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Convector Events Example

This awesome project was created automatically with Convector CLI. By default new Convector projects locally include Hurley to manage your development environment seamlessly, so you don't have to worry about setting up the network and hard ways to install and upgrade your chaincodes.


# Install dependencies - From the root of your project
npm i
# Create a new development blockchain network  - From the root of your project
npm run env:restart
# Install your smart contract
npm run cc:start -- official
# Make a testing call to create a record in the ledger
# Beware that the first call may fail with a timeout! Just happens the first time
hurl invoke official official_create "{\"name\":\"my first request\",\"id\":\"0001\",\"created\":0,\"modified\":0}"

About Hurley

You may as well install Hurley globally for easier and more flexible management.

npm i -g @worldsibu/hurley

Since with Hurley globally you have control over everything, some things that you can do, for example, is installing a Convector Smart Contract with a different name than the one you used for your project.

# Use the same package
# Install a new chaincode with the same source code but the name 'anothernameforyourcc'
hurl install anothernameforyourcc node

Other complex tasks you may need is installing to a different channel.

# Use the same package
# Be sure you started your environment with more than one channel running 'hurl new --channels 2'. Otherwise this will throw an error.
hurl install anothernameforyourcc node --channel ch2

If you don't want to, don't worries! This project works right away.

Start - if you have Hurley globally

Bring your project to life

# Install dependencies - From the root of your project
npm i
# Create a new development blockchain network  - From the root of your project
hurl new

Install and upgrade chaincodes

# Package your smart contract's code  - From the root of your project
npm run cc:package -- official org1
# Install to your blockchain - From the root of your project
hurl install official node -P ./chaincode-official
# Install in debug mode, this will run the chaincode server locally so you can debug
hurl install official node -P ./chaincode-official --debug

# Upgrade your existing chaincode - From the root of your project
hurl upgrade official node 1.2 -P ./chaincode-official

Start - if you don't have Hurley globally

Bring your project to life

# Install dependencies - From the root of your project
npm i
# Create a new development blockchain network  - From the root of your project
npm run env:restart

Install and upgrade chaincodes

# Install to your blockchain - From the root of your project
npm run cc:start -- official

# Upgrade your existing chaincode - From the root of your project
npm run cc:upgrade -- official 1.2


npm run test

Check all the information to work with Convector in the DOCS site.

Collaborate to the Convector Suite projects


Convector example for the CDOH #5






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