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=== Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox ===
Contributors: Arevico 
Tags: facebook page plugin, facebook likebox, lightbox, fancybox, social media, facebook popup, share buttons
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.2.4
Stable tag: 3.2

All your visitors should know about your facebook page and tell their friends. With this plugin you can display a preconfigured Facebook Fan Page-Like Box inside a lightbox  (overlay).

== Description ==

All your visitors should know about your facebook page and tell their friends. With this plugin you can display a preconfigured Facebook Fan Page-Like Box inside a lightbox (overlay).


*   Facebook page is needed
*   Display the facebook lightbox onload with or without a delay
*   Limit the lightbox to once every x days per individual visitors
*   Promote your own facebook fanpage
*   No api key needed



* PHP 5 or higher
* Facebook Fanpage or Group
* Javascript enabled

== Screenshots ==

1. The plugin in action.
2. The option page

Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page. Configure the plugin under the menu 'Arevico Settings'.

Navigate to the "Arevico Settings" tab and set your preferences. You will need a facebook fanpage and retrieve it's ID. The plugin does not work with facebook groups or personal profiles.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

**Q. I like the old design better, can I change it back?**

No. The like box is loaded from They have changed their API and the design of the plugin. It is impossible to change this layout back to the previous layout (they deprecated it ).

**Q. The lightbox appears even tough I already like it. How do I fix this?**

We designed the plugin to work on most sites. The reason why we did not include it is, that you'll need a Facebook API Key for it to work. Using a Facebook API key often creates conflict with other social applications. In order to deliver sustainable support , we included that feature in the premium version.

**Q. The lightbox appears to be blank (white), how to fix this?**

A. Make sure that you've inserted the correct Page ID, also make sure that you're website doesn't have any geographical or age restrictions on it. Facebook can only enforce such restrictions if you are logged in. Non-logged in users will therefore be presented with a white likebox (empty).

**Q. The lightbox seems to be scrolling out of screen (extends infinitely)**

A. Make sure that your website has a valid doctype. When in doubt it is recommended to use a HTML5 doctype. Open header.php via your theme editor and make sure that the very first line is  <!DOCTYPE html>.

**Q. What are some good settings?**

A. A delay of 5000-10000 seconds is recomended. This way, the user has read some of  your content. Furtermore, once in 4 or 7 days is also a good option to not annoy repeat visitors.

**Q. Do I need to check don't load fancybox?**

A. Probably not! In most cases you only need to check this if instructed by support (e.g: when a conflict with another sort of lightbox exists).

**Q. I get an error: invalid profile href?**

A. Make sure that you have configured the plugin, inserted your fanpage ID and cleared the cache of any caching plugin you use.

**Q. How do I avoid conflict with other facebook plugins?**

A. Make sure that each plugin uses the same api key. If possible and other social plugins don't need to use xfbml functionality, make sure to load the iframe version. The premium version has a compatibility mode also.

**Q. The lightbox shows, but it is white. It doesn't contain the likebox?**

A. While using facebook as a page, you can't use any social plugins. To do this, please go to and use facebook as a personal account.

**Q. How to obtain my Facebook FanPage ID?**

A. <a href=\"\">**</a> has good instruction on how to get the fanpage id. An tool which uses the graph api to retrieve it automatically, is also included. Make sure it is a number. Also make sure that you're fanpage is published and viewable.

**Q. Does this work with community or other types of facebook pages?**

A. While it hasn't been tested as much as with fanpages, I've seen it work on community pages also. Make sure to try it out and ask for support if it doesn't work so we can debug the issue. 

**Q. It conflict with other social plugins? how can I fix it?**

A. Make sure that other social plugins use the iframe version. If you need the xfbml make sure, that you aways specify the application/api Key and use only one per page!

**Q. I'm getting error: Could not retrieve id for the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.**

A. This plugin only works with facebook Pages(either fan or community), make sure to put in the numeric id of your Facebook Fanpage.

**Q. The close button doesn't appear?.**

A. A lot of plugins and themes don't follow coding standards. For example your theme might have prototype or jquery hardcoded. This is a very serious problem. try to replace your theme's jquery.js or prototye.js file with the latest available version. This is most likely the problem!

**Q. Which browsers are supported?.**

A. All major browser except IE7/IE6. Tested in google chrome, internet explorer 8+ and firefox.

**Q. Lightbox is displayed to far to the right?.**

A. Make sure your theme's css hasn't set the 'position:relative;' attribute to the body element

**Q. The Overlay doesn't dispay or is pushed to the bottom of the page?**

A. This issue can be caused in internet explorer when your theme doesn't have a valid doctype. Set the doctype in your theme or ask the developer/designer to do it and it should work.

**Q. Youtube videos show trough the lightbox?**

A. To fix this issue, set the wmode=transparent parameter to the youtube embed url!

**Q. How to get support?**

A. First, read this F.A.Q. Generally, emails are answered faster than forum threads. Which ever support channel you choose, be sure to include enough details so that we can either see the problem live or reproduce the problem locally.

**Q. I come up with a great feature , what should i do?**

A. email us at .

**Q. Only the general settings appear, style and advanced don't?**

A. That's right, those are part of the premium version. Make sure you remove this version first before installing the premium version.

**Q. Can I not show the plugin for mobile users?**

A. We believe that a responsive theme should be used for mobile users, or a different plugin which handles all that. However, we included this feature in the premium version because lots of people asked for it.

**Q. I'm getting a link asking to 'confirm'my like?**

a. This is caused by facebook (not the plugin) to protect users from like something against their will. Facebook seems to employ this verification against some websites (to my knowledge they don't disclose factors which contribute to that. However, after a undefined period of time, the confirm link will be automatically removed.

== Changelog ==

= Version 2.6.6 =
* New admin UI
* Hide on overlay click

Bugs fixed:
* Display on homepage, custom post-types
* Width and scaling issues

= Version 3.1 =
Updated the plugin for Facebook API v2.3

= Version 2.6.4 =
Reversed assumptions made about dehooking, jQuery scope, refined anti conflict methods (fancybox scope, css specific prefixes etc).

= Version 2.6.1 =
Fixed all lightbox conflicts by giving fancybox it's own, seperate namespace. Fixes issues regarding: close buttons, background colors,etc

= Version 2.5.8 =
Found a bug with the latest jQuery which occurs with some themes. Import update, was missed in the previous one!

= Version 2.5.7 =
Fixes layout bugs of option page, commited box sizing layout issues (theme compatibility)

= Version 2.5.3 =
Added support for archive pages.

= Version 2.5 =
Code maintenance and optimizations. Fixed bug regarding to checkbox options. Fixed phantom options correctly this time. Added link to premium version.

= Version 2.4 =
Fixed z-index issue with twenty ten theme and this plugin. Added link to the premium version of the plugin. Included link to premium version on option page. Small optimizations. Added a few screenshots. 

= Version 2.3 =
Wordpress version compatibility update. Be aware, that your options will be reset!

= Version 2.2 =
Emergency fix

= Version 2.1 =
Fixed scrollbar issue in google chrome

= Version 2.0 =
Full rework of all code. Facebook code has been updated from the old depreciated code to a new iframe code. Has now the option to reliably display on homepage, and any other page in a better way than the old plugin. 

= Version 1.1 =
**Fixed option page bug, deselecting was not possible

= Version 1.0 =
**Initial release**