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Radiosity implementation using WebGL

What is radiosity

Radiosity is a rendering technique which considers light as energy and simulates the distribution of energy in a scene, this method takes all the surfaces as lambrent surfaces and can produce results which are view independent.

This means that once that scene is rendered and stored , even if we move the camera the amount of computation needed will not be much, but this also means it will only work on static scenes.

The radiosity equation

The basic form of the radiosity equation is :-

Bi = E i + p i ∑ B j F i j

In Equation, B i is the Radiosity of patch i, E i is the emission of patch i, p i is the reflectivity of patch i, B j is the Radiosity of patch j, and F i j is the form factor between patches i and j. This equation is computed for each patch i.

So the general work flow for computing radiosity is

Compute the scene into patches Compute the form factor Solve the equation Display the scene

Now there are two ways to do this

We compute the form factor and solve the equation Or we compute the form factor and gather all the light through several pass

In this implementation we will be seeing the second method


WebGL implementation of radiosity






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