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Relayer Wallet Management

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Managing pools of wallets across multiple chains manually is a logistical issue that does not scale well. As the relayer engine moves into production, the need to have multiple wallets per chain to deal with spikes in throughput has become clear.

Problem areas this initiative aims to solve:

  • Wallet balance metrics + alerting
  • Single chain rebalancing (Eth1…

Managing pools of wallets across multiple chains manually is a logistical issue that does not scale well. As the relayer engine moves into production, the need to have multiple wallets per chain to deal with spikes in throughput has become clear.

Problem areas this initiative aims to solve:

  • Wallet balance metrics + alerting
  • Single chain rebalancing (Eth1, Eth2, etc)
    • Note: Only Native gas tokens
  • Cross-chain rebalancing (Avax, Eth, etc)
    • Note: Only Native gas tokens
  • Automated derived wallet creation based on load
  • Distributed wallet assignment (e.g. 2 pods don’t have same wallet)
  • Support separated signing service to keep secret keys out of relayer engine
  • Deal with common errors in blockchain specific rpc libraries (e.g. custom ethers provider)