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=== Cognito Forms ===
Contributors: cognitoapps
Donate link:
Tags: forms, cognito, cognito forms, create form, create forms, form builder, form creator, form generator, html form, online form, online form builder, online forms, registration, survey, surveys, web form, web forms, embed, anti-spam, email form, email, responsive, payment
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 1.1.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Cognito Forms lets you quickly and easily build awesome forms, surveys and more without ever leaving WordPress.

== Description ==
Use the Cognito Forms plugin to create unlimited responsive forms for your WordPress site. Build contact forms, custom surveys, collect event registrations and even process credit card payments with no monthly fees.


* Unlimited forms and fields
* Powerful calculations
* Conditional logic
* Save & Resume
* Data exporting
* Email notifications and payment receipts
* Customized file upload support
* Custom form confirmations
* Credit and debit card payment processing with no monthly fees
* Custom rating scales
* Repeating sections
* "Smart" captchas
* Custom form styling

== Installation ==

1. Upload '' from the Upload section of the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is Cognito Forms cloud-hosted? =

Yes, your forms and your submissions are securely stored in the cloud.

= How do I create a form? =

In order to create a form, you need to create a Cognito Forms account through the plugin. Once you design your form, you can embed it onto a post or a page by using the Cognito Forms icon, the orange cog, that shows up on the editor toolbar. We'll automatically add the short code for you.

== Screenshots ==

1. After activation, the Cognito Forms plugin will appear in your menu. Click on the plugin to be taken to Cognito Forms.
2. Click on the menu icon in the upper right to log in or sign up.
3. Once logged in, build a new form from a template or from scratch.
4. Build your form and click "Save".
5. In your WordPress menu, add a new Page or Post.
6. In the editor, click on the orange Cog icon for Cognito Forms.
7. Select the form name from the drop down and click "Insert Form".
8. The plugin inserts the Cognito Forms short code for you.
9. Preview or post your new form!