and one or more currencies from Open Exchange Rates. Yes
!remind <count> <unit> <message> Reminders Set a reminder message for a time in the future. Yes
!rms RMSQuotes Get a random Richard Stallman (rms) quote. Yes
!rot13 <text> Rot13 "Encrypt" some text with the ROT-13 cipher. Yes
!g <search> WebSearch Search the web using Google. Yes
!seen <nick> LastSeen Check the last time yossarian-bot saw someone. Yes
!slap <nick> Slap Slap someone with a large fishbot. Yes
!stock <symbol> StockQuotes Retrieve a stock quote for the given ticker symbol. Yes
!taco TacoRecipes Get a random taco recipe, courtesy of the Taco Randomizer. Yes
!theo TheoQuotes Get a random Theo De Raadt quote. Yes
!topic <cs|system|crypto|random> CSTopics Generate worthy CS, System, Crypto research topics. Yes
!trigger <command> CustomTriggers Manage custom message replies and their triggers. See below. Yes
!turl <url> TinyURL Create a short link to the given url with TinyURL. Yes
!ud <query> UrbanDictionary Look up the given query on UrbanDictionary. Yes
!ver <nick> CTCPVersion Send a CTCP VERSION request to the given nick. Yes
!w <location> Weather Get the weather for the given location from WeatherStack. Yes
!wa <query> WolframAlpha Ask Wolfram|Alpha about something. Yes
!wiki <search> Wikipedia Search Wikipedia. Yes
!xkcd [search] XKCDComics Get a random XKCD comic, or one related to a search. Yes
!yt <search> YouTubeSearch Search YouTube. Yes
!zalgo <text> Zalgo Summon Zalgo with some text. Yes
!zippy ZippyQuotes Get a random Zippy the Pinhead quote. Yes

!admin subcommands

In order to administrate the bot, your IRC nick must be authorized. Authorized nicks are either defined in the bot's config.yml or with the !admin auth <nick> command at runtime (by an extant admin).

The !admin command can take several subcommands:

Subcommand Description
plugin list List all plugins currently available. This includes all plugins visible to yossarian-bot, not just enabled ones.
plugin enable <plugin> Enable the given plugin. The plugin must be the class name of the plugin.
plugin disable <plugin> Disable the given plugin. Like enable, the given plugin must be a class name.
quit Gracefully kill the bot. This is the preferred way to terminate yossarian-bot.
auth <nick> Make the given nick an administrator.
deauth <nick> Remove the given nick from the administrator list.
join <channel> Join the given channel on the network.
leave <channel> Leave the given channel on the network, if in it.
cycle <channel> Leave and re-join the given channel on the network, if in it.
ignore nick <nick> Ignore messages and commands from a nick (and the nick's hostmask as well).
ignore host <host> Ignore messages and commands from a host.
unignore nick <nick> Stop ignoring messages and commands from a nick (and the nick's hostmask as well).
unignore host <host> Stop ignoring messages and commands from a host.
say <channel> <message> Make the bot say the given message in the given channel.
act <channel> <message> Make the bot act the given message in the given channel.

!botinfo keys

The !botinfo command takes one of the following keys:

Key Description
ver (or version) Get yossarian-bot's version.
src (or source) Get a link to yossarian-bot's source code.
contrib (or todo) Get a link to yossarian-bot's TODO list.
author Get yossarian-bot's author.
uptime Get yossarian-bot's running time.
chans (or channels) List the channels the bot is currently on.
admins List the nicks of the admins currently registered to the bot.
ignores List nicks currently ignored by the bot.

!channel subcommands

In order to administrate the channel via the bot, you must an an admin (of the bot) and the bot must be a channel operator.

!intro subcommands

Each nickname is allowed to have a single introduction per channel registered with the bot, which will be said whenever that nickname is seen joining the channel in question.

Subcommand Description
set <intro> Set your nick's introduction message to the given intro. (Alias: add)
clear Delete your nick's introduction message. (Aliases: rm, remove, del, delete)
show Show your nick's introduction message.

!moderator subcommands

In order to add moderation rules for the current channel, you must be an admin (of the bot). In addition, the bot must be a channel operator to perform moderation actions.

Subcommand Description
add /<regex>/ Add regex to the list of moderated patterns.
del /<regex>/ Remove regex from the list of moderated patterns.
list List all moderated patterns.

The !channel command can take several subcommands:

Subcommand Description
kick <nick> [reason] Kick nick from the channel if present, with an optional reason.
ban <nick> Ban nick from the channel using either their current hostmask or a wildcard if not in the channel.
kickban <nick> [reason] Ban and kick nick from the channel (if present), with an optional reason.
unban <nick> Remove all masks associated with nick from the channel's banlist.
topic delim <delim> Set the delimiter used to manage the channel's topic. Default: `
topic push <update> Push an update to the channel topic, using the delimiter.
topic pop Remove the most recent update to the channel topic, using the delimiter.

!np subcommands

The !np command takes one of two subcommands:

Subcommand Description
link <username> Link the user <username> to your nick.
[nick] Gets the currently playing status of nick (or your nick, if not provided).

!point subcommands

The !point command takes one of three subcommands:

Subcommand Description
add <nick> Give a point to nick.
rm <nick> Take a point away from nick.
show <nick> Show nick's current points.
leaderboard Show the top 5 nicks and their points.

!trigger subcommands

The !trigger command takes one of three subcommands:

Subcommand Description
add <trigger> -> <response> Make the bot say the given response whenever the given trigger is typed. Note that there is a mandatory " -> " delimiter to separate the trigger and the response (and the spaces will not be included in either argument).
rm <trigger> Remove the given trigger and the response associated with it.
list List all triggers currently stored by yossarian-bot. Responses are not listed for the sake of brevity.