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A little client for talking to edda


Include in your project.clj

[mixradio/mr-edda "0.1.0"]
(require '[mr-edda.core :as edda]) ;;query
(require '[mr-edda.http :as edda-http]) ;;http client
(require '[mr-edda.collection :as edda-coll]) ;;collection resources
(require '[mr-edda.view :as edda-view]) ;;view resources
(require '[ :as edda-group]) ;;group resources

create a client

(def client (edda-http/client "http://localhost:8080"))

query aws resources via edda

(edda/query client edda-coll/images
                   {:filters {:imageOwnerAlias "amazon"
                              :public true})
;; => a seq of maps representing the images matching the filters

query options

:expand? if true returns the entire document describing the resources rather than just its id.

:filters a map containing field -> value pairs which will be restrict the result set of a query. Can specify sub fields using dot notation. e.g

(query client edda-coll/auto-scaling-groups 
              {:filters {:instances.availabilityZone "eu-west-1b"}})

:fields expands out to field notation. In clojure this is represented as vectors and maps. If fields is passed, :expand? is implicitly passed (as otherwise it would have no effect).

(query client edda-coll/auto-scaling-groups 
              {:fields [:status {:instances [:availabilityZone :healthStatus]}]})

:limit simply limits the result set

:id instead of filtering and returning a sequence, if you know the id of the resource, you can returning it directly.

(query client edda-coll/images {:id "some-image"}) 
;; => either a singleton sequence with the full document describing the 
;; resource, or an empty sequence if the id didn't match any thing.


Copyright © 2015 MixRadio

mr-edda is released under the 3-clause license ("New BSD License" or "Modified BSD License").