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Design philosophy

Eagle Gamma edited this page May 25, 2017 · 1 revision

Keep it simple silly (KISS)! :)

At LifeFLOW, we try to make digitarium software that is fun, fast, flexible, freeing, and lots of other words that don't all begin with the letter "F"! :)

We use common, standard, open tools, like JavaScript/PHP/SVG. We use a minimum of complex external libraries. Our basic tools already contain a ton of utility, so unless we have a strong motivation for an additional tool, we prefer to keep things simple.

We love to experiment, trying out new ideas in practice. We keep what works, and learn from what doesn't. Boldly trying new things opens the way to innovation.

And we care for each other. In addition to producing the coolest software on the planet, we want to enjoy the process. Therefore, we behave civilly, respecting each other, using clean language, and helping to support, encourage, and nurture each other.

Bottom line: have fun, learn, and produce.

Rock & Roll!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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