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Flutter architecture template


This project is a starting point for a Flutter applications created by Worldline Spain.


  • Clean Architecture
  • Flavors (dev, prep, prod)
  • Http client to Api REST (Dio)
  • Native launch screen
  • App icons configured
  • Internationalization translations (Easy localization)
  • Routing (Go Router)
  • MVVM pattern with Cubit for state management
  • Dependency injection (Get it and Injectable).


The application has three environments and each one has its own configuration file:

  • dev: .env/dev.dart
  • prep: .env/prep.dart
  • prod: .env/prod.dart

Configure new project

To configure a new project, you have change the following files:

  1. The environment files with the key and values.
  2. Replace the project name worldline_flutter in all files.
  3. Replace the package name com.worldline.flutter in all files.
  4. Remove all files with references to Example code.
  5. Refactor homeWorldline on constants.dart
  6. Rename folder on android/app/src/main/kotlin/ to your package name

Generate native splash

  1. Replace the splash image assets/images/splash-logo.png with the new one.
  2. Replace the splash android 12 image assets/images/splash-android12-logo.png with the new one.
  3. Generate the splash images with the following command fvm flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create
  4. (optional) If you want use splash images in Flutter, replace the assets/images/splash.png and related images to accomplish the resolution aware asset. In your android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi folder, you will have a splash.png. This is your 1x image. reference Copy that to your app's assets folder. Then copy the splash.png in android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi to a subfolder in your app's assets folder named 1.5x. Do the same for the rest of the folders. The mapping should be:
  • mdpiassets
  • hdpiassets/1.5x
  • xhdpiassets/2.0x
  • xxhdpiassets/3.0x
  • xxxhdpiassets/4.0x

Run and build

To run the application in each environment, you can use the following commands:

  • dev: flutter run --flavor dev --dart-define-from-file=.env/dev.json
  • prep: flutter run --flavor prep --dart-define-from-file=.env/prep.json
  • prod: flutter run --flavor prod --dart-define-from-file=.env/prod.json

Also, you can configure your IDE to run the application in each environment.

Generate code

If you implement a new injectable file, you have to run the following command to generate the necessary code:

fvm flutter packages pub run build_runner build or sh ./tool/

Also, you can configure Android Studio to run this command automatically:

  1. On the configuration, add a new "External tool" execution step in the "before launch" section.
  2. Configure the execution step as follows:
    1. Name: injectable
    2. Description: Run injects before launch
    3. Program: flutter
    4. Arguments: packages pub run build_runner build
    5. Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$

Is important to note that you have to configure the command for the three flavors.