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Contributors: Christian Sunderbrink, Felix Jusek, Sai Liu, Tobias Braun, Severin Lucks
Donate link:
Tags: seo, search engine optimization, google optimization, meta, meta description, xml sitemap, xml sitemaps, google sitemap, sitemap, sitemaps, google news, google news sitemap, video sitemap, local seo, XML News Sitemaps, WordPress SEO, seo pack
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 4.2.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
== Description ==
Easy SEO for noobs and experts: The plugin is your helping hand in WordPress on page search engine optimization.

= * Free basic version * =

= Metadata =

The Basic version helps you to set up correct metadata for your website and to define rules, how the title will be arranged and limited. You can also set up how you want to limit the descriptions of your website. It’s possible to check the titles and descriptions for duplicates. Verify your website with Google and Bing webmaster tools or for Pinterest and Alexa analytics. Set up if you want to let categories, taxonomies and paginated sites being indexed and their links being followed in Google.

= Sitemaps =
Set up regular sitemaps and define your priorities and posting frequency for each post type of your website. Activate image or video sitemaps to offer Google your media. You can also add a Google News sitemap to your website.

= Statistics =
The internal statistics show you the number of visits in a graph on your wordpress dashboard. You can add tracking codes of external tools like Google Analytics. If you use the statistics of Google, you can select if you want the IP address of your website visitors being anonymized.

= Text optimization =
Activate the keyword field to be placed in your content editor. If you want, you can activate an auto completion with suggestions for your focus keyword. Select, where you want the keyword being checked: in the title, description and content.

= URLs =
To optimize your domain structure for optimal keyword use, you can exclude stopwords from being used in your urls. Activate the encrypted connection for your whole website, if you have an SSL certificate for your domain on your webspace.

= * Professional version * =

Additionally, we offer you a premium version for $22,-. Recommended for everyone following commercial purposes.

= Breadcrumbs =
Set breadcrumbs to help your visitors and search engines to navigate through your website. You can paste the breadcrumbs by WordPress shortcode, PHP code and widget.

= Links =
Select, if you want all links from external domains being opened in a new, blank window. You can also let them being not followed and you can add exceptional domains for that rule. Select, in which post types you want to activate the rules.

= Image optimization =
Improve the loading time of your website by decreasing the image quality step by step. The seo plugin can also insert your contents’ keywords as alternative descriptions (for search engines). If you use images often for editorial reasons, activate the copyright field to give a credit to the creator of the works.

= Microdata =
Let all relevant information of your website being structured. You can activate microdata for all post types, videos and businesses. Insert there your companies contact info. Add also your social media channels for being used in your social media meta and microdata.

= Ratings =
Make your contents being rated from 1 to five stars. Google can interprete that you highlight your website in the search results with the summary of the ratings. You can combine the ratings with the WordPress comments and assign them to every post type, you like. You can display the breadcrumbs by WordPress shortcode, PHP code and widget.

= Social Sharing =
Offer your website visitors an easy way to share your contents in social media by inserting our sharing buttons, which you maybe already know from the Love Button. The buttons have their own viral statistics included and can be styled flexibly. Implement the social sharing buttons by WordPress shortcode, PHP code and widget.

= * Suite * =
The DELUCKS SEO Plugin for WordPress websites Suite is the non plus ultra. For EUR 29,- per month or EUR 299,- per year it brings you a bulk manager for all error pages to redirect them in a few clicks. You can optimize the metadata of your contents and view the number of clicks and social shares there. The suite is for SEO experts and from mid size companies on. 

If you have any questions or wishes, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

== Screenshots ==
1. Metadata
2. Sitemaps
3. Statistics & Text-Optimization
4. URL-Optimization

== Installation ==
1. Upload unzipped folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. It is possible that you must manually reactivate the plugin after upgrading from free to professional version!

* We recommend PHP 5.4 or higher
* display_errors should always be disabled in live systems. Debug output can destroy our plugin functionality

== Changelog ==

= 1.2.0 =
* New microdata settings to create several sets of videos, creative work, addresses and recipes
* optimized: algorithm for the keyword check changed to match alternate spelling
* fixed: statistic settings behavior that opens external links twice
* fixed: image optimization will now work on servers without activated session autostart

= 1.1.9 =
* fixed: workarround for 3rd-party plugin issue which prevents delucks seo plugin from updating correctly

= 1.1.8 =
* New option to turn on/off using seo description as feed content
* fixed: rss feeds validation errors
* fixed: shortcode 'dpc_metadescription' works now
* fixed: text otpimazition fields removed from attachment
* fixed: missing tooltip texts added
* fixed: changed php code commands to prevent fatal errors on deactivated plugin
* fixed: some multisite errors
* improvement: plugin is working from now on with the plugin 'formidable'

= 1.1.7 =
* New social Sharing button: WhatsApp
* More compatibility with themes that are using bootstrap library
* A few bugs fixed

= 1.1.6 =
* Code cleanup
* Now using ajax calls for image compression to handle sites with a lot of images
* Added to wordpress repository